Nombre marcelo significado: Nombre Marcelo II➤ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?

Nombre marcelo significado: Nombre Marcelo II➤ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?

Nombre Marcelo II➤ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?



¿Sabías que los nombres tienen significado? Todos encierran una historia, un origen en particular, y nacieron de ideas, sentimientos y costumbres de diversas culturas a lo largo de los siglos. Para que puedas saber qué acepción tiene el tuyo y muchos otros más, hemos creado una selección con toda la información que necesitas. Te ayudará también a elegir el nombre de un pequeño o pequeña por nacer. Conoce en este caso que quiere decir Marcelo.

Origen Latín.
Significado “Como un martillo”.
Tipo Nombre propio masculino. El femenino es Marcela.
Fecha de santoral Es el 30 de octubre en honor a San Marcelo mártir.

Etimología del nombre Marcelo:


Es un nombre que proviene de Marcellus que en latín quiere decir como un martillo. También podría derivar de Marcus, un nombre de pila originado en el dios Marte, la divinidad de la guerra.



Marcellus en romano antiguo, Marztel en vasco, Marcel en catalán, Marcel en checo, Marcel en holandés, Marzell en alemán, Marcel en húngaro, Marcello en italiano, Marceli en polaco, Marcel en rumano y Marcel en eslovaco.


Personas famosas llamadas Marcelo:

  • Marcello Mastroiani

    • Actor italiano: nació en 1924 en Fontana Lir, en el Lacio, Italian y murió en 1996 en París, Francia. Desarrolló su carrera en el cine y es considerado como la estrella más grande de su país de todos los tiempos. Actuó en clásicos como La Dolce Vita y 8 ½, ambas bajo la dirección de Federico Fellini, Divorcio al estilo italiano de 1961, Un día especial de 1977 en la que actuó con Sophia Loren y Todo el mundo está bien de 1990, entre otras. Recibió numerosos reconocimientos como los Premios BAFTA, Premios al Mejor Actor en los Festivales de Cine de Venecia y Cannes, dos Globos de Oro y tres nominaciones al Oscar.
  • Marcelo Tinelli

    • Productor de televisión argentino: nació en 1960 en San Carlos de Bolívar, en Argentina. Es locutor, presentador de televisión, productor y empresario. Es más conocido por ser el anfitrión de shows populares como ShowMatch que actualmente se emite en el Canal 13 en su país. Como un famoso fanático del Club San Lorenzo de Almagro, en 2019 se convirtió en su presidente tras ganar las elecciones con más del 80% de los votos. También es presidente de la Liga Profesional de Fútbol, que dirige y organiza los campeonatos de Primera División.
  • Marcello Dudovich

    • Pintor e ilustrador italiano: nació en 1978 en Trieste y murió en 1962 en Milán. Era pintor, diseñador de carteles e ilustrador. Se lo considera una de las figuras más importantes del diseño italiano. Comenzó a trabajar como litógrafo e ilustrador de arte publicitario junto a su padre. Diseño carteles por los que se hizo famoso como el Mele di Napoli y Borsalino. También creó carteles para los grandes almacenes de Milán llamados La Rinascente en 1920. A esto se suma un cartel destacado para Pirelli en 1930. Después de las Segunda Guerra Mundial se alejó de lo publicitario y se dedicó a la pintura.


Características generales de las personas más famosas llamadas Marcelo:

Se trata de hombres creativos, que además saben identificar una buena oportunidad y hacer algo provechoso de esta. No le temen a intentar algo nuevo, y saben volver a levantarse si las cosas salen mal. Aprenden pronto y vuelven a intentarlo para alcanzar el éxito.

Nombre Marcelo – Significado y origen del nombre Marcelo









Marcelo, significado de Marcelo ¿Qué significa el nombre Marcelo?

  1. Significado de nombres
  2. Marcelo

Significado del nombre Marcelo

Nombre Marcelo. Significado de Marcelo, origen y características. Tarjeta de Marcelo en colores y en tamaño grande. El nombre Marcelo para enviar o compartir por Whatsapp o Facebook.



Proviene de “mar” y “cielo”.
De origen latino.


Es comunicativo, observador y responsable.
Le gusta rodearse de amistades y pone
mucho entusiasmo en todas las
actividades que realiza.


Es leal y afectuoso.


16 de Enero (San Marcelo).

Personas célebres:

Marcello Benedetto (compositor).
Marcel Breuer (arquitecto y diseñador).
Marcel Proust (escritor).

Conocidos y famosos:

Marcello Mastroianni (actor).
Marcelo Tinelli (conductor de TV).
Marcelo Araujo (conductor y comentarista).

