La canción de marinero: La canción del marinero | Fantastic Explosion

La canción de marinero: La canción del marinero | Fantastic Explosion

‘Sea Shanties’ las canciones de marineros que se han hecho virales en TikTok con las que puedes practicar tu inglés

Las tendencias en Internet son inescrutables. Nadie sabe cuál será el próximo reto de moda, el tipo de fotografía que será un ‘must’ el próximo verano o los vídeos que marcarán tendencia en las próximas semanas. Esa es, quizás, la parte más divertida de las redes sociales. ¿Quién habría podido imaginar que en 2021, en plena pandemia mundial, se haría viral unos cánticos de marineros del siglo XIX? Pues así es, las llamadas ‘sea shanties’ acumulan millones de visitas en TikTok y se han convertido en el reto del momento. En este artículo os hablamos de ellos y os dejamos algunos ejemplos para que practiquéis en casa vuestro inglés. 

El trabajo del marinero nunca ha sido fácil. Menos aún cuando las travesías podían durar meses, incluso años, enfrentándose a todo tipo de inclemencias meteorológicas, la escasez de recursos y la dureza de la vida a bordo. Los miembros de la tripulación entonaban cánticos mientras realizaban sus tareas diarias, como un modo de concentrarse y trabajar en equipo. Siempre existía un líder vocal, que ahora además quien marcaba el ritmo, mientras el resto de marineros lo acompañaban en coro, repitiendo los estribillos de versos sencillos y pegadizos. 

No se puede establecer un origen concreto para las ‘sea shanties ’, aunque es indudable que nacieron a bordo de barcos mercantes o pesqueros, dada su temática náutica. Existen cánticos tradicionales de habla inglesa procedentes de Escocia, EEUU, Australia, Nueva Zelanda…

Quizás el ‘sea shanty’ más popular de los últimos meses sea ‘The Wellerman’, interpretado por el cantante escocés Nathan Evans y precursor de este nuevo fenómeno en TikTok. El vídeo de Evans entonando esta rítmica canción que parece tener su origen en un barco ballenero australiano del siglo XIX acumula más de 5 millones de visitas en la red social, así como un buen número de variantes de otros usuarios, incluidas muchas con acompañamientos instrumental. De hecho, si se visita el hashtag #seashanties se puede encontrar cientos de vídeos centrados en estos cánticos.  

¿Tú también te animas con el reto? Esta puede ser una excusa excepcional para practicar tu inglés, cantando bien arriba los versos que te detallamos a continuación de ‘The Wellermen’. Y, de paso, embriagarnos con el espíritu de equipo que impregna la canción, que nos recuerda que todos estamos en el mismo barco, ahora más que nunca. 


#duet with @the.bobbybass SHANTY TIME once again! Adding a lower middle harmony 🙂 @nathanevanss @_luke.the.voice_ @apsloan01 #shantytok #wellerman

♬ original sound – N A T H A N E V A N S S

There once was a ship that put to sea

The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea

The winds blew up, her bow dipped down

O blow, my bully boys, blow

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

She had not been two weeks from shore

When down on her a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He’d take that whale in tow

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

Before the boat had hit the water

The whale’s tail came up and caught her

All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her

When she dived down below

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

No line was cut, no whale was freed

The Captain’s mind was not of greed

But he belonged to the whaleman’s creed

She took the ship in tow

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

For forty days, or even more

The line went slack, then tight once more

All boats were lost, there were only four

But still that whale did go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on

The line’s not cut and the whale’s not gone

The Wellerman makes his regular call

To encourage the Captain, crew, and all

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin’ is done

We’ll take our leave and go

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South America and

South America

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SUUTH America 9000. km²

Population 387 489 196 (2011) people

Density 21.4 inhabitants/km²

Names of inhabitants South American, American

Includes 12 states

Dependent States 3

Languages ​​languages ​​spoken in South America

Time zones UTC-2 to UTC-5

Largest cities Brazil São Paulo (11. 1 million)

Peru Lima (9.6 million)

Colombia Bogota (7.3 million)

Brazil Rio de Janeiro (6.1 million)

Chile Santiago (5.4 million)

Venezuela Caracas (3.1 million)

Argentina Buenos Aires ( 3.0 million)

Brazil El Salvador (2.9 million)

Brazil Brasilia (2.4 million)

Brazil Fortaleza (2.4 million)

Commons-logo.svg Wikimedia Commons media files

South America is one of the six continents of the planet Earth, located in the south of the Western Hemisphere. It is washed in the west by the Pacific Ocean, in the east by the Atlantic, in the north by the Caribbean Sea, which is a natural boundary between the two Americas. The Isthmus of Panama in the northwest of the mainland connects South America with North.

