Nombres africanos de hombre: Los Mejores 100 Nombres de Niño Africanos

Nombres africanos de hombre: Los Mejores 100 Nombres de Niño Africanos

90+ Nombres Africanos Para Perros (+ Significados) >
Nombres Para Perros >

África es el hogar de algunos de los animales salvajes más diversos del mundo. Reconozca los rasgos salvajes de su perro dándole un nombre africano poderoso y único.

Toca la flecha para ver el significado de cada nombre y el corazón para guardar un nombre en su lista corta.

Todos Los Nombres Africanos Para Perros

  • Aaliyah

    Significado: Noble

  • Significado: Nacido el martes

  • Significado: Noble, amable

  • Adanna

    Significado: Hija del padre

  • Significado: Siendo un regalo

  • Significado: Corona real

  • Significado: Bravo

  • Significado: De familia noble

  • Significado: Águila

  • Significado: Larga vida

  • Significado: Pacífico, seguro

  • Significado: un compuesto derivado del amoníaco al reemplazar átomos de hidrógeno por radicales hidrocarbonados univalentes

  • Significado: Dinámico

  • Significado: Lleno de alegria

  • Banzai

    Significado: Grito de batalla japonés.

  • Barack

    Significado: Bendito

  • Significado:

  • Significado:

  • Bonolo


  • Significado:

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Cortés

  • Significado: Generación más joven

  • Significado: un movimiento de arte nihilista (especialmente en pintura) que floreció en Europa a principios del siglo XX; basado en la irracionalidad y la negación de las leyes aceptadas de la belleza

  • Delani


  • Djembe

    Significado: Tambor de África Occidental

  • Significado: El inspirador

  • Significado: Amado

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Alegrarse

  • Fayola

    Significado: La buena fortuna camina con honor

  • Jaafan


  • Significado:

  • Significado:

  • Jamila

    Significado: Hermoso, elegante

  • Significado: Edificio

  • Significado:

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Enérgico

  • Kamikazi

    Significado: reina

  • Significado: Tesoro

  • Significado: Controlador de la ira

  • Significado: Niño largamente esperado

  • Significado: El amado

  • Significado:

  • Kianga

    Significado: Brillo Solar

  • Significado: Amigo

  • Significado: reina

  • Significado: Hermanito

  • Limbani


  • Significado: Hermosa.

  • Mandla

    Significado: Fuerza

  • Masozi


  • Significado:

  • Meshindi

    Significado: Víctor

  • Significado: Lleno de deleite

  • Significado: Único

  • Moriti


  • Significado:

  • Moseka

    Significado: Chica joven

  • Significado:

  • Mufasa


  • Significado: Amado

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Joven

  • Significado: Rey

  • Significado: Corazón

  • Significado: Un poema lírico

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Momento feliz

  • Oringo

    Significado: El que le gusta la caza

  • Significado: la unidad monetaria básica en Botswana

  • Pumbaa


  • Rafiki

    Significado: Amigo

  • Significado: Profeta

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Alma

  • Significado: Nobleza

  • Rufaro

    Significado: Alegría

  • Significado: Fruta de cactus

  • Safari

    Significado: Viaje, expedición

  • Sarabi

    Significado: Espejismo

  • Sarafina

    Significado: Serafines

  • Sassandra


  • Shenzi


  • Significado: León

  • Significado:

  • Significado: señora

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Honrar, tener en estima

  • Significado: Activo

  • Significado: Flor

  • Significado: Negrita

  • Significado: Movimiento

  • Significado:

  • Significado: Brillante, Adelante

  • Significado: Cielo

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Nombres Africanos Para Perros: Stats


A partir de February 2023, nombres africanos para perros tienen una tendencia a la baja con los nuevos dueños de cachorros. Nuestras estadísticas sugieren que están menos de moda que hace seis meses.

Consejos para nombrar perros

  1. Piensa en tu personalidad, las características de tu perro y cualquier otro tema o concepto que te encante.
  2. Elija un nombre que sea corto, significativo y fácil de reconocer.
  3. Entrena a tu perro para que responda a su nombre con técnicas efectivas.