Significado de Marcelo

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Origen y significado de los nombres para niños y niñas. También para todas las edades.

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Significado del nombre Marcelo, origen y características.

¿Qué significa mi nombre?

Marcelo – Nombre Marcelo
. Nombre para bebé: Marcelo –

¿Cuál es el significado de Marcelo?

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  1. Significado de Marcelo.
  2. Tarjetón del significado.
  3. Diseños de Marcelo.
  4. Más tarjetas con Marcelo.

Nombres de mujer,
nombres de varón.
Nombres para bebés,
nombres de niña,
nombres de niño.

Marcelo – Tarjeta con imagen de Marcelo para feliz cumpleaños

Nombre Marcelo. Significado y origen del nombre Marcelo para imprimir y encuadrar. ¡También lo puedes regalar o enviar por eMail!

Marcelo – Marcelo – Nombre para bebé

Nombres para bebés o para niños. Busca el de tus hijos o sobrinos, e impríme. También envíalos por eMail.

Marcelo – Nombre Marcelo para imprimir carteles

Tu nombre para agendas o para el cuarto. También tu inicial o la de tus amigos para imprimir o enviar por eMail.

Diccionario de nombres propios para descubrir el significado de los nombres, sus características y orígenes.

Marcelo – Nombre Marcelo de bebé, para imprimir

Nombre Marcelo para cuartos infantiles, maternidades, o cumpleaños. Para imprimir, regalar y enviar por email.

Marcelo – Nombre Marcelo para stickers

Nombre Marcelo para imprimir en cartulina o en papel autoadhesivo. También puedes enviarlos por email.

Origen del nombre Marcelo, significado de Marcelo.

El nombre Marcelo para compartir, enviar e imprimir.
Imágenes del nombre Marcelo para regalar, encuadrar o decorar habitaciones.
Stickers del nombre Marcelo para imprimir en papel adhesivo y personalizar tus cuadernos, agendas y planners.

Descubre el significado del nombre Marcelo

Aquí encontrarás más de 2600 nombres con su significado, origen, características, el día del santo y las personas célebres que llevan el mismo nombre. Si estás buscando un nombre para tu bebé, puedes consultar por orden alfabético los nombres que más te gusten. Hay listados de los nombres más populares, de nombres originales femeninos y masculinos.

¿Buscas el origen del nombre Marcelo?

Este es el lugar ideal para buscar el origen de un nombre, encontrarás nombres de origen bíblico, nombres de origen griego, latino, germano y con raíces de varios países y culturas. También relacionados con la mitología, los santos, el universo, la naturaleza y valores espirituales.

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Cómo personalizar, enviar y compartir el nombre Marcelo

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Buscador de nombres por orden alfabético:


El nombre propio es la denominación verbal de una persona para distinguirla de otra. La palabra ¨nombre¨ viene del latín: nomen. La Onomástica que significa ¨el arte de nombrar¨ según la Real Academia Española, es el estudio y catalogación de los nombres propios. Estudia también el origen y la procedencia de los nombres de familia, que pueden derivar del nombre de los padres o ascendientes (patronímicos) o también provenir de lugares (topónimos).

Encuentra los nombres de todos tus conocidos por orden alfabético. A veces se llama a los hijos e hijas con el nombre de sus padres, madres, abuelos y abuelas, también puede ser que el nombre lo hayan usado durante muchas generaciones a modo de tradición, de esta manera tiene un alto valor simbólico para la familia y para la persona que lo lleva, a quien le otorga una fuerte identidad y pertenencia. Otros padres optan por llamar a sus hijos e hijas con nombres bien diferentes y originales para que puedan diferenciarse y no tener el peso de seguir ciertas tradiciones, si así lo desean.

Significado del nombre Marcelo, Imágenes de Marcelo, Tarjetas de Marcelo

Nombres de origen bíblico

Son los nombres que provienen de la Biblia, del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se trata de nombres que eligen en su mayoría familias de tradición cristiana, muchas veces se tiene en cuenta la fecha del santoral en que nace un bebé, y se lo llama con el nombre del Santo del día.

Nombres de origen griego

Muchos de los nombres que existen son de origen griego, a veces están relacionados con héroes y dioses de la mitología, que llamaron la atención por su belleza, valor o ejemplo. Grecia ha tenido una gran influencia en los nombres del mundo occidental.

