Agresor del bullying: El bullying también afecta al agresor

Agresor del bullying: El bullying también afecta al agresor

Bullying: cuando tu hijo es el agresor

5 minutos

Escrito y verificado por la psicóloga Lorena Vara González.

Última actualización: 08 septiembre, 2019

El acoso escolar o bullying es un fenómeno cada vez más extendido en nuestra sociedad. Se trata del acoso físico y/o psicológico al que son sometidos niños y adolescentes por parte de sus compañeros, sobre todo en el entorno escolar. Este tipo de acoso se convierte en un drama para las víctimas que lo sufren, llevándolas al suicidio en muchos casos.

Generalmente cuando hablamos de este fenómeno nos solemos centrar en las víctimas y en sus características, intentando explicar el porqué son maltratadas de esta forma por sus propios compañeros. Así caemos en el fenómeno conocido como la “revictimización”, que consiste en hacer que la víctima nos cuente una y otra vez los hechos sucedidos, sin protegerla del daño que produce revivir tal situación, y especialmente, remarcándole lo que hizo mal o debe de cambiar para que no vuelva a ser víctima de bullying.

De una manera u otra, lo cierto es que los padres como todo el resto de tentáculos del sistema educativo pueden intervenir para que estas situaciones de bullying no se vuelvan a repetir. Por ello, este artículo se centrará en los tipos de agresores y en las posibles intervenciones que se podrían realizar, tanto en el entorno escolar como el familiar desde el punto de vista psicológico.

Tipos de agresores en el bullying

El bullying es un fenómeno más complejo de lo que solemos pensar. Conocer los diferentes perfiles de agresores y no solo incidir en las víctimas, nos puede ayudar a reconocer antes los posibles casos de acoso e incluso intervenir sobre los factores de riesgo en forma de prevención.

Se pueden recoger dos tipos generales de agresores, directos e indirectos, con características muy diferenciadas. Y las víctimas, marcadas por sobresalir en alguna característica:

  • El agresor o acosador principal: el agresor principal suele ser un niño o un adolescente con baja autoestima, problemas de autocontrol y ausencia de empatía. Su rendimiento académico además suele ser bajo, haciendo que en ocasiones sean los mayores de la clase por haber repetido algún curso. Esto también hace que sean físicamente más fuertes que sus compañeros, asumiendo así el rol de líder ante los que buscan integración en un grupo.
  • Los observadores, instigadores o agresores secundarios: son un grupo más heterogéneo que el anterior. En general se trata de un grupo de compañeros que apoyan o vitorean los abusos del agresor principal o que guardan silencio ante los abusos que otros cometen.
  • La víctima: se convierte en víctima por ser diferente o destacar en algún rasgo. Suelen serlo niños o adolescentes con algún tipo de discapacidad física o psíquica, con trastornos del aprendizaje o que pertenecen a un grupo étnico, religioso, cultural o de orientación sexual minoritario.

¿Por qué los agresores en el bullying se comportan así?

El agresor principal en el bullying, debido a su baja autoestima, suele escoger a otro para que sea la víctima ante el miedo de serlo él mismo. Sus habilidades comunicativas son muy bajas y aunque suele parecer el lanzado, fanfarrón y líder de la clase, lo cierto es que es el más débil del grupo.

Además, suele tener una gran irritabilidad que sumada a los problemas de autocontrol y las bajas habilidades comunicativas, hacen que su manera favorita de expresarse sea la de la violencia. Esta violencia es su respuesta a las frustraciones de la vida diaria que paga con los demás. Por último, su ausencia de empatía y su superioridad física, sobre todo si ha repetido curso, hacen que esta violencia tenga repercusiones más importantes que las que ellos mismos vaticinan.

Los observadores o agresores secundarios suelen vitorear al agresor principal o líder como forma de pertenencia a un grupo ya que temen que si no lo hacen puede que no se integren con el resto de compañeros de la clase, o lo que es peor, se conviertan ellos mismos en las víctimas del bullying.

Intervención en el entorno educativo

La intervención en el entorno educativo se debe de enfocar desde una perspectiva social, tanto en la función de la prevención como en la intervención cuando el bullying ya se encuentra en el aula. En cuanto a la prevención, la instauración de programas educativos sobre el conocimiento del bullying y el daño que recibe la víctima, aunque el acoso sea percibido por los agresores como una simple broma.

Cuando se cree que solo es una broma se pone de manifiesto la falta de habilidades para evaluar las consecuencias a medio y largo plazo del acoso constante. En este caso, la educación emocional en el aula, mediante la que se faciliten estrategias del control de la ira y el reconocimiento de las emociones, ayudaría a un entorno escolar sano.

Por último, el desterrar la imagen del chivato si se habla del posible acoso a un compañero es un cambio muy importante a trabajar por los profesores y tutores en las aulas. Cuando alguien sufre no se es un chivato sino una buena persona, un amigo que ayuda al otro. Se trata de una redefinición positiva de la conducta de ayuda.

¿Qué puedo hacer yo cómo padre de un agresor?