Para obtener más información, lea estos consejos para nombrar perros:

La guía definitiva para nombrar a su cachorro

Cómo enseñarle su nombre a un perro

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NOMBRES AFRICANOS » Significado y naturaleza relacionados a su cultura

Llenos de originalidad tanto por su pronunciación como por su escritura, los nombres africanos poseen grandes significados muy relacionados con la sociedad de esta cultura.

Cómo se eligen los nombres africanos.

Conforme a las tradiciones, la imposición de los nombres africanos, según su significado, condiciona la actuación de la persona ante la colectividad, en tal sentido, cada nombre está cargado de una implicación trascendental, siendo otorgado exclusivamente por los miembros mayores de la familia.

Para los africanos, también suponen un contacto directo con los antepasados y una resistencia contra los nombres puestos por la hegemonía colonizadora. De acuerdo a ello, para su correcta colocación, se toma en cuenta la etnia de origen, las circunstancias del parto o el nacimiento y los rasgos de la personalidad.

Algunos nombres africanos y su significado.

Entre la extensa cantidad de nombres africanos, algunos de los más conocidos son los siguientes:

Ashanti: natural de Ghana, se refiere a una tribu que gobernó en esta región hasta principios del siglo XX, recordando al único pueblo de la cultura de África que se opuso a la invasión europea, igualmente, hace referencia al agradecimiento, de esta manera, la persona que lo lleva se caracteriza por tener una naturaleza serena y tímida, viviendo su vida en búsqueda del amor.

Dakarai: es un nombre egipcio cuyo significado es hombre feliz, así, la persona tiene un pensamiento convincente, alta responsabilidad moral, espíritu conversador y apegado a la vida comunitaria.

Faraji: procedente de la lengua tanzana suajili, manifiesta el sonido de una antigua vos que se interpreta como consuelo, además, se refiere al hombre que busca la estabilidad con trabajo y dedicación.

Adisa: oriundo de Nigeria, se refiere al hombre que habla claro pero suele entenderse como alguien que nos enseñará, a tal efecto, expresa su compresión hacia los demás, despertando simpatías y antipatías, igualmente, le gusta resolver los problemas ajenos y dar amistad.

Babatunde: nativo de la etnia yoruba de Nigeria y Benín, se manifiesta como el padre ha regresado, representando a la expresión por medio de la investigación y la comprensión del pensamiento y de la vida misma.

Finalmente, aunque la palabra África no es uno de los nombres africanos, sino que más bien, proviene del latín afer o afri, refiriéndose a un término usado por los romanos para calificar a los habitantes de la costa norte del continente, como tunecinos o argelinos, muchas mujeres lo llevan por nombre, calificándolas de soñadoras y con grandes virtudes como la amabilidad, la tolerancia o la capacidad de ayudar a otros.


Autor: Redacción


African male and female names and their meanings

It is not easy to talk about African names briefly. After all, Africa is a huge continent inhabited by various peoples. In our time, there are more than three thousand tribal and clan groups that have different traditions, religions, languages, customs, customs. And names. Therefore, we can only talk about a common history of the origin of African names .

African naming traditions.

African names can hardly be overestimated. At all times, the peoples of Africa gave them magical powers. According to them, what name will be given to a person depends on his future fate. For example, Tanzanians often name their children after the presidents, one of the most popular names now is the name of the former president of Tanzania, Nyerere. Probably, mothers and fathers of little Nyerere hope that the name will have a positive impact on the fate of their child.

But the majority of the people of Africa have a habit of changing their name several times during their lives. It is believed that until the age of majority or the rite of initiation, the child does not have a real name. Baby African names are more likely nicknames with playful meaning – Panya (mouse), Mapengo (gap), Kidagaa (fish). Moreover, girls and boys are called the same names. After seven or forty days, sometimes after a year, the child is given a new name. It can be the name of one of the parents or relatives. During the initiation ceremony, the teenager receives a permanent name. Interestingly, twins tend to be given special names. People firmly believe that the birth of identical children is not complete without the participation of supernatural forces. For example, among peoples who speak Swahili, twins are often called Kurva and Doto.