South America also includes various islands, most of which belong to the countries of the continent. The islands in the Caribbean belong to North America [source not specified 552 days]. The South American countries that border the Caribbean – including Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and Panama – are known as Caribbean South America.

The area of ​​the continent is 17.84 million km² (4th place among continents; only slightly larger than Russia in area), population – 387,489,196 (2011) people (4th place among continents).


1 Origin of the name

2 History

2.1 Pecclassical period

2.2 Opening of South America

2.3 Spanish expeditions XV – XVI

2.3.1 Francisco Orellana 9000 3 Geographical Studies

9000 4 Geography 9000 4 GENERALLY


4.1 Outgoing points

4.2 Relief

4.3 Mountain West

4.3.1 Babber Desert

4.3.2 El-Neno

4.4 East

4.4.1 Brazilskoye Plaigure 9000 4,0002 4000. .3 Patagonium

5 Geology

6 climate

7 Hydrography

7.1 River system

7.2 Ozhera

8 Political division

9 Politics

10 Demography

10. 1 Ethnic groups

10.2 Languages ​​

11 Economics

12 Tourism

13 Culture

13.1 Sport

14 cm. Also

150002 16 references

Origin This continent was first used by Martin Waldseemuller, putting on his map the Latin version of the name Amerigo Vespucci, who, in turn, first suggested that the lands discovered by Christopher Columbus were not related to India, but were the New World, previously unknown to Europeans.

Comprehensive map of South America

South America from space


See also: Pre-Columbian America

See also: History of South America

America (1553)

The history of the continent can be conditionally divided into three stages. The first is the period of formation, flourishing and decline of autochthonous civilizations (Incas, etc.). The second is the era of European conquest (Conquest) and colonialism 1500-1800, when most of the continent was dependent on two European countries (Spain and Portugal). Despite the relatively short duration, it was during this period that the languages ​​and cultures, economies, as well as the beginnings of the statehood of most modern Latin American states, took shape. The history of the countries of the Guiana coast should be considered separately. Guyana, Suriname and, to a lesser extent, French Guiana are markedly different from most Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries on the continent.


There are two versions of the possible settlement of the territories of South America by humans. According to the first, the settlement came from Asia, from the territory of modern Russia, through the Bering Strait and North America, however, not all existing archaeological finds fit into this theory [source not specified 2427 days], in connection with which a theory is put forward [by whom?] about the possibility the existence of “pre-Siberian” South American natives.

The first agricultural experiences of man in South America date back to 6500 BC. e., when bananas, potatoes and hot red peppers began to be cultivated in the Amazon.

Discovery of South America

In an effort to open a sea route to India, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1492 and discovered the Greater Antilles. The first expedition was followed by a second, then a third. He laid the route of his third expedition much to the south of the lands already known to him and discovered the island of Trinidad, guiding a ship between the island and an unknown coast. The Spaniards were surprised that the water along it was almost fresh. The admiral wrote in his diary: “… such a powerful river could only exist on the mainland, and there is still a mainland in the south.”

Spanish Expeditions XV—XVI

Following Columbus, numerous Spanish expeditions went to South America in search of new lands and new riches – gold and jewels.

Expedition of Francisco Orellana

At the end of December 1541, the flotilla of Francisco Orellana, consisting of a brigantine and four canoes, began to descend to the ocean along the Napo River. After more than a month of swimming, they ended up in a river “wide as the sea”, that is, in the Amazon. On the way to the east, the Spaniards met Indian villages, saw numerous tributaries. A huge left tributary, the waters of which were “black as ink”, they called the Rio Negro – “black river”. Only in August 1542 did they reach the mouth of the river.

Geographical research

In the study of the nature of the mainland, the role of the German naturalist and geographer Alexander Humboldt, who traveled through Central and South America in 1799-1804, played a great role[2]. A deeper study of individual territories of the mainland began in the 19th century. In 1821-1828, a Russian expedition led by Grigory Ivanovich Langsdorf explored the interior of Brazil. Valuable information about the geological structure, climate, plants and animals of the Amazonian lowland was collected by the English traveler Henry Bates during the expedition of 1848-1859.years.


The length of the mainland is 7350 km from north to south and 5180 km from west to east.