La intervención desde el hogar debe de ser enfocada desde un prisma personal y familiar. Lo primero que hay que tener claro es no culpabilizar a la familia, porque nadie tiene la culpa del comportamiento de su hijo de forma directa, aunque puede que ciertos patrones educacionales colaboren con la situación.

Los hogares desestructurados y con un clima de censura ante la expresión emocional son un caldo de cultivo para todas las manifestaciones de violencia, incluida la escolar. La educación en valores y en expresividad emocional suele ayudar al autocontrol de las conductas y al aprendizaje de habilidades sociales que los agresores tanto necesitan.

Por último, una buena comunicación paterno-filial, que deje de estar cargada de reproches y en la que se valoren los buenos comportamientos y los castigos dejen de ser los protagonistas de la relación familiar sobretodo si son castigos violentos, ayuda a fomentar un clima de entendimiento saludable y libre de violencia.

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LA PERSPECTIVA DEL AGRESOR EN EL ACOSO ESCOLAR – Elisabet Rodríguez – Psicologia i Psicopedagogia (Granollers)

Esta semana Elisabet Rodríguez ha tenido el placer de conceder una entrevista con finalidad académica sobre el fenómeno del bullying, aunque en esta ocasión se ha abordado el contenido desde un enfoque alternativo: la perspectiva del rol de acosador. Así, S. L., estudiante de máster de Periodismo de la Universidad de Barcelona junto a la Columbia University de Nueva York ha solicitado esta entrevista con el objetivo de completar un reportaje que está realizando sobre esta temática.

¿Existe un perfil psicológico común en los niños/adolescentes responsables de acoso escolar? ¿Qué permite destacarlos?

Según las investigaciones y estudios realizados hasta la fecha no puede hablarse de un perfil claro de agresor, puesto que dentro de este colectivo se encuentran tanto individuos de sexo masculino como femenino; provinientes de familias desestructuradas como de entornos acomodados; de clase socioeconómica baja o media, etc. Sin embargo, las estadísticas muestran que se da más frecuentemente entre el género masculino (tanto el rol de agresor como el de víctima) y que existen unos indicadores que pueden aumentar el riesgo de ejercer este tipo de violencia, por ejemplo: sufrir algún trastorno de conducta o del estado de ánimo, consumo de sustancias, presencia de carencias en las necesidades emocionales y afectivas (déficits de apego seguro o en el control de los impulsos) o algunas características como ausencia de capacidad empática o egocentrismo extremo, existencia de fracaso escolar, interiorización de un estilo punitivo-agresivo en las relaciones observado en la familia de origen, ocurrencia de tensiones en el ámbito familiar, etc. Finalmente, existen una serie de señales que también correlacionan con este rol de agresor, como por ejemplo: un perfil personal dominante, una predisposición a la solución de conflictos violenta (que lleva a ejercer un control o poder sobre los demás) o una complexión física fuerte.

Según las encuestas, ¿son más numerosos los acosadores masculinos o femeninos?

Como comentaba anteriormente, las estadísticas muestran que entre el sexo masculino se dan más casos de bullying, tanto ejerciendo el papel de agresor como en el de víctima. Además, entre los chicos es más recuente el acoso escolar de tipo físico en comparación a las chicas, donde se observa más un acoso de naturaleza emocional o de rechazo social

En clase, ¿Cuál suele ser el principal motivo que lleva a un alumno/a a acosar a otro/a compañero/a?

En términos generales, se distinguen cuatro motivaciones principales que llevan a los agresores a ejercer este tipo de agresiones en el ámbito escolar. En primer lugar, como mejora del estatus social, es decir, para aumentar el nivel de popularidad. En segundo lugar, puede ser una muestra de poder o control hacia los demás, como se ha comentado anteriormente. Otro de los objetivos que pueden perseguir estos individuos es la validación social que permite captar la atención de los demás. Finalmente, una cuarta posibilidad es por oportunidad, es decir, la falta de supervisión del adulto en ciertos momentos puede facilitar que se den este tipo de comportamientos (cambios de clase, espacio de recreo, salida del centro escolar).

Considerando el entorno familiar, la situación en clase y la condición psicológica del acosador, ¿hay alguna de estas causas que resulte ser la más relevante?

Como se indicaba en una pregunta anterior, a pesar de que no puede hablarse de un perfil concreto de acosador, sí se han establecido ciertas correlaciones entre el ejercicio de este comportamiento y algunas circunstancias psicológicas y contextuales. Por ejemplo, cuando una persona no ha interiorizado un sentimiento de pertenencia y significancia sólido y saludable respecto de su entorno afectivo familiar, se desarrollan con más probabilidad carencias emocionales y un estilo de apego inseguro o evitador. Esto precipita que las relaciones con los iguales se efectúen de forma insana, caracterizadas por dinámicas de dominancia-sumisión. Además, en familias donde se encuentra normalizada la utilización de la agresividad y la violencia para solucionar discrepancias, puede ser más probable que los menores adquieran ese funcionamiento de manera general en sus propias relaciones, fuera del seno familiar.

¿Los padres de los acosadores suelen ser personas descuidadas y poco atentas a la vida de sus hijos? ¿O al revés, son sobreprotectores y demasiado implicados?