Frases relacionadas con esta página:

Nombre Marcelo

Significado de Marcelo

Origen del nombre Marcelo

significado del nombre Marcelo

Nombre para bebé Marcelo

Diccionario de nombres

Nombre propio Marcelo

El nombre Marcelo

Origen de mi nombre Marcelo

Marcelo significado

Qué significa el nombre Marcelo

Qué significa Marcelo

Significado de nombre Marcelo

Marcelo, significado del nombre

Día del santo de Marcelo

Características del nombre Marcelo

The name Marcelo: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Marcelo mean? What does the name Marcelo mean? What does the name Marcelo mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Marcelo, the origin, fate and nature of the carrier? What nationality is the name Marcelo? What is the translation of the name Marcelo? What is the correct spelling of the name Marcelo? Compatibility with the name Marcelo – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Marcelo and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Marcelo

The name Marcelo consists of 7 letters. The seven letters in the name are the people of the canon. They unconditionally accept the rules inspired in the process of upbringing and sincerely believe that their strict observance is the only possible path to happiness. Therefore, they often show stubbornness and intolerance, even in cases where this is not logically justified. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Marcelo, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • M – shy, like to help others, do not accept the barbaric attitude to nature, struggle with the thirst to become the “center of the universe.” The desire to find a rational explanation for everything. Stubbornness under the guise of complacency and even internal rigidity.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • R – resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • C – strive to achieve material stability, have common sense; irritable, power-hungry, can be capricious. Knowledge, the desire to bring any matter to the end, the ability to get to the bottom of the truth. They understand their life purpose. Ability to adapt to circumstances.
  • E – self-expression, desire for the exchange of experience. They act as a mediator in conflicts. Perceptive, understand the world of secrets. Chatty. A strong love of travel, in life such people can often change their place of residence, restless.
  • L — subtly perceive beauty. Softness of character, the ability to pick up the key to everyone at the right time. Possess artistry and artistic mindset. Willingness to share experience. They do not waste their lives senselessly, they are looking for the true purpose. In the worst case, narcissism, dissatisfaction with others.
  • O – strive for self-knowledge, capable of experiencing strong feelings. They want to know their true purpose. The desire to improve and improve the world. High intuition, properly manage money. The pursuit of excellence. Change of mood from delight to despondency.
  • The meaning of the name Marcelo in numerology

    The numerology of the name Marcelo can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Marcelo in numerology is 6. The motto of the name Marcelo and sixes in life is: “I am a fighter for justice!”

    • The patron planet for the name Marcelo is Venus.
    • The zodiac sign for the name Marcelo is Taurus and Libra.
    • Marcelo Name Stones – apache, red ironstone, carnelian, cat’s eye, citrine, glass, jasper, labradorite, marble, moldavite, onyx, peridot, green sapphire, star sapphire, green tourmaline.

    “Six” among the numbers of the numerological core is self-denial, bordering on sacrifice, it is a willingness to serve as a priest to a deity, it is devotion, fidelity and honesty, characteristic of the knights of bygone times and followers of Mother Teresa.
    “Six” in the numbers of the name – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance – this is the ability to be faithful to the end, regardless of any circumstances. This is a gift of sympathy and understanding, manifested even in relation to unfamiliar people.
    People named Marcelo and with name number 6 love to be the center of attention, often arrogant and selfish. They usually show concern for others only if it brings them moral satisfaction from their act. There are many people of this number in show business and other public professions.
    Number Six is ​​always in search of peace, balance and harmony. A closed number is perceived as a secretive person, it is difficult for others to understand him. Sixes can be spiritually oriented, or immersed in the material world. The number Six gives innate intelligence, all his life he is engaged in self-development and self-improvement. This is a born judge with a keen sense of justice. Often Sixes with the name Marcelo have an aesthetic taste, good cooks. From classes, art and music are very suitable for her. A sense of justice often takes precedence over practicality. The best cure for all problems for the Six is ​​sports and an active lifestyle. Able to write and speak beautifully.

    • Marcelo’s influence on the profession and career. What does the number 6 mean when choosing an occupation? For self-realization in professional terms, there are many options. Suitable professions: work related to the enforcement of the law, the judiciary, charity.
    • The impact of the name Marcelo on personal life. The number 6 in numerology means a clear predisposition to long-term stable relationships within the framework of marriage. Despite this, the personal life of people of this vibration is not always successful. And in four cases out of five, the first experience of intimacy with a member of the opposite sex is especially painful. The reason is obvious: there will always be those who want to use the sincere feeling of a kind and naive person to their advantage. Sixes with the name Marcelo love harmony and know how to sympathize with others, so it’s easy for them to get along with almost everyone. Ideal partners for people with the number 6 will be sixes (the union will turn out to be very harmonious), ones, threes, fours and nines.

