Apoyo en familia: Qué es el apoyo familiar y cómo influye en el crecimiento

Apoyo en familia: Qué es el apoyo familiar y cómo influye en el crecimiento

Qué es el apoyo familiar y cómo influye en el crecimiento

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El apoyo familiar engloba todo aquello que los miembros de una familia hacen los unos por los otros. Pero ¿qué impacto tiene esto en el desarrollo de los niños?

Escrito y verificado por la psicóloga Elena Sanz Martín.

Última actualización: 04 octubre, 2020

Hoy en día, todavía la familia se considera el núcleo de nuestras sociedades. Además, esta es el primer agente socializador en la infancia, por lo que su relevancia en el desarrollo infantil es inmensa. Así, los niños y adolescentes que tienen la fortuna de crecer rodeados de apoyo familiar cuentan con una importante ventaja que les acercará a la felicidad y a la plenitud.

Esto no es solo porque siempre contarán con alguien en quien confiar o en quien apoyarse, sino porque este tipo de familias proporciona unas condiciones ideales para la formación de una personalidad sana. El apoyo familiar tiene muchas vertientes y, por desgracia, no siempre todas están presentes. Por ende, si eres madre, te invitamos a conocerlas y a tratar de implementarlas en tu propia familia.

Tipos de apoyo familiar

No existe una definición única de apoyo familiar, ya que este se manifiesta de diferentes maneras. Además, cabe resaltar que no se trata únicamente de la ayuda que los padres proporcionan a los hijos, sino de una dinámica en la que todos los miembros están dispuestos a colaborar y a actuar en equipo. Entonces, ¿qué tipos de apoyo familiar existen?


La estimulación es uno de los primeros tipos de apoyo familiar que se ponen de manifiesto desde que el bebé nace. Y es que un niño, para crecer adecuadamente, no solo necesita alimento y protección, sino que también requiere una estimulación adecuada. Los padres, que son conscientes de ello, dedican tiempo a proporcionarle al niño oportunidades variadas para explorar su entorno.

En los primeros años, esto implica ayudarle a desarrollar sus sentidos y sus habilidades más básicas. Pero, a medida que el pequeño crece, la estimulación incluye asegurarnos de nutrir su mente de forma integral.

Esto puede hacerse animando al niño a leer o a explorar sobre diversos temas que puedan resultarle de interés, proponiéndole realizar actividades variadas y sumergiéndolo en ambientes diversos para que pueda enriquecerse con otras personas y experiencias.

Apoyo emocional

Por supuesto, el apoyo emocional es realmente importante. Y este no solo incluye besar y abrazar al pequeño o dedicarle palabras amorosas y de aliento. Implica que los adultos sean capaces de comprender lo que el niño siente en cada situación y de ayudarle a gestionar sus emociones.

El apoyo emocional significa no restar importancia a los temores del niño, no burlarse de su llanto ni perder los nervios cuando manifiesta su ira. Por el contrario, se trata de estar presentes y disponibles para él de una manera empática.

A medida que crezca, y gracias a los valores y habilidades asentados durante la infancia, él también podrá mostrar ese apoyo emocional al resto de la familia. De este modo, se crea una magnífica red de seguridad que contribuye a incrementar la autoestima y el bienestar de todos los implicados.

Apoyo logístico

El apoyo logístico se refiere a la ayuda que proporcionan unos miembros de la familia a otros para poder resolver tareas cotidianas. Ayudar con los deberes al niño, acompañar a un familiar enfermo a la consulta del médico o cuidar de los hermanos pequeños cuando es necesario serían algunos ejemplos.

Apoyo financiero

Es evidente que el poder adquisitivo de cada familia es diferente y que la mayoría de ellas no posee todos los recursos que desearían o necesitarían. No obstante, el apoyo financiero se manifiesta en la intención de los miembros de la familia por contribuir al bienestar común.

Esto podría incluir tanto recortar gastos para permitir al niño acudir a clases de karate como que el hijo adolescente comenzase a trabajar para contribuir a aliviar la complicada situación económica familiar.

¿Cómo afecta el apoyo familiar al crecimiento?