Se ha demostrado que pueden ser ambas circunstancias las que pueden acompañar a este tipo de conductas de acoso por parte de los menores. Para diferenciar los distintos tipos de estilos educativos se consideran dos variables principales: el nivel de control o normas y el nivel de afecto y cuidado. Cuando ambos factores se encuentran descompensados, es decir, cuando el grado de autoritarismo o el grado de permisividad/proteccionismo es desmesurado existe mayor porcentaje de riesgo de que el menor pueda desarrollar una conducta agresora.

¿Se puede decir que en muchos casos los acosadores sufren una falta de autoestima?

En base a los indicadores mencionados anteriormente en el rol de agresor de acoso escolar, muchos de ellos se encuentran directa o indirectamente relacionados con un nivel bajo de autoestima. Por ejemplo, las deficiencias en la satisfacción de necesidades emocionales de pertenencia y significancia están estrechamente vinculados a la imagen y al concepto que cada individuo presenta sobre sí mismo.


Considera que en los casos de víctimas de acoso escolar que con el tiempo se han convertido en acosadores es debido a que a sus ojos este cambio representaba la única solución a sus problemas?

La experiencia de ser víctima de acoso escolar es un fenómeno muy complejo y la evolución del estado psicológico de la persona depende de muchos factores, por lo que cada caso tiene curso muy particular. Sí se han observado una serie de características o consecuencias que presentan estas personas, entre las cuales destacan déficits significativos en el repertorio de habilidades sociales, bajo nivel de autoestima y problemas en el establecimiento de relaciones íntimas saludables. Cuando una víctima no dispone de la oportunidad de realizar un seguimiento psicológico que pueda ayudarle a superar tal experiencia adversa, estas secuelas pueden perpetuarse y derivarse en patrones alterados de comportamiento interpersonal, donde el ejercicio de un patrón de agresividad puede ser un una de las posibilidades.

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Basándose en su experiencia profesional, ¿usted ha tratado pacientes responsables de acoso escolar? En caso afirmativo, ¿la decisión de consultar al psicólogo derivó de la iniciativa de los padres, del/la mismo/a joven o de ambos?

En mi trayectoria profesional solo he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con víctimas de acoso escolar, pero no con agresores. Sobre la cuestión de cómo efectuar la demanda al psicólogo depende mucho del tipo de familia de que se trate, ya que como comentaba anteriormente los entornos familiares del agresor pueden ser muy diversos. En ambientes desestructurados, con funcionamientos orientados a ejercer la violencia de forma habitual o presencia de tensiones familiares frecuentes, etc., va a ser menos probable que la consulta provenga de la iniciativa de la familia.

¿Cuáles son las principales consecuencias que las víctimas de acoso escolar presentan en el tiempo?

Las consecuencias que puede sufrir una víctima de acoso escolar puede darse en el corto plazo, pero también mantenerse en el tiempo y dejar determinadas secuelas psicológicas. En concreto, las primeras suelen orientarse a evitar la asistencia a clase, con lo que ello puede conllevar descenso del rendimiento académico y bajo seguimiento del curso escolar. Además el intenso nivel de miedo experimentado se relaciona con la ocurrencia de diversos signos fisiológicos como ansiedad, alteración del sueño y la alimentación, cefaleas, problemas estomacales, baja autoestima o depresión. Más a largo plazo, pueden desarrollarse déficits en las relaciones sociales y en el establecimiento de vínculos más íntimos a nivel interpersonal.

Basándose en los pacientes que ha recibido, ¿ha notado una mayor presencia de víctimas femeninas o masculinas?

En el caso concreto de mi trayectoria profesional, he podio atender a una proporción algo más elevada de víctimas de sexo femenino que de sexo masculino, aunque también es cierto que el tipo de acoso que sufrían estas víctimas eran de tipo psicológico o de rechazo social, más que físico. Dicha tipología es más frecuente en chicas en comparación a los chicos, donde se dan más agresiones físicas.

¿Qué consideración tienen las víctimas con los testigos silenciosos de los hechos que no ofrecen ninguna forma de apoyo o ayuda?

El análisis del rol de observador está siendo el foco de investigaciones y programas de intervención en la época más reciente, puesto que se está determinando como un elemento clave en la detección e interrupción de este tipo de fenómenos. Las víctimas tienden a percibirlos como asistentes de los agresores, o agresores pasivos, ya que este tipo de agentes colaboradores del acoso suelen presentar con más frecuencia un perfil de baja sensibilidad interpersonal o empatía. Sin embargo, este tipo de actuaciones también puede ser la consecuencia del conflicto que experimenta ese individuo a la hora de tomar partido por una u otra postura, a la vez que también puede pensar que manteniéndose al margen es una buena forma de no convertirse en un próximo objetivo ante el agresor. Finalmente, también se observa cierto nivel de desconocimiento sobre cómo proceder en estos casos, a pesar que las campañas de concienciación y de psicoeducación proporcionadas en los últimos tiempos están intentando compensar este déficit.

