Nombre lina significado: origen y significado del nombre para niña Lina

Nombre lina significado: origen y significado del nombre para niña Lina

Lina (Nombre) – Significado de Lina








Lina, significado de Lina ¿Qué significa el nombre Lina?

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Significado del nombre Lina

Significado del nombre Lina. Descubre el significado de Lina, su origen y sus características. Tarjeta con imagen de Lina en colores y en tamaño grande. El nombre Lina para imprimir y regalar. ¡Comparte el nombre con familiares y amigos!



Abreviación de nombres como
Adelina, Carolina y Angelina.
De origen ruso.


Es una persona hábil en los aspectos
laborales y financieros; es audaz
e impulsiva. Prima en ella la audacia
para acometer sus ideales. 


Es apasionada, temperamental y

Significado del nombre Lina

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Significado del nombre Lina, origen y características.

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. Nombre para bebé: Lina –

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Lina – Nombre para bebé, Lina

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Lina – Nombre Lina de bebé, para imprimir

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Descubre el significado del nombre Lina

Aquí encontrarás más de 2600 nombres con su significado, origen, características, el día del santo y las personas célebres que llevan el mismo nombre. Si estás buscando un nombre para tu bebé, puedes consultar por orden alfabético los nombres que más te gusten. Hay listados de los nombres más populares, de nombres originales femeninos y masculinos.

¿Buscas el origen del nombre Lina?

Este es el lugar ideal para buscar el origen de un nombre, encontrarás nombres de origen bíblico, nombres de origen griego, latino, germano y con raíces de varios países y culturas. También relacionados con la mitología, los santos, el universo, la naturaleza y valores espirituales.

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Buscador de nombres por orden alfabético:


El nombre propio es la denominación verbal de una persona para distinguirla de otra. La palabra ¨nombre¨ viene del latín: nomen. La Onomástica que significa ¨el arte de nombrar¨ según la Real Academia Española, es el estudio y catalogación de los nombres propios. Estudia también el origen y la procedencia de los nombres de familia, que pueden derivar del nombre de los padres o ascendientes (patronímicos) o también provenir de lugares (topónimos).

Encuentra los nombres de todos tus conocidos por orden alfabético. A veces se llama a los hijos e hijas con el nombre de sus padres, madres, abuelos y abuelas, también puede ser que el nombre lo hayan usado durante muchas generaciones a modo de tradición, de esta manera tiene un alto valor simbólico para la familia y para la persona que lo lleva, a quien le otorga una fuerte identidad y pertenencia. Otros padres optan por llamar a sus hijos e hijas con nombres bien diferentes y originales para que puedan diferenciarse y no tener el peso de seguir ciertas tradiciones, si así lo desean.

Significado del nombre Lina, Imágenes de Lina, Tarjetas de Lina

Nombres de origen bíblico

Son los nombres que provienen de la Biblia, del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se trata de nombres que eligen en su mayoría familias de tradición cristiana, muchas veces se tiene en cuenta la fecha del santoral en que nace un bebé, y se lo llama con el nombre del Santo del día.

Nombres de origen griego

Muchos de los nombres que existen son de origen griego, a veces están relacionados con héroes y dioses de la mitología, que llamaron la atención por su belleza, valor o ejemplo. Grecia ha tenido una gran influencia en los nombres del mundo occidental.

Frases relacionadas con esta página:

Nombre Lina

Significado de Lina

Origen del nombre Lina

significado del nombre Lina

Nombre para bebé Lina

Diccionario de nombres

Nombre propio Lina

El nombre Lina

Origen de mi nombre Lina

Lina significado

Qué significa el nombre Lina

Qué significa Lina

Significado de nombre Lina

Lina, significado del nombre

Día del santo de Lina

Características del nombre Lina

Significado de Lina y su origen »【Nombre Actualizado】

Actualizado el 04/02/2020 por John Dela

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 3 minutos

Lina es una mujer muy particular, el significado de Lina y su origen nos puede contar mucho acerca de su personalidad. No te pierdas el significado de Lina y el origen de este nombre a continuación.