Crecer en una familia con un buen nivel de apoyo familiar fomenta el sentimiento de pertenencia del niño. Es decir, crece sintiéndose amado, apoyado y formando parte de algo importante y valioso. Esto contribuye, en gran medida, a forjar una personalidad segura de sí mismo, empática y solidaria pues, desde niño, ha aprendido a trabajar en equipo y a tener en cuenta los deseos y necesidades de los demás.

Crecer sin apoyo familiar implica sentirse desvinculado, aislado y en peligro. Algo que puede fomentar el egoísmo y la desconfianza en la personalidad futura del niño. Por ende, una familia que se apoya a todos los niveles es un regalo inigualable para cualquier menor.

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Apoyo y bienestar familiar | ECLKC

El bienestar de la familia se produce cuando todos los miembros de la familia están seguros, sanos y tienen oportunidades de progreso educativo y movilidad económica. Los servicios de apoyo tales como el cuidado y la educación de la primera infancia, la asistencia con la alimentación y para la vivienda y el cuidado de la salud física y mental contribuyen positivamente al bienestar de las familias y los niños. Cuando las familias enfrentan desafíos que causan estrés, incluidos la pobreza y la carencia de hogar, su salud y bienestar pueden resultar perjudicados. Involucrar a las familias como participantes activos en la resolución de problemas y la fijación de metas puede ayudarles a identificar y utilizar sus propias fortalezas para encarar los desafíos que enfrentan. Cuando las familias son saludables, seguras y económicamente estables, la salud y el bienestar de sus hijos puede prosperar.

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National Centers:
Compromiso de Padres, Familias y Comunidad

Última actualización: March 18, 2022

About the fund | Pokrov Foundation

Full name of institution Charitable Foundation for the Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood “Pokrov”
Abbreviated name of institution BF “POKROV”
Date of state registration of the institution Certificate of state registration of a non-profit organization
Date of state registration as a provider of social services, indicating the day, month and year of registration
Founder of a social service provider – a social service organization with the name, location, contact phone numbers and e-mail addresses Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Location of the social service provider, its branches (if any), indicating the address and directions Penza region, Penza, st. Krasnaya Gorka, 24


Mode, work schedule indicating days and hours of appointment, lunch break Monday – Friday: 10.00-18.00 without lunch break
Contact numbers indicating the code of the locality where the social service provider is located, email addresses Phones: +7 (902) 341-28-04

E-mail address: [email protected]

Head, deputy head, heads of branches (if available from the social service provider) with contact phone numbers and email addresses Executive Director: Ulyanova Olga Vitalievna, phone:

+7 (902) 341-28-04, email: [email protected]

Deputy Director: Maksimova Elena Yurievna, phone:

+7 (902) 341-28-04, email address: [email protected]

Structure and governing bodies of a social service organization, indicating the names of structural units (governing bodies), last names, first names, patronymics and positions of heads of structural units, location of structural units, addresses of official websites of structural units (if any), e-mail addresses of structural units divisions (if any) Structure and governing bodies of the organization

The organization has no structural divisions

Regulations on structural subdivisions of the social service organization (if any) The organization has no structural divisions
Personnel of employees of a social service organization, indicating, with their consent, the level of education, qualifications and work experience Social worker – 1 unit

Psychologist – 1 job

Lawyer-1 unit

Night commandants – 2 units.

Cleaning lady-1 unit

Social Service Organization Board of Trustees Puzakov Boris Ivanovich

Khachaturyan Victoria Sergeevna

Tsareva Nadezhda Arkadievna

Izranova Olga Valerievna

Logistical support for the provision of social services (availability of equipped premises for the provision of social services, including libraries, sports facilities, training and education facilities, nutrition and health care for social service recipients, access to information systems in the field of social services and the Internet) Premises 331.7 sq.m. (kitchen-dining room, bedroom, playroom, psychologist’s and lawyer’s office, storage room, study rooms), children’s playground
A form of social service in which a social service provider provides social services (inpatient, semi-inpatient, home) The organization provides social services in stationary and semi-stationary form
Types of social services provided by the social service provider (social, social and medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, social and labor, social and legal, services to increase the communication potential of social service recipients, urgent social services) Stationary:

I. Social services

II Social and legal services

III. Social and psychological services


I. Social services

II. Social and educational services

III. Social and legal services

IV. Social and psychological services

V. Urgent social services

The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services by types of social services and forms of social services; the procedure and conditions for the provision of social services free of charge and for a fee by types of social services and forms of social services DECISION “On approval of the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers in the stationary form of social services in the Penza region”

REGULATION “On approval of the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers in the semi-stationary form of social services in the Penza region”

Social Services Application

All social services are provided free of charge

List of social services provided by a social service provider Stationary:

1. Provision of living space in accordance with approved standards, as well as premises for the provision of all types of social services

2. Provision of soft goods in accordance with approved regulations

3. Provision of books, magazines, newspapers, board games

4. Provision of bath and laundry services

5. Social and pedagogical counseling

6. Conducting socio-pedagogical diagnostics

7. Social and pedagogical correction

8. Assistance in obtaining legal services

9.      Advice on social and legal issues

10. Assistance in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services in the manner prescribed by law

11. Socio-psychological counseling, including on issues of intra-family relations

12. Conducting psychological diagnostics and examination of personality

13. Psychological correction


1. Social and pedagogical counseling

2. Conducting socio-pedagogical diagnostics

3. Social and pedagogical correction

4. Assistance in obtaining legal services

5. Advice on social and legal issues

6. Assistance in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of recipients of social services in accordance with the procedure established by law

7. Socio-psychological counseling, including on issues of intra-family relations

8. Conducting psychological diagnostics and examination of personality

9. Psychological correction

10. Provision of free product kits

11. Provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials

12. Assistance in obtaining emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy in this work

Tariffs for social services by types of social services and forms of social services All social services are provided free of charge
The amount of payment for the provision of social services, as well as the possibility of receiving social services free of charge Currently, the organization provides social services free of charge.
The number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services at the expense of budget allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services for a fee, partial payment in accordance with agreements on the provision of social services for account of individuals and (or) legal entities Stationary form – annually from 10 to 25 people

Semi-stationary form – annually up to 1000 people

The number of vacancies for the reception of recipients of social services under the forms of social services financed from the budgetary appropriations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the number of vacant places for the reception of recipients of social services under the forms of social services for a fee, partial payment in accordance with agreements on the provision social services at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities The number of places for the provision of services in the stationary form of social services (crisis center for temporary residence of women with children) – 2 for adults and 4 for children
The volume of social services provided at the expense of budget allocations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and for a fee, partial payment in accordance with agreements on the provision of social services at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities 0
Availability of licenses for carrying out activities subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (with the attachment of an electronic image of documents) The activity of the organization does not require a license
Financial and economic activity plan (with an electronic image of the financial and economic activity plan attached) There is no plan for financial and economic activities
Internal regulations for recipients of social services Internal regulations for recipients of social services
Internal labor regulations Internal labor regulations
Collective agreement (with attachment of an electronic image of documents) The charter of the organization does not provide for the drawing up of a collective agreement
Availability of instructions of the bodies exercising state control in the field of social services, and reports on the implementation of these instructions None
Conducting an independent assessment of the quality of services provided by social service organizations Conducted in 2020

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You will get more quality time with your loved ones

If you are tired of the traditional way of life when you work all day and spend little time with your family, you will love Laguna de Apoyo. Here in Laguna de Apoyo, people and families lead a very simple and peaceful life. This is because the culture of Nicaragua prioritizes the family.

If you want to spend more time with your children and spouse, or have more free time doing what you love, Laguna de Apoyo is the place for you. More quality time is one of the main reasons families move here and buy Laguna de Apoyo Real Estate. Moving your life and family to a new place can seem daunting and intimidating. But the benefits of living in a serene beach vibe are well worth it.

At any new stage in life, you may experience shock at first, but you and your family will quickly adapt to a new place. Our community members are warm and welcoming people, always ready and happy to help and make newcomers feel comfortable. Laguna de Apoyo is a small and very close-knit community. There are also several different options for international English speaking schools. If you think you would like to live in a quiet area with a good atmosphere, look no further.

Nicaragua could be home to your new dream life.

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