En términos generales no se puede afirmar que el uso de redes sociales y de las nuevas tecnologías este causando un mayor nivel de acoso, pero sí está facilitando una nueva metodología para ejercerlo. Este es especialmente peligroso y dañino por distintos motivos: en primer lugar, se observa una ausencia de educación en la responsabilidad del uso de estas nuevas tecnologías por parte de educadores y figuras parentales, por lo que la supervisión ejercida por parte de los adultos es escasa y eso puede dificultar la detección de casos. En segundo lugar, el hecho de que las conductas agresoras queden registradas y puedan difundirse de forma inmediata a un número ilimitado de receptores, hace que la repercusión de la situación sea mayor. Finalmente, en algunos casos la posibilidad de ejercer este tipo de conductas o de difundirlas con carácter anónimo es mayor, lo cual favorece que puedan darse más oportunidades para cometer esta clase de actos.

¿Cuáles son los elementos que pueden ayudar y facilitar el proceso de recuperación física y moral de las víctimas?

Considero, en base a la experiencia profesional que he podido obtener en este campo, que un elemento que ayuda mucho a la víctima es la denuncia de la situación. Es una decisión compleja de tomar por su parte, puesto que el receptor del maltrato suele desarrollar un sentimiento de autoculpabilización y vergüenza intenso, que resulta difícil de superar. Por ello, el apoyo incondicional del entorno hacia la víctima es un elemento clave en todo momento. Por otra parte, cabe trabajar a nivel de terapia psicológica con la víctima en la adquisición de recursos y estrategias psicológicas que permitan aprender estilos de conducta asertivos, así como patrones de comportamiento social eficaces que aporten mayor seguridad e incrementen el nivel de autoestima en la víctima.

¿Ha tenido que ejercer en alguna ocasión el papel de mediador entre una familia de víctima de acoso escolar y un centro educativo cerrado al diálogo y que cuestionase la veracidad de las acusaciones? En caso afirmativo, ¿cómo ha manejado la situación?

Recuerdo un caso hace un tiempo en el que la actuación del centro escolar y de la familia de la víctima fue algo confrontativa, en lugar de ser colaborativa. Este hecho no facilitó la evolución psicológica de la víctima, lo cual precipitó que esta tuviera que cambiar de centro educativo en el curso siguiente.

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Psychological violence in the team | blog The New Era of Management

What to do if some of the employees in the team that you have so carefully selected the best of the best have a difficult character. One is ready to hear only himself, the other is arrogant, the third is intolerant of other people’s opinions, the fourth is constantly whining and complaining? In general, each star gently warms the heart, then burns the brain.

Or if you yourself, in pursuit of ambitious goals, are trying to motivate employees, captivate, ignite, inspire and at the same time go too far? Or if, in a tense environment of uncertainty or deadline, your team members break down and start blaming each other? nine0003

In difficult circumstances, the behavior of any person can change for the worse. And then communication becomes strained, the desire to cooperate disappears, interaction on work issues is reduced to a minimum, the feeling of resentment grows, and productivity drops. The team is splitting like an ice floe in the spring. What does this mean for business? According to The Work Bulling 1Valtin, P. V. Lack of Leadership to Blame for Increasing Bullying in the Workplace // Training magazine. July 18, 2018″>Institute 1 , in companies:

employees spend 7 to 10 working hours a week on prosecutions,

up to 400 hours are lost due to sick leave, absenteeism and vacations,

up to 72% of employees who become victims or witnessing violence in the workplace are fired.

It is important for a leader to control the emotional background in the team. There are many types of manifestations of aggression, but for now we will touch on only one of them – victimblaming. “Fair” reproaches, “justified” accusations, open indignation – all these are its manifestations. Simply put, this is the situation when it is much easier to “offend” the leader than to escape from his offense. nine0003

Competent, Efficient and… Dangerous

MBA Program Director Spears, Associate Professor of Management, Dr. Matt Bowler with 2 Kluemper, D. H., Taylor, S. G., Bowler, W. M., Bing, M. N., Halbesleben, J. R. B. (2019). How leaders perceive employee deviance: Blaming victims while excusing favorites // Journal of Applied Psychology. Jul; 104(7): 946–964″>colleagues 2 from the University of Central Florida, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the University of Alabama have studied employee aggression for 10 years. He notes that team members and team leaders often blame the victim psychological abuse in rude and abusive provocative behavior, and this happens especially often if the aggressor is a high-performing employee.0003

“Victim blaming is the tendency to ignore the rudeness of a competent employee, responsible officer, guilty of abusive treatment of colleagues. In our minds, we often sympathize with high-performing employees, and therefore we agree that the negative perception of the low performance of other employees offends them and provokes aggressive attacks against the victims of the accusation,” emphasizes Matt Bowler.

There is also evidence in the study that the victim’s very perception of self-aggression often leads to victim blaming. If the victim’s mentality sanctioned “scold me, I’m bad”, then the offender will unconsciously react to this 3Rigby, A. Victim mentality: 8 signs & how to overcome it // Fingerprint for Success”> appeal 3 . Therefore, it is necessary to work with victim blaming in a team in two directions:


promoting a culture of cooperation as opposed to the practice of blaming;


noting the victim mentality and taking corrective action.