Indice del contenido

  • 1 Significado del nombre Lina y su origen
  • 2 Significado de Lina en el amor
  • 3 Significado de Lina en el estudio
  • 4 Significado de Lina en el trabajo
  • 5 Significado de Lina en la familia
  • 6 Diminutivos de Lina
  • 7 Santoral de Lina
  • 8 Numerología de Lina

Significado del nombre Lina y su origen

Nombre Lina

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Lina es un nombre femenino de origen griego, deriva del Lino o Linos. En cuanto a su significado este sería “hilo de vida” o “vida”. Este hace referencia al hilo de la vida que según la mitología griega era cortado por un ser cuando las personas morían. A continuación veremos más acerca de la personalidad de Lina.

Lina es una mujer creativa, soñadora, aunque sobre todo es independiente.  Además Lina se caracteriza por ser seductora y un poco ambiciosa. Es extrovertida, alegre y muy comunicativa, de pensamiento optimista sabe afrontar

Significado de Lina en el amor

Lina en el amor es de esas chicas que seducen al hombre que les gusta.  Ellas van a por lo que quieren y aunque son independientes, quieren encontrar el amor. Igualmente sucede esto con la familia. Es parte esencial de su vida, aunque Lina intenta no apegarse demasiado.

En cuanto a la pareja ideal para Lina, ella es particularmente exigente. Ella necesita estar con hombre al que admire, por su forma de ser y de pensar. Ella quiere a alguien libre como ella, a alguien con aspiraciones, seguro de sí mismo. Si algo odian es a un chico inseguro, dependiente y depresivo, definitivamente no es alguien con quien quisieran estar.

Significado de Lina en el estudio

En el estudio Lina puede ser algo dispersa al principio por lo que no tendrá el mejor desempeño escolar. Además es importante mencionar que es una mujer muy social. Quizás sean ellos los que la motiven a mejorar cada día en el ámbito académico.

Su pareja y su familia son también apoyos importantes para impulsarla, aunque ella intente independizarse desde joven. Ellos la ayudarán a centrarse y a encontrar sus metas en el estudio. Ella necesita saber que quiere en su vida, y que le interesa en el ámbito laboral, para darle más importancia al ámbito académico.

Significado de Lina en el trabajo

Las mujeres de nombre Lina tienen amplios intereses en el ámbito laboral. Ellas podrían interesarse en cualquier carrera en la que destaque por su belleza o su gran capacidad comunicativa.

Cualquier chica de nombre Lina se verá más que interesada en profesiones en donde sea requerida su creatividad. Algunas de estas carreras son el arte, la estética, decoración de espacios, diseños y costura entre otras similares.

Las chicas de nombre Lina también pueden manejar puestos en los que tengan grandes responsabilidades y dirijan a otras personas. Incluso son capaces de fundar sus propias empresas o simplemente trabajar en profesiones independientes.

Significado de Lina en la familia

Para Lina es importante la vida familiar y sentimental, es parte esencial de su vida y le da fuerzas para alcanzar sus objetivos. Su vida sentimental y familiar es primordial para el equilibrio en su vida.

Lina ama a su familia, y aunque es muy individualista se muestra protectora con sus familiares. Ella no ve formar una familia en su futuro. Para ella formar su propio hogar sería solo ella con un esposo. Aunque tampoco le interesa demasiado la idea del matrimonio.

Diminutivos de Lina

Lina es un nombre sumamente corto por lo que no tiene demasiados diminutivos. El diminutivo más común del nombre Lina es “Lin”.

Santoral de Lina

El día de celebración del santo de Lina se celebra el día 5 del mes de Julio.

Numerología de Lina

El número que se asocia al carácter de Lina es el 3. Es una mujer extrovertida, alegre y de pensamiento optimista. Lina también tiene gran habilidad comunicativa y mucha sociabilidad. Es además muy expresiva, imaginativa, artística y soñadora.

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Buscar significado:

John Dela

Webmaster y autor principal de ElSignificadoDe.Net. En este blog pretendo resolver todas tus dudas sobre el significado de los sueños, nombres, apellidos y definiciones entre otros. Investigando siempre en fuentes confiables como Wikipedia, la Real Academia Española y libros antiguos de psicología y literatura. Si quieres contactar conmigo o conocerme un poco mas, te invito a conocerme haciendo clic arriba sobre mi nombre.