Names-“relatives” and names-“titles”.

In East Africa, there are traces of the custom of giving adult members of society two “secret” names, thanks to which kinship and social status were established. One of these names a man received from his father and passed on to his son. The second – from the mother and did not pass on to anyone. Thus, the partial or complete coincidence of the “secret” names spoke of consanguinity.

Many names in Africa are not distinguished by gender. But there are tribes where there are male and female names. So, among the numerous Wolof people, boys are called Samba, Demba, Latir, Yoro, and girls – Ngone, Kumba, Tako, Yasin, Kodu. Sometimes the names of animals are added to the names to emphasize the distinguishing feature of a person – Njai-gende (Njai-lion), Sise-ngari (Sise-bull).

Muslim and Christian names in Africa.

At different times on the African continent spread the main world religions – Islam and Christianity. They brought their names to the peoples of Africa.

Muslim names are especially widespread in the countries of the North and East. Most of them have undergone some phonetic changes – Muhamadi (Muhammad), Abedi (Aybed), Alasan (Hasan), Seni (Hussein), Maram (Miriam). To some African names, an abbreviated version of the name Muhammad “Ma” is added in order to give it an “Arabic sound” – Madior, Mademba, Makodu, Masamba.

Christian Africans have Christian names, and twin boys and girls are often called Adam and Howe (Eve).

Lists of African names:

  • Female African names
  • Male African names

See also

Features of American Names

Japanese name and samurai sword

Azerbaijani names. Their origin and meaning

50 popular African baby names

Find out the meaning and origin of popular African baby names
When it comes to choosing an African name for your boy or girl, you can choose a name from any of the 54 countries on the continent. African names are incredibly diverse and contain a mixture of traditional, Muslim, Christian and Arabic names. Giving a child a name is a serious matter in many African countries, and elaborate naming ceremonies are usually held to give the child several meaningful names.

The birth of an African child is usually followed by a series of ceremonies and celebrations to bring a new child into the world. Many of the names given at these ceremonies point to the child’s place in the world. For example, in Ghana, a boy born on Friday is called Kofi. In the Igbo tribe of Nigeria and parts of West Africa, the first child is called Ada.

Popular African Baby Names for Girls

Read on to learn about some of the most popular African baby names for girls, their meanings and origins.


Origin : East African, Eritrean
Meaning : flower
Alternate spellings and variations : Abebah
Famous namesakes : Abeba Haile, Eritrean singer; Abeba Aregawi, Ethiopian Runner
Peak of Popularity: The name Abeba is not popular in the United States.

Interesting fact: Abeba is a palindrome, which means that it forms the same name when written forward or backward.


Origin : East African, Amharic
Meaning : emit light, shine
Famous namesakes: Aberash Bekele, champion of women’s rights
Peak Popularity : Aberash is an unpopular name in the United States.


Origin: West Africa, Igbo
Meaning: First daughter
Alternate spellings and variations: Adanna, Adaugo, Adaobi
Famous namesakes: Ada Ehi, Nigerian gospel singer; Ada Uchechukwu, Nigerian artist and poet; Ada Lovelace, English writer and programmer
Peak of Popularity: Ada is the 665th most popular of all time. Its peak popularity came in 1918 when 1943 children were named Adami.

Interesting fact: Ada is also a popular name for girls in Germany and Turkey.


Origin : West Africa, Igbo
Meaning : grace, mercy, kindness
Alternate spellings and variations : Amarachukwu, Amarachi
Famous Names : Amara La Negra, American singer; Amara Walker, American journalist
Peak of Popularity: The name Amara began to gain popularity in the United States in the late 2010s. In 2019, 1989 girls were named Amara. This is by far the most common use of the name in the United States.

Interesting fact: Amara is also the name of a species of sun beetle.


Origin : African, Somali, Arabic
Meaning : Gift of God, good luck
Alternate spellings and variations : Ayan
Famous namesakes : Ayaan Hirsi Ali, politician and writer.
Peak of Popularity: The name began to gain popularity in the United States in the 21st century. In 2017, the name Ayaan was given to 509 babies.