“Your guilt gives me the right to…”

The victimblamer’s behavior is based on the belief that he has the right to attack a colleague who made a mistake, because he let the whole team down. How to recognize the aggressor? At HireBox International for 29years of recruitment used pre-assessment, reference checking and investigative interview techniques to identify the mentality of the aggressor:

very talented at manipulating colleagues;

attempts to control others, especially those who may pose a “threat” to his personal goals;

perceives competent people in his team as rivals;

uses aggression to show power and influence that his status does not give;

masks self-doubt through arrogant behavior;

suppresses weaker team members;

in the absence of a leader is often compulsive and noisy;

chooses other team members as accomplices in rough relationships to justify bullying.

Victim mentality

Manfred Kets de Vries, Professor of Leadership Development and Organizational Change at the INSEAD business school in France, described the victim mentality in his paper 4Kets de Vries, M. (2012). Are You a Victim of the Victim Syndrome? // Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 43″>”Are you a victim of the victim syndrome?” nine0007 4 .

Chances are you’ve shared an office with people whose lives seem like a series of dramas they’re never to blame for. As soon as they open the door, you are already waiting for them to tell their last sad story. And they rarely disappoint!

At first you listen with concern, then you get a little bored with their self-pity. Then you get irritated because their constant blaming others for their mistakes at work and in life starts to affect team spirit and performance. nine0003

The manager needs to realize that an employee with a victim mentality can create real problems for the entire team:

his chronic pessimism undermines the team’s positive attitude;

he often provokes clashes and scandals in the team;

he is unable to take responsibility for the result.

If there is such an employee in the team, efforts should be made to enable the team to work in a comfortable psychological field.


Do regular team building exercises to strengthen the bonds within the team. Incorporate gratitude rituals where people write messages expressing appreciation to each other. This will help to focus on the support and personal contribution of everyone.


Establish clear agreements. It is important to identify any potential bottlenecks in the project. For example, if the work of any team member depends on the result of the “victim”, make sure that colleagues control the intermediate deadlines and warn the partner in case of a delay. This will help prevent the “victim” from becoming a major problem for which the “victim” can blame someone else. nine0003


Give the “victim” feedback more often. Use one-on-one meetings to discuss any support and training needs they may have. Then the “victim” can’t claim that you didn’t offer or provide the tools they need to get the job done.


Encourage personal responsibility. If the victim employee is able to successfully assume responsibility in a safe environment, this will help establish credibility. Even a small victory will help him strengthen his self-esteem. Make it clear that even if he cannot control all circumstances, you expect him to control his reaction to adversity and overcome it. Make it an ongoing process, not a one-time exercise. As the employee shows progress, increase the degree of his personal responsibility by entrusting him with more significant tasks. nine0003


Set clear goals, deadlines for tasks and projects, milestones, and standards of behavior and performance. Don’t let the standards fall!

If the victim’s behavior is found to be too harmful, a reprimand or warning may be required. Invite an HR representative to your meetings and discussions. Having a third party who can listen, mediate, and take notes will help prevent false accusations or allegations of retaliation in the future. These days, this legal subtlety should not be overlooked. nine0003

It is important to accept the possibility that the employee is in fact a victim. Workplace bullying can be subtle but damaging to self-esteem and it is your responsibility to identify and stop it.

How to counter victimblaming?

Not every employee, especially in the heat of a quarrel, is able to understand that “no” begins on the verge of disrespect for the feelings of another. Noticing such moments in the team, the leader must set the tone himself so that his colleagues do not hush up the problems, afraid to hear “It’s my own fault!” instead of “Let’s think about how to fix it and not repeat it.” nine0003

If you notice manifestations of victimblaming in the team, the following will help you deal with them:


A meeting at which participants will determine the list of negative manifestations, note their impact on the psychological climate in the team and work productivity, develop a formal code of conduct and take responsibility for its observance.


Dealing with limiting beliefs, for example, with the attitude “You screwed up yourself, and figure it out yourself.”


Work with different types of individual and group aggression.


Factors of proper behavior in conflict conditions:

Emotional maturity and stability,

The ability to distinguish the main thing from the secondary,


Inner calm,

The ability to see the problem from different angles,

Readiness for surprises ,

striving to go beyond the problem situation,


desire to understand others, their thoughts and actions.


Prevention and overcoming of destructive conflicts.

What else needs to be kept in the focus of reflection

Studies show that regular overwork, provoking lack of sleep and fatigue, increases the risk of aggression in the team. If people are exhausted, then it is not surprising that someone will break into a scream. Therefore, during periods of hard work, it is useful to use a “mood barometer” – a questionnaire that determines the physical and psychological well-being of employees by teams, departments and the company as a whole. nine0003

Psychologists note that with the spread of remote formats, cases of aggression due to misunderstandings have become more frequent, since instant messengers and chats do not allow sufficient demonstration of their true emotions, and people with increased self-criticism can interpret even a neutral message as a reproach addressed to them . To saturate communication with emotions, companies develop corporate sticker packs, thus influencing the emotional background in teams and promoting corporate values. nine0003

The main thing to remember is that a person’s behavior is a manifestation of his attitude to the outside world. If the “presumption of guilt” reigns in the team, and colleagues do not give themselves the right to make a mistake, then they will persecute each other for every mistake. And with the best of intentions.