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The value of the name Lina

Names for the letter

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Short form of Lin. Linka, Linusha, Link, Linochek, Linusya, Linusik, Linochka, Lynchik, Linuccia, Linetta, Lino, Line.
Synonyms for the name Lina. Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Paulina, Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Vasilina, Elina, Akulina, Kapitolina, Adeline, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Amalia.
Origin of the name Lina. The name Lina is Russian, German, Greek.

The name Lina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Lina has Greek roots and comes from the name Linos (Lin), which was worn by the founder of the city of Linos – Lin, the son of Apollo (Greek mythology), which can be translated as “flax” (“linum”). Also translated from Greek, the name Lina means “sad news.” The New Testament mentions Lin, a Christian from Rome, an associate of the Apostle Paul. There is a possibility that the female name Lina is a derivative of the male name Lin.

According to the second version, the name Lina in Latin means “siren”. That is what the inhabitants called these half-woman-half-birds with beautiful enchanting voices.

It is also known that after the end of the First World War, when the international peacekeeping council League of Nations was formed, many revolutionary-minded Soviet citizens called their daughters Lina – from the first letters “League of Nations”.

Very often in Europe the name Lina is pronounced as Laina or Liana, Line or Lynetta. It is possible that these are separate independent names, and Lina is one of the options for addressing.

Lina’s name has different translations in different languages. So in Arabic, the name Lina will be translated as “beautiful as a palm tree” or “tender”, in Denmark – “pure”, in Greece they can also be translated as “Greek” (derived from “eline”), in Italy – “sunshine” .

In modern times, the name Lina is used as an independent name, but continues to be used as a diminutive and affectionate appeal to many female names, not only ending in “-lina”: Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Nikolina (Nicole), Pavlina (Paulina ), Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Khorkhelina (Georgina, Dahlia), Vitalina, Vasilina, Rusalina, Elina, Akulina, Evangelina, Kapitolina, Ralina, Miguelina (Michelle), Angelina, Adeline and others. But it is also an appeal to the names – Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Liliana, Eliana, Ursulina, Zalina, Ilina, Amalia, Jacqueline, Uliana and many other names.

The name Lin is not listed in either Orthodox or Catholic calendars, although the male name Lin is present. Name days for the name Lina – see the corresponding full name.

Lina is a very sociable and interesting girl. Among her peers, she is always distinguished by activity. A receptive and kind nature is hidden behind a strong and strong-willed appearance, but Lina is not easy to convince of anything.

She often quarrels with her parents. The character traits of a girl contribute to the fact that she often finds herself in various difficult situations. Lina is successful with the opposite sex. Purposefulness helps her in her studies at the institute.

Lina’s work should not force her into a rigid framework. Hard work is not for her. As a specialty, this girl usually chooses such professions as an artist, sculptor or doctor. In her work, she is always smart and tidy.

Such qualities as an analytical mindset, curiosity, and an excellent memory help her achieve goals in life. Emotionality, bias and irascibility often interfere with Lina and spoil the attitude of others towards her. The girl tries to restrain her negative emotions and not show resentment. Over time, she becomes irritable.

Only close friends know how vulnerable Lina is. She is always ready to help. From the outside, she gives the impression of an imperious and independent woman, to whom it is almost impossible to find an approach.

Lina’s family life is going well. She is a loving wife, a caring mother and a good housewife. Lina welcomes guests with pleasure. Tries to keep the house clean. Often she has two children – a boy and a girl. Their stubbornness often haunts Lina.

Outwardly, Lina looks more like her father, but in character she went to her mother. Thanks to her hard work, she can achieve a lot in life. A girl’s intuition always tells her when they are trying to deceive her. Lina always tries to treat people well, makes contact with everyone. She is direct in conversation with the interlocutor. If something does not suit her, she is always able to express specific claims. Every action she takes is deliberate.

She likes to be in company. Always behaves uninhibitedly. The girl dances well, knows how to sing, can make guests laugh. Lina enjoys visiting.