    Marcelo patron planet

    The number 6 for the name Marcelo means the planet Venus. It is quite natural that representatives of the name Marcelo with this type are sensual and loving, since Venus is their patron planet. They are so charming that it helps them in very difficult life situations, when it is necessary to show firmness of character and resourcefulness of mind, i.e. qualities that these people do not possess by nature. The owners of the Marcelo name love everything beautiful, sublime. Often achieve recognition in a particular area of ​​art. They always have enough money for their favorite activities, as they are often married to wealthy people. Outwardly, the owners of the name Marcelo are very attractive people, they have exquisite taste. They love the weight of the beautiful, but are often arrogant. Often keep up with the times, receptive to everything new. If they are faced with a specific task, they are able to show extraordinary diligence. But most of all, the bearers of the name Marcelo love to indulge in relaxation with their soul and body. The character is peaceful and accommodating. Can get along with any of the nine types.

    Signs of the zodiac named after Marcelo

    The following signs of the zodiac are suitable for the name Marcelo:

  • Zodiac sign Taurus for the name Marcelo. By nature, Taurus Marcelo is silent, keeps a lot in himself, knows how to think soberly, is intuitive and has powerful willpower. While Taurus, the owner of the name Marcelo, is calm, demonstrates gentleness, patience. If you hit a man with the name Marcelo to the quick, it explodes easily. Marcelo Taurus does not like outside pressure, takes offense for a long time. People with the name Marcelo are absolutely sure that they are special, they know everything better than anyone and they simply have to explain to you why you are wrong and in what aspects. The main difference from Aries is that they know how to admit they are wrong. Then even the owners of the name Marcelo will thank you that you opened their eyes to the truth. Taurus is monogamous and very trusting, therefore it is often deceived in people and even more often disappointed in them.
  • Zodiac sign Libra for the name Marcelo. Marcelo Libra loves to be praised but cannot stand criticism. The owners of the Marcelo name rarely show originality, try not to take on too much responsibility. But because of the duality of nature, they can go to extremes: either they work in the sweat of their brow and rush into the midst of noisy companies, or they close in on themselves, give up and fall into melancholy. Libra named Marcelo love comfort and beauty, do not mind unwinding in the company of the opposite sex. They are absolutely on the side of everything worldly – in Libra’s head there is music, art, talk about the eternal with a glass of wine and sex under the stars. And in the apartment – a constant mess, which even cleaning companies do not undertake to clean up. Libra noble walkers to the left, and manage to get out of the situation, even when caught red-handed: “Honey, I fucked with her, and I make love with you. ” Not everyone can remove noodles in such quantities from their ears.
  • Color of Marcelo name

    Blue color of Marcelo name. People with the name Marcelo, wearing blue, are true friends, they will always come to the rescue, sympathizing and listening, but you won’t be able to wait for real actions and money from them. The fact is that the meaning of the blue color for the name Marcelo is such that its owner cannot do otherwise – this is inherent in nature, and you cannot argue with it. By the way, very often, due to their inaction, the owners of the Marcelo name cannot find a tolerant employer, therefore they do not stay in one workplace for a long time, although they are loved and respected in the team – they have many friends among former colleagues. Positive character traits of the name Marcelo are sociability and loyalty. Negative character traits for the name Marcelo are laziness and irresponsibility.

    How to spell the name Marcelo

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is Marcelo. In English, the name Marcelo can have the following spelling – Marselo.

    Video meaning of the name Marcelo

    Do you agree with the description and meaning of the name Marcelo? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Marcelo have? What famous and successful people with the name Marcelo do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the Marcelo name in more detail with the visitors of our site in the comments below.

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    Names that start with the letter M mean boy and girl with meaning.

    Perhaps this is one of the letters that can give you more examples of names. Because if we think of names with the letter M, surely in a matter of seconds you already have several examples in your head. You can find them shorter or a little longer, resonant and classic, which we all know, but do not forget.

    Names with the letter M have become another top pick. But it is true that if you do not yet know which one to choose, we offer a wide list. But not only that, but also information such as its meaning and origin. Because in this way, all your doubts will undoubtedly be dispelled. Can we start?

    Names with the letter M for girls

    Girls are lucky to have famous names , but always with a beauty that goes beyond these letters and is usually always reflected in the meanings. It’s true that you’ll love the full selection here so you can get inspired and choose the one your daughter will wear.