Origin : West Africa, Igbo
Meaning : God is good
Alternate spellings and variations : chidi, chinma, chidimma
Famous namesakes: Chidinma Ekile, Nigerian singer and songwriter.
Peak of popularity: In 1996, 21 children were given the name Chidinma. This is the highest indicator of its use.


Origin: Egyptian
Meaning: father’s glory
Alternate spellings and variations: Clea, Cleopatra, Cleo
Famous Names: Cleo Moore, American actress; Cleo Rokos, British comedian
Peak of popularity: In 1920, 1398 babies were named Cleo. This is the highest indicator of its use.

Interesting fact: the name was popularized by Cleopatra VII, the ancient ruler of Egypt.


Origin : South Africa, Zulu, Spit
Meaning: pride, treasure
Alternate spellings and spellings: Gugu
Famous namesakes: Gugu Mbatha-Row, actress
Peak Popularity: The name Gugulethu is not very popular in the US.

Interesting fact: Gugulethu is also the name of a city in the Western Cape of South Africa.


Origin : West Africa, Hausa
Meaning : one who has no desire
Alternative spellings and variations : Hadizatu
Famous namesakes: Hadizah Aliyu, Nigerian actress
Peak of popularity: The name Hadizah is not very popular in the United States.
Interesting fact: Hadizah is the Hausa form of the name Khadija.


Origin : East African, Somali
Meaning : gift
Alternate spellings and variations : Hibo
Famous namesakes : Hiba Tawaji, musician
Peak Popularity : The highest record for the use of the name Hibo in the US was in 2016.

Interesting fact: Hiba is also the name of a popular energy drink in Austria.


Origin : East African, Swahili
Meaning : faith
Alternate spellings and variations : Iman, Imen, Imaan, Eman
Famous namesakes : Imani Coppola, alternative artist
Peak popularity: 1 child named in 1998 Imani. This was the peak of his popularity in the US.
Interesting fact: Iman is the name of a popular make-up line in the USA.


Origin : East African
Meaning : Derived from the name of an East African country, Kenya.
Famous Namesakes : Kenya Moore, actor; Kenya Bell, R&B artist
Peak of Popularity: In 1973, 1039 babies were named Kenya. This was the peak of his popularity in the US.
Interesting fact: The name Kenya has been used as a given name in English-speaking countries since the 1960s.


Origin : Kikuyu, East African region
Meaning: happy
Alternative spellings and variations: Kena, Makenna
Peak of popularity: Use of the name Makena peaked in 2005 when 380 babies were named Makena.


Origin : Tswana, South Africa
Meaning : Blessed, blessings
Alternate spellings and spellings: Sego
Famous namesakes: Masego Ntshingane, Botswana sportsman
Peak Popularity : Masego is not a very popular name in the United States.


Origin : Somalia, Africa
Meaning : us
Alternate spellings and variations : Naala, Nale, Nakhla, Nalla
Famous namesakes: Nala Damajanthi, 19th century snake charmer.
Peak Popularity: Recently, nala has gained popularity in the United States. In 2018, 380 babies were named Nala.

Interesting fact: in the popular cartoon The Lion King, Nala is the name of Simba’s wife.


Origin : Swahili, East African
Meaning : purpose
Alternate spellings and variations : Nyah
Famous Names : Nia Long, American actress; Nia Sharma, Indian actress; Nia Sanchez, America’s Beauty Queen
Peak of Popularity: In 2000, 1,003 babies were named Nia in the US. This is the highest indicator of its use.

Interesting fact: in Ireland, a popular male name is Nia.


Origin : West Africa, Yoruba
Meaning: wealth, jewel
Alternate spellings and variations: Olamid, Olaitan
Famous namesakes: Ola Al Fares, Jordanian lawyer; Ola Uduku, British-American actress
Peak of Popularity: The name Ola was popular in the US in the early 1990s. In 1920, Ola had 772 babies named.

Interesting fact: in Arabic “Ola” means “high” or “arise”.