Lina, born in winter, has a poorly developed sense of humor. She may be offended for no apparent reason. Celebrating her birthday in the summer, Lina is kind, inoffensive, and always compromises. Can dedicate his life to faith. “Autumn” Lina is prudent, has a good imagination. She will do well in a leadership position. Traveling is one of her main hobbies.

“Winter” Lina likes to feel power over others. She tries to subjugate people by any means. Each of her actions should bring results. She does everything thoughtfully. She demonstrates perseverance and discipline in her work.

If necessary, the owner of this name knows how to adapt to the situation, attract attention and win sympathy. Thanks to her talent and professional success, she is quickly moving up the career ladder. In any profession chosen by Lina, she will achieve good results.

Lina is practical and frugal. She always tries to keep her sanity, although she does not succeed in every situation. When communicating with loved ones, she tries to make concessions. Lina avoids rude communication, by any means she tries to get around impasses. In the team, she shows leadership qualities. She shows ingenuity, is able to induce people to action. Lina knows how to enjoy life and appreciate the experience gained.

Lina’s name day

Lina does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Lina

  • Lina Wertmüller ((born 1926) Italian film director, screenwriter and playwright)
  • Lina Cavalieri ((1874 – 1944) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Lina Krasnorutskaya ((born 1984) former Russian professional tennis player, 2003 US Open mixed doubles finalist)
  • Lina Kostenko ((born 1930) Ukrainian writer, poet)
  • Lina Medina ((born 1933) the youngest mother in medical history)
  • Lina Vorobyova (Yovin) ((born 1975) bard-folk singer, minstrel, leader of the Rosa Alba group)
  • Lina Braknite ((born 1952) actress of Soviet cinema)
  • Lina Kachushite ((born 1963) Lithuanian athlete)
  • Lina Stern ((1878 – 1968) Soviet biochemist, physiologist)
  • Lina Ivanova (actress of the State Film Actor Theater, dubbing actress)
  • Lina Kurdyukova (teacher, specialist in animation pedagogy)
  • Lina Cederberg (Swedish fashion model)
  • Lina Romey (Romay) ((born 1954) real name – Rosa Maria Almirall Martinez; Spanish actress)

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Discussion of the description of the name Lina

Lina (guest)

Added on 10/06/2022 at 19:12

Almost everything matches.

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Lina (guest)

Added on 07/08/2022 04:19 PM

Everything coincided!

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Lina (guest)

Added on 02/15/2022 at 21:03

Everything matches. I am 67 years old.

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Lina (guest)

Added on 02/12/2022 at 10:55 PM

Most of them match!

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Lina (guest)

Added on 01/31/2022 at 21:53

Very much coincides.

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Name Lina: meaning, origin, character and destiny

Name Lina: meaning, origin, character and destiny: Unsplash/Invadingkingdom

names. It has a long origin and is filled with strong energy. How this name affects the character and fate of its owner is explained not only by esotericism, but also by scientists Boris Khigir, Gasan Mirzoev, Pavel Florensky.

Origin and energy of the name Lina

The name Lina was popular in the second half of the last century, now girls are rarely called that way. What is Lina’s full name? This name exists in such a form as an independent one. The author of the “Dictionary-Reference Book of Russian Personal Names” Ilya Melnikov mentions it as an abbreviation for Akulin, Kapitolin. It is often used as an affectionate and abbreviated from many other full-sounding names: Evelina, Carolina, Galina, Polina, Angelina, etc.

Origin of the name Lina

Origins of the name Lina in the mythology of ancient civilizations. This is the female version of the name of the son of the Greek god Apollo Linos, the founder of the Lin family. It entered the Orthodox calendar as a male name, and in the Catholic calendar it almost sounds like Linus.

In Roman mythology, sirens were called linas, fabulous half-woman half-birds with captivating voices. The name Lina spread in Europe, known in many countries:

  • In France it sounds like Linette.
  • In Spain – Lina.
  • In Italy – Lino.

What does the name Lina mean? The name has become international, in translation from different languages ​​it has an attractive meaning in most cases:

  • in Italy means ‘sunshine’;
  • in Denmark – ‘clean’;
  • in the Arab world – ‘beautiful as a palm tree’, ‘tender’;
  • in Greece Lina is simply ‘Greek woman’, from the ancient name of the Greeks Hellenes.