1 Valtin, P. V. Lack of Leadership to Blame for Increasing Bullying in the Workplace // Training magazine. July 18, 2018.

2 Kluemper, D. H., Taylor, S. G., Bowler, W. M., Bing, M. N., Halbesleben, J. R. B. (2019). How leaders perceive employee deviance: Blaming victims while excusing favorites // Journal of Applied Psychology. Jul; 104(7): 946–964.

3 Rigby, A. Victim mentality: 8 signs & how to overcome it // Fingerprint for Success

4 Kets de Vries, M. (2012). Are You a Victim of the Victim Syndrome? // Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 43.

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concept, causes, signs, how to resist

Every person at least once in his life faced with different forms of attacks and caustic remarks. Sometimes, seemingly harmless mockery of a classmate or colleague turns into real bullying.

Mobbing is psychological violence, expressed in the targeted pursuit of the victim in order to exert moral and physical pressure. The behavior of the aggressor includes insults, gossip, blackmail, theft. Some descend to direct physical violence, which can cause serious harm to the health of the victim.

Mobbing – what does it mean, how does it manifest itself

The term mobbing first appeared at the end of the 20th century. Initially, it was used to refer to a group of animals that united to fight off the enemy. For example, birds gather in a flock to repel a predator. The first to apply the term to people was the Swedish psychologist Hanz Leiman.

The concept of mobbing in psychology means pressure on the psyche of the victim. Such behavior comes down to constant aggressive attacks by a group of individuals on one person in the team. In simple words, several personalities unite to poison one, “undesirable” person. Detractors pursue the only goal – to force the victim to quit or leave the educational institution.

Experts have described different behaviors that are characteristic of the mobber. Among them: spreading rumors, devaluing a person’s contribution to the common cause, regular criticism, ridiculing the victim, boycott and other unpleasant actions. The persecution can be overt or covert. In the 21st century The spread of slander and false information is most often carried out using social networks or instant messengers.

Unlike child bullying, which in most cases manifests itself spontaneously, mobbing in an organization develops gradually against the backdrop of a negative atmosphere. Bullying can occur both in the workplace and in the virtual space (posting defamatory information, secret pictures or videos on social networks). Sometimes the victim begins to receive aggressive messages containing threats.

The object of bullying is usually a new student or employee. This process should not be confused with adaptation. For example, the first working days in a new place may be accompanied by negative remarks and analysis of the mistakes made. Authority in the company does not appear overnight, it must be earned. You can determine the origin of mobbing by the increasing tension in the team and the brewing conflict a few months after starting work in a new organization.

Victims of bullying in 90% of cases are women who are terrorized not only by men, but also by representatives of the weaker sex.

At any enterprise, you can find an open or hidden manifestation of mobbing. In the first case, the victim faces direct insults, intimidation and other forms of bullying. In addition to verbal bullying, physical actions are often present, such as damaging property. All this testifies to open mobbing in the team.

Hidden bullying is characterized by veiled pressure on the psyche of the victim. The leader can set impossible tasks or ignore any reasonable suggestions of a person. The work of a specialist does not receive a worthy assessment. This form of mobbing is easy to detect at every second enterprise.

Reasons for mobbing

Mobbing is bullying, which is explained by external factors and the psychological characteristics of all participants in the conflict situation. The main reasons for the manifestation of psychological violence in the team include:

  1. Difficult working conditions. If people have to work in difficult conditions (high noise, low temperature, large crowds), then negative qualities of the victim, such as laziness or a tendency to spread gossip, may be the reason for bullying.
  2. Features of the character of the aggressor. Individuals who bullied peers at school retain a deviant behavior pattern in adulthood. They lack empathy and there is a clear tendency to aggression. Such people without hesitation humiliate others. nine0217

  3. An attempt to assert oneself at the expense of others. Sometimes people realize their own lust for power, using colleagues. They insult a person, force him to obey his demands and do someone else’s work.
  4. Difference from others. Dislike can be caused by someone who differs from others in appearance, gait, demeanor. Often, representatives of the sexual minority become the object of collective harassment. Racial prejudice, deeply rooted in the minds of most citizens, is driven to attack other people. The reason for psychological abuse may also be the religious affiliation of the victim. nine0217

  5. Fear of a more successful specialist. An envious person sees a competitor for a job in a young and successful colleague. Using bullying, he hopes that the person will quit sooner or later, respectively, the threat will disappear. Sometimes they envy not only professional success, but also a more attractive appearance, youth and talent.
  6. The arrival of a new employee in the team often causes a negative reaction. “Old” employees make every effort to find a reason for a public statement: “He did not fit into the team. ” In fact, a person did not even have time to get used to and understand the traditions of the company, so he involuntarily violates the established routine or does not adhere to the established hierarchy. In some cases, mobbing in the team is launched by the leader himself. nine0217

  7. The appearance of a new specialist who refuses to adhere to the rules established in the company can also serve as a reason for the onset of bullying. Especially if the employee shows disrespect for the manager. The team perceives defiant behavior negatively and considers the “new” stranger to be eliminated by any means.
  8. Leader incompetence. Such individuals try to compensate for their complexes by attacking subordinates. One of the employees is selected as a victim. The rest of the team, wanting to curry favor with the leadership, also joins the persecution. nine0217

Mobbing at school

A vivid example of mobbing at school is presented in the film Scarecrow, where children poison a classmate. In the 21st century children often record collective bullying of the victim on camera in order to later post it on the Internet. Teachers often prefer not to intervene in bullying, and sometimes unwittingly (or knowingly) become the ones who provoke the humiliation of the student.