Origin : Africa
Meaning : Messenger
Alternate spellings and variations : Anika
Famous namesakes : Onika Tanya Maraj (Nicky Minaj), American rapper
Peak of popularity : Onika’s name is not very popular in the US.


Origin : West Africa, Yoruba
Meaning : crown
Alternate spellings and variations : Folasade, Shade
Famous Names : Shade, British-Nigerian singer-songwriter; Sade Baderinwa, Journalist
Peak Popularity: The peak of popularity for the name Sade was on 1986 year.

Interesting fact: The name Sade became popular in the United States and England thanks to the singer-songwriter Sade Adu.


Origin : Swahili
Meaning : hope
Alternate spellings and variations : Tara, Raji
Famous namesakes : Taraji P. Henson, American actress and singer.
Popularity peak: Taraji was the most popular in 2010, until this year this name was hardly used.


Origin : Shona, South Africa
Meaning : be grateful
Alternate spellings and variations : Tendai
Famous namesakes : Zendaya Coleman, American actress
Peak Popularity : In 2015, 354 children were named Zendaya when she reached peak popularity.

Fun Fact: The rise in popularity of actress Zendaya Coleman has also led to an increase in the use of the name.


Origin : South Africa, spit
Meaning : serenity
Alternate spellings and variations : Zolah, Zella
Famous namesakes : Zola Jesus, electronic music artist; Zola Budd, South African sportsman; Zola Taylor, American singer
Peak of popularity: In 2018, 280 babies were named Zola; it was the peak of his popularity.
Interesting fact: Zola is also the name of a popular wedding website.


Origin : Swahili, East African
Meaning : beautiful
Famous Namesakes : Zuri Hall, American broadcaster
Peak Popularity : Usage of Zuri’s name was highest in 2018 when 1150 babies were named Zuri in the United States.

African Baby Names for Boys

Below are some of the most popular African baby names for boys along with their meaning and origin.


Origin : Tamil, African
Meaning : son of Adam
Alternative spellings and variations : Adan, Aden
Famous namesakes : Aden Gurei Maxamed Kabdille, Somali poet
Peak Popularity : The name Aadan is not very popular in the United States.
Interesting fact: Aadan is considered the Somali form of Adam.


Origin : Arabic
Meaning : servant of Allah
Alternate spellings and variations : Abdallah, Abdullah, Abdallah
Famous namesakes : Abdallah El-Masri, Lebanese composer; Abdullah Jaballah Algerian politician
Peak of popularity: The name Abdullah is very popular in Somalia, but not in the United States. In 2007, this name was given to only 19babies; is the largest number recorded.
Interesting fact: Abdallah was the name of the father of the Prophet Muhammad.


Origin: West Africa, Yoruba
Meaning: Born during father’s absence
Alternate spellings and variations: Bidemi, Demi
Famous namesakes: Abidemi Sanusi, author of
Peak Popularity: The name Abidemi is not very popular in the United States.


Origin : Africa
Meaning : has great strength
Alternate spellings and variations : Amar, Ammar, Amaré
Famous Names : Amari Cooper, soccer player; Amari Morgan-Smith, footballer
Peak of popularity: In 2018, 2112 children were named Amari. This is the highest usage rate in the United States.


Origin : West Africa, Yoruba
Meaning : follow me home
Alternate spellings and variations : Bami, Dele
Famous namesakes: Bamidele Olumilua, governor of Nigeria
Peak Popularity: Bamidele is not popular in the US.


Origin : West Africa, Igbo
Meaning : God knows
Famous namesakes: Chima Okori, Nigerian football player; Chima Onyeike, Dutch Footballer
Peak Popularity: The name is not very popular in the United States, only 14 babies were named in 2002.


Origin : Mwera, East Africa
Meaning : small, small child
Peak Popularity: The name Chiumbo is not popular in the United States.

Interesting fact: Chiumbo is also the name of a city in Angola.


Origin: African, Fula
Meaning: Bold
Famous namesakes: Diallo Guidilei, Mauritanian football player; Diallo Telli, Guinean politician
Peak of popularity: In 1972, 81 babies were named Diallo. This is the peak of his popularity.