In ancient Greek, the name also meant ‘sad news’.

Energetics named after Lin

Candidate of cultural studies, Professor Hasan Mirzoev admits that the names contain a certain energy that affects the development of the individual. He believes that this is the “assembly point” of the entire structure of self-identification. Anna Volkova, the author of the Book of Names, says this in her own way: a name is the matrix of a person.

According to the accumulated observations, the name Lina gives its owners a certain potential. Usually it is calmness, friendliness, sociability and optimism. They result in the main advantage of all Lin – the ability to find a common language with others. At the same time, looseness, sociability allow you to find an approach to everyone, it is easy to make new acquaintances.

Lina’s energy endows its owners with directness and independence. Lines differ in that they do not tolerate restrictions. Because of their sincerity, they often get themselves in trouble, but they rarely learn from such mistakes.

The name Lina carries a secret – vulnerability, painful attitude to injections and reproaches of others. These women try to create the impression of being strong and powerful, but this rarely corresponds to their inner state.

The power of a name over a person is not fatal. Professor Boris Khigir, author of the book “The Secret of the Name”, claims that a person, in addition to the name matrix, is given many opportunities for self-development.

Lina Cavalieri – singer, star of a beautiful era: Wikimedia

Famous personalities named Lina

There are many famous creative personalities among the owners of the name Lina:

  • Lina Vorobieva – bard-folk performer, leader of the Rosa Alba group.
  • Lina Kostenko – poet, writer of the sixties.
  • Lina Wertmüller is an Italian film director and screenwriter.
  • Lina Cavalieri is a Belle Epoque star known for her exceptional beauty.
  • Lina Romey is a Hollywood actress.
  • Lina Kurdyukova is a film education teacher.

These women have become famous in their fields. Perhaps their creative self-realization was facilitated by the potential inherent in the name.

How the name Lina affects character and destiny

The energy and potential of a name can significantly affect the formation of a person’s character, and character is destiny. The famous scientist, philosopher and theologian Pavel Florensky argued that the name directs life in a certain direction.

The main character traits of the owners of the name Lina

What is the character of a girl named Lina? Usually this is an active, inquisitive, pleasant and kind child. But from a young age, she shows strong-willed qualities. If little Lina has her own opinion, she does not hear other arguments, it is difficult to convince her.

Studying is easy for a girl, everything new pleases her, she is equally successful in the humanities and the exact sciences. At the same time, creative inclinations are manifested. This is facilitated by accuracy and perseverance. In general, Lina most often try to be the right girls.

Lina’s health is not very good, her weak point is her nervous system. She is prone to excessive inner feelings, hard going through disagreements with loved ones, but playing sports usually helps to get rid of these problems.

Girl Lina learns easily: Pixabay

Adult woman Lina is distinguished by punctuality and accuracy, her creative nature is manifested in everything. Usually these ladies have an analytical mindset, they have an excellent memory. Hard work helps to achieve a lot in life and profession. In choosing a profession, Lina focuses on one that will help realize her feminine side.

Lina doesn’t like the restrictions that work imposes, the monotony irritates her. If the occupation does not bring pleasure, she is ready to change it, despite financial stability. These women usually do not have a desire for leadership.

What fate does Lina’s name predict?

As observed by observers, personal happiness does not come to Lina immediately. In her youth, thanks to her sociability and friendliness, she gains many fans, but does not strive for unstable and unpromising youthful relationships. Lina avoids fleeting novels, her dream is a stable relationship and a happy marriage, she tends to foresee everything and soberly evaluate everything. As a husband, Lina chooses a strong, reliable, caring man.

Sensual and temperamental Lenas usually become good and desirable spouses. A strong family does not come to them as a gift of fate, it is necessary to work diligently on its creation.

Lina is a responsible and caring mother: Pixabay

Lina approaches motherhood very seriously and responsibly. Often a strict and demanding mother, she pays a lot of attention to the progress and education of her children. But usually he loves them so much that he can pamper them.

Lina’s creative inclinations and talents are revealed in her profession. Women with this name achieve success in the field of philology, history, and also in medicine.

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