Children’s mobbing can spread not only to schoolchildren, but also to teachers. Often in social networks you can find videos in which students allow themselves offensive remarks about teachers. Sometimes psychological abuse continues for a long time.

School mobbing can be provoked by various reasons:

  1. Lack of education. The desire to redirect negativity to others arises in those who do not know how to control their own emotions and are not trained in tolerance. The basis for mobbing can also be a negative example on the part of adults, for example, a manifestation of disrespect for individual family members.
  2. Lack of organization of school life. If teachers are indifferent to bullying, show aggression towards those who are lagging behind, or choose “favorites”, then children consider such behavior to be the norm. Mobbing is often diagnosed with a frequent change of class teacher and insufficient organization of extracurricular time. nine0217

  3. Negative experience of the aggressor. Collective bullying can be based on the leader’s low self-esteem and his inability to resolve conflict situations. Schoolchildren who themselves became victims of psychological pressure actively participate in aggression.
  4. Promoting violence. Films and various TV shows exalt the idea of ​​rivalry, relative impunity and permissiveness. Footage of harassment of the victim feeds the negativity of schoolchildren, which is subsequently realized in relationships with peers. nine0217

There are approximately 45 types of mobbing. Among adolescents, verbal methods of influence are most common: name-calling, slander, mockery. Speech influence is usually used by girls. The main purpose of such statements is to humiliate the victim. If the object of bullying shows aggression or tears, then the mobbers get satisfaction and believe that they are doing everything right.

Another type of mobbing is physical aggression. Most often, it manifests itself in a hidden form, for example, through “random” shocks. However, undisguised aggression (blows) is also possible. This behavior is typical for boys, and their victim is always physically weaker. With a hidden impact, mobbers want to intimidate a student, with an open one – to humiliate. Beating scenes can be filmed on camera to be discussed online later.

Psychological mobbing of teenagers is manifested by the announcement of a boycott of the victim. The student is doomed to be constantly alone, which increases the likelihood of developing depression. If the boycott is organized collectively, then the child will not be allowed into the class at recess, will not be allowed to be around, and will be constantly pushed away.

Mobbing at work

In a team, the situation can be aggravated due to double standards for employees, the lack of distinctions in job duties and an unclear strategy of the enterprise. Increasing competition leads to an aggravation of tension, which pushes people to survive one of their colleagues. The reason for the onset of a psychological attack can be rapid career growth, oversights at work, or a sharp change in social status.

Some managers prefer to ignore mobbing, others support employees in harassing the “undesirable”, others try to stop bullying. In the service, it is the bosses who often become the initiators of psychological pressure. The leader himself can become a victim of mobbing. If employees are not satisfied with too rigid orders and despotic management, they will begin to persecute the authorities. The greatest irritation in the teams is caused by young leaders. The staff ignores his instructions, does not take into account the opinion of the boss, because they are angry that someone is trying to change the long-standing foundations.

There are several types of mobbing:

  1. Horizontal. Collective bullying of a colleague or classmate. All persons participating in bullying have the same status. They mock the object of psychological violence, find fault with trifles and humiliate.
  2. Vertical. Bullying of an employee by superiors (bossing). In some cases, other employees follow the example of management. The pressure initiative may come from the boss himself or from one of the employees. In the second case, the management encourages bullying and joins the bullying itself. nine0217

  3. institutional. Persecution of a specialist in the process of passing certification or proceedings in case of a service conflict.


The mechanism of psychological mobbing is described in detail in terms of social psychology. From her position, the class (collective) is considered as an organized group with a certain structure, in which there is a leader, performers and those who adhere to a neutral position. The leader invariably starts bullying, which is explained by his internal complexes and personality traits (uncertainty, need for power, feeling of inferiority).

The main actions directed against the victim are performed by performers (retinue) who are under the influence of the leader’s ideology and his psycho-emotional state. They act on his ideas of right and wrong, black and white, friendship and hate. Persons who do not take part in the mobbing of an employee (classmate) are not part of the hierarchy or adhere to a neutral position. It is they who can subsequently come to the defense of the victim. In most cases, the leader prefers to remain in the background and manage the performers; he does not directly participate in persecution.