Origin : East African, Swahili
Meaning: consolation
Alternate spellings and variations: Fara
Famous namesakes: Faraji Music, Jamaican singer
Peak popularity: Faraji’s name is not popular in the US.


Origin : West Africa, Yoruba
Meaning : love me
Alternate spellings and variations : Olufemi, Oluvafemi
Famous namesakes : Femi Kuti, Nigerian Afrobeat musician; Femi Oke, Journalist
Peak of Popularity: The name Femi is popular in West Africa, but not very popular in the United States.

Interesting fact: Femi’s name can also be used for a girl.


Origin : Berber, North Africa
Meaning : living
Alternate spellings and variations : Yidir
Famous Names : Idir Ouali, football player; Idir, singer Kabyle
Peak Popularity: The name Idir is not popular in the United States.


Origin : West Africa.
Meaning: God laughs, God laughs
Alternate spellings and spellings: Issac
Famous namesakes: Ike Barinholtz, American actor; Ike Moritz, German-South African singer
Peak of popularity: In 1953, 111 children were given the name Ike. This is the highest rate of its use.

Fun Fact: The 1979 television miniseries about Eisenhower is also called Ike.


Origin : Swahili, East African
Meaning : spiritual leader
Alternate spellings and variations : Mamu, Imam
Famous Names: Imamu Mayfield, martial artist
Peak of popularity: Imamu was the most popular name in the United States in 1973, but only five babies were named that year.


Origin : Arabic, Swahili
Meaning : bold
Alternate spellings and variations : Jabbar
Famous namesakes : Jabari Parker, American basketball player; Jabari Greer, American football player
Peak Popularity: Jabari reached her peak popularity in 2006 when 392 babies were named in the US.


Origin : Swahili, East African
Meaning : Moon
Alternative spellings and variations : Kamaria, Kam, Mari
Peak of popularity: In 2009, 786 babies were named Kamari. This was the year it was the most popular in the United States.
Fun Fact: Kamari is also the name of a coastal village in Santorini, Greece.


Origin : Akan, West Africa
Meaning : Born Friday
Alternate Spellings and Variations : Koffi, Kofie
Famous namesakes : Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations; Kofi Siribo, American actor; Kofi Kingston, Ghanaian American Wrestler
Peak Popularity: The name Kofi is not popular in the US.


Origin : Akan, West Africa
Meaning : Born on Saturday
Alternate spellings and variations: kwamme, kwami, kuame
Famous namesakes: Kwame Brown, American basketball player; Kwame Brown, First President of Ghana
Peak of Popularity: Kwame was the most popular name in the United States in 1990.

Interesting Fact: Kwame is also a fictional character in the animated series Captain’s Planet and the Airshow.


Origin : West Africa, Igbo
Meaning : my God lives, my father lives
Alternate spellings and variations: Nna, Namdi
Famous namesakes: Nnamdi Oduamad, soccer player
Peak Popularity: The name Nnamdi is not popular in the United States. In 1997, 34 babies were named.

Fun fact: Nnamdi is also the name of a fictional DC comics character.


Meaning: speaker, leader
Alternate spellings and variations: Omar, Umar
Famous namesakes: Omari Banks, Anguillian musician; Omari “Omarion” Grandberry, American singer-songwriter
Peak Popularity: Omari reached her peak popularity in the United States in 2018 when 628 babies were named.

Interesting fact: Omari is also the name of a village in Iran.


Origin : Egyptian
Meaning : strong eyesight
Alternate spellings and variations : Asar
Famous namesakes : Osiris Eldridge, American basketball player
Peak popularity : In the US, Osiris was the most popular in 2017.

Interesting fact: Osiris was the god of the dead in Egyptian mythology.


Origin: Hebrew, Ethiopian
Meaning: descendant, descend
Alternative spellings and variations: Jared, Yared
Famous namesakes: Saint Yared; Yared Hagos, Pro Hockey Player
Peak of Popularity: The name Yared is not popular in the US.

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