    • Macarena : A very Andalusian name, but it is also said to come from Greek and can be translated as “happy or blessed”.
    • Magdalena : This name comes from Hebrew, but its meaning as such is not known. It is said to hail from the region of Magdala and is sometimes translated as tower.
    • Marina : We know it is of Latin origin and as its own name indicates it means “born of the sea”.
    • Maria : The classic name par excellence, but it never goes out of style. It is of Hebrew origin and means “exalted lady”.
    • Margarita : Its origin is Greek and its meaning is “pearl”.
    • marten : Hebrew origin meaning “lady and daughter”.
    • Mencia : There is also Mencia, without accent. In this case, we will speak of a Spanish origin with the meaning “la benign”. But if we go back to Mencía with the tilde, then we have to make it clear that the origins are not clear, but it means victory.
    • Melania : This name is of Greek origin and means “Dark”.
    • Melisa : May also be displayed with double “s”. Its origin is Greek and its meaning is honey or bee.
    • Mercedes : It is of Latin origin and means we stay with the “Liberator”.
    • Miriam : Its origin is Hebrew, although its meaning is not very clear, but is said to be “outstanding”.
    • Monika : Another of the most famous names, but it is always relevant. The origin is Greek and translates as “the only, unique.”
    • Montserrat : of Catalan origin, meaning sawn mountain. This is because of the shape of Montserrat mountain.

    Boys’ names with M

    But if they’re lucky with all the M names for girls , kids can also count on this bilabial consonant in their names. The options also range from some that we all know to others that seem a little less familiar to us but are becoming very important lately. The perfect combination to freely choose names with the letter M for boys.

    • Manuel : Its origin is Hebrew and if we are talking about the meaning we must mention that it translates as “God with us”.
    • Marcelo : Of Latin origin and has a rather original meaning which means “dedicated to Mars”.
    • Marcos : In this case, its origin is Hebrew and its meaning is “bitter”.
    • Mariano : It is of Latin origin and we intuitively understand that this baby name comes from Maria.
    • Mario : It comes from the Etruscan “maris” who was the god Mars. Although it is true that other sources claim that it comes from Hebrew. Its meaning is “one whom God loves”.
    • Martin : Latin in origin and also associated as “one dedicated to Mars”.
    • Mateo : It comes from Hebrew, and if we look at its meaning, it tells us that it is “a great gift from God.”
    • Mauritius : It is of Latin origin and means “brown”.
    • Melchor: he is “king of light” in the sense, thus reminding him that he is one of the three wise men of the East. Its origin is Hebrew.
    • Merlin : Of Gaelic origin and means “very numerous”.
    • Miguel : Its origin comes from Hebrew and means “Who is God?”.
    • Moses : Also of Hebrew origin, although meaning “He who is saved by the waters.” This refers to the first Jewish prophet.

    Table of origin and meaning of names

    Name Origin Meaning
    Macarena Andalusian / Seville happy
    Magdalena Hebrew Watchtower
    Mayte Vasco Amada
    Manuel Hebrew God is with us
    Marcelino Latin hammer
    Marcelo Latin Dedicated to Mars
    Marcos Hebrew fierce
    Margarita Greek Perla
    Maria Hebrew Excelsa Lady
    Mariano Latin Derived from Maria
    Mario Etruscan / Hebrew The one whom God loves
    marten Hebrew Lady / daughter
    Martin Latin Dedicated to Mars
    Mateo Hebrew God’s Great Gift
    Matthias Hebrew Two Gods
    Mauritius Latin Moreno
    Miguel Hebrew Who likes God?
    Miriam Hebrew Outstanding
    Moses Hebrew He who is saved by the waters
    Monica Greek only

    Why choose a name that starts with the letter M?

    If you want to know why choose a name that begins with the letter M . We believe that some of the most famous and classic names begin with this letter. The names that are in mythology and which are still the main ones that our babies are called. But we must also not forget that this is one of the first letters that our children speak, and that therefore they will be able to learn their name in a more natural way. A consonant sound that always characterizes an outstanding personality.

    In this article we want to introduce you to the name Miriam, one of the most popular ones we can find. It has a clear religious connotation, being special to Christians. It appears in the “New Testament” in the Bible. If you want to know everything about meaning Miriam , keep reading.

    Some people have no obstacles in life to achieve their ambitions. They are constant and persistent, insisting on everything, and in many cases the name itself helps them in this. So it is in this case; read on to find out all about him value Brand .

    In this article we are going to offer you all the data about another man who inspires creativity and who has a somewhat curious attitude towards love. Without further ado, we reveal all about the origin, etymology, variations and other information about meaning Monica .

    There are names with a complex character, so some patience is required to deal with them. That is exactly what is happening with what we are commenting on here. Without further ado, we study meaning Martina .

    The first name we offer you has a religious but great history. The past, captivated by the honor and protection of people. Today you will learn all the information about meaning Martin .

    As you might expect, we all have a close and personal Miguel, whether it be friendship, at work or directly in the family.

    Curiously, in Spain this is one of the most common and currently used names.

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