The development of mobbing is gradual. It goes through several main stages:

  1. Prerequisites. The formation of a tense situation in the team due to an unresolved conflict situation or an unfavorable psychological climate in the company is characterized.
  2. initial phase. At this stage, such forms of mobbing appear as caustic remarks and ridicule against the victim. The first nervous breakdowns of the object of persecution give moral satisfaction to the leader and motivate him to continue aggression. nine0217

  3. active phase. The atmosphere in the team is heating up. Other employees of the organization are set on the victim. New faces are added to the pursuer who wish to participate in the persecution. An employee is publicly humiliated, his professionalism is questioned, and he is ridiculed. The victim’s self-esteem is rapidly falling and the first signs of mental disorders appear.
  4. social isolation. At this stage of mobbing, the victim is ignored. A person is deprived of the opportunity to take part in both official and informal events of the company. He is removed from making any more or less serious decisions. nine0217

  5. Dismissal. A person can not cope with the psychological pressure and decides to change jobs. He is aware that daily bullying negatively affects psychological health and overall well-being.


Constant bullying negatively affects the mental and physical health of a person. The quality of life decreases, well-being worsens. Stress is experienced not only by the victim, but also by witnesses of the pressure. One of the consequences of mobbing is a decrease in self-esteem and the formation of phobias. Bullying can cause problems with the heart, blood vessels, and disruption of the endocrine system. Sometimes the victim becomes diabetic.

Most people who are bullied have problems with appetite and sleep. Often, their cognitive abilities fall sharply, concentration of attention weakens, and panic attacks appear. Constant stress and anxiety can lead to the development of serious depression. Bullying causes a person to have suicidal thoughts. Many years of psychological pressure pushes some victims to commit a crime.

The aggressor himself also suffers from mobbing. He spends a lot of time inventing new bullying, which negatively affects the efficiency of work. Over time, aggression becomes the normal state of the mobber. His relations are deteriorating not only with the team, but also with his family. And then the aggressor himself may be subjected to persecution, since the collective wishes to get rid of the despot.


Identifying mobbing can be difficult. A person who is being bullied is reluctant to share their problem with loved ones. An indirect sign of psychological pressure can be considered an exacerbation of chronic pathologies. The main diagnostic methods include:

  1. observation. Psychologists note the behavior of the victim, the manifestation of negativity and aggression towards her, the absence of close friends. Such people are most often alone and do not attend informal company events. Surveillance can reveal the leader and some “activists” who usually attack the victim. nine0217

  2. Keeping records. To obtain objective information about the form and frequency of harassment, students are encouraged to keep a diary in which they describe relationships with classmates. Such information will allow confirming the mobbing, identifying the leader and understanding the causes of the conflict in case of open confrontation.
  3. Sociometry. The technique is aimed at the analysis of interpersonal informal relations within the group: the isolation of individuals, likes, dislikes. Based on the data, a conclusion is made about the cohesion of the team, the presence of “outcasts”, leaders and groups are identified. nine0217

Fight against mobbing

It is hard to fight alone against a hostile group. But still there are several ways to help improve the situation. Quitting or moving to another educational institution is a last resort. The following recommendations will help to combat the problem of mobbing:

  1. Try to speak frankly with the instigator of the pressure. Aggressors do not always understand that their behavior brings pain. Talk calmly about the tense atmosphere. Warn that you do not intend to tolerate bullying. Sometimes a message that his behavior will be made public can stop the aggressor. nine0217

  2. In no case do not succumb to provocations. Mobbers want to intimidate the victim, break her will and subdue them. It is pointless to prove to them that you are right; the aggressors are not interested in your position. Most importantly, remember that baseless criticism does not concern your skills and knowledge. It reflects the weakness of the mobbers, before whom there is no need to justify themselves.
  3. Take screenshots of defamatory messages or posts that defame you. Try to record all insults on a dictaphone. Recordings or details of personal correspondence may also serve as evidence of persecution. Show the aggressor the collected facts and intimidate that you will contact the appropriate authorities if the bullying does not stop. nine0217

  4. Report the problem to your superiors and HR. They are familiar with all employees, so they can give good advice on how to properly behave with aggressors. If the situation remains unchanged, send a complaint to the labor service.
  5. Look for support among loved ones. Feel free to contact a psychotherapist for advice. Experts know many ways to stop bullying.

An important measure to prevent mobbing in educational institutions is to strengthen the system of punishments and create clear rules of conduct.

All provisions must be documented and formulated as accessible as possible, as well as familiarize all students with the material. If the rules are violated, the designated punishment must be observed so that adolescents realize the relationship between their behavior and responsibility. It would also be useful to periodically organize classroom lessons explaining the inadmissibility of any form of bullying.

Prevention or advice

The phenomenon of mobbing is widespread all over the world. It is important to recognize it in the initial stages in order to fight back with all available means. If you feel the unfriendly attitude of colleagues, then try to create the appearance of indifference to the current state of affairs. Ignore attempts to hurt you and scare you.

Some bullying situations can be prevented by following simple rules:

  • do not fall for provocations;
  • stay positive after any attacks;
  • demonstrate courtesy and goodwill;
  • do not gossip or insult other people;
  • maintain neutral relations with colleagues;
  • follow the rules established within the team;
  • take a responsible approach to the performance of professional duties; nine0217

  • do not try to win over your superiors by groveling;
  • keep track of all changes in the organization.

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