Extreme points

Northern – Cape Galinas 12°27′ sh. 71°39′ W d.HGЯO

South (mainland) – Cape Forward 53°54′ S sh. 71°18′ W d.HGЯO

South (island) – Diego Ramirez 56 ° 30′ S sh. 68°43′ W d.HGЯO

Western – Cape Parinas 4 ° 40′ S sh. 81°20′ W d.HGЯO

Eastern – Cape Cabo Branco 7 ° 10′ S sh. 34°47′ W e.HGЯO


According to the nature of the relief, South America can be divided into the Mountain West and the Plain East.

The average height of the mainland is 580 meters above sea level. The Andes mountain system stretches along the entire western edge. In the north of the mainland rises the Guiana Plateau, in the east – the Brazilian, between which is the Amazonian lowland. To the east of the Andes, lowlands lie in the foothills.

Geologically, quite recently, the Andes were the scene of active volcanic activity, which continues in the modern era in several areas.

Mountain West

Atacama Desert

The almost flat surface of these plains is favorable for the formation of large river systems of the Amazon, Orinoco and Parana with wide and deep river valleys. A large area of ​​the mainland is occupied by the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus. Often they consist of several plateaus.

Brazilian plateau

Main article: Brazilian Highlands


Main article: Pampas


Main article: Patagonia


After the collapse of the PANGEY PANGEY The territory of South America was combined with Africa, Australian and Antarctica as part of the Gondwana continent. At the end of the Cretaceous, Gondwana disintegrated, and until the end of the Tertiary, South America was an island. A special fauna existed here, dominated by notoungulates. After the formation of the isthmus with North America, the influx of new fauna led to the almost complete extinction of the local fauna.


There are 6 climatic zones in South America: Subequatorial zone (2 times), Equatorial zone, Tropical zone, Subtropical zone and Temperate zone.

Most of South America has a subequatorial and tropical climate, with well-defined dry and wet seasons; on the Amazonian lowland – equatorial, constantly humid, in the south of the mainland – subtropical and temperate. On the plains of the northern part of South America, up to the Southern Tropic, the temperature is 20-28 ° C all year round, to the south in January (summer) it drops to 10 ° C. In July, that is, in winter, the average monthly temperatures drop to 10-16 ° C on the Brazilian plateau, and to 0 ° C and below on the Patagonian plateau. In the Andes, the temperature decreases markedly with height; in the highlands it does not exceed 10 °C, and frosts are not uncommon here in winter.

The windward slopes of the Andes in Colombia and southern regions of Chile are the most humid – 5-10 thousand mm of precipitation per year.

Glaciers occur in the southern part of the Andes and on individual volcanic peaks to the north.

South America is the wettest continent on Earth.


River system

Iguazu Falls

The most important river systems in South America are the Amazon, Orinoco and Parana, with a total basin of 9,583,000 km² (the area of ​​South America is 17,850,568 km²).

The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is located in South America. On the mainland, there is also the most powerful waterfall – Iguazu.








The largest in area is Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, it is also one of the oldest on the planet.




Political division

Political history of South America from 1700 to 1975

countries and territory

(km²) Population

(July 1, 2008) The population density

(by people/km²)

Argentina 2 766 890 40 677 348 14.3

Bolivia 1 098 580 857 870 8.1

Brazil 8 514 877 191 908 598 22.0

Venezuela 912 050 26 414 815 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 .8

Gayana 214 970 770 794 3.6

Columbia 1 138 910 45 013 674 37.7

Paraguay 406 750 6 347 884 15.6

Peru 1 285 220 27 925 628

SURINAM 163 270 270 270 270 270 270 438 144 2. 7

Uruguay 176 220 3 477 778 19.4

Falkland Islands (Great Britain, disputed by Argentina) 12 173 2967 0.24

Guiana (France) 91 000 209 000 2.1

Chile 756 950 16,454,143 21.1 90,003 90,002 Ecuador 283,560 13,927,650 47.1

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK) 3093 20 0

Total 17,824,513 382,426,293 21.5

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands have no permanent population[specify]. The islands belong to Great Britain and are part of the overseas self-governing territory of the Falkland Islands.


Emblem of the MERCOSUR organization (in Portuguese).

In the political arena, the beginning of the 21st century in South America is marked by the arrival of left-wing forces, socialist leaders are elected in countries such as Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Against this background, the development of a market economy and international cooperation is widely visible in South America, for example, the organizations MERCOSUR and the Andean Community were created, the purpose of which is the free movement of citizens, economic development, the removal of customs duties and a policy of common defense.

Flag of UNASUR.

Since 2004, the Union of South American Nations, also known as UNASUR, has existed and developed – an organization that unites almost all countries of South America, created on the model of the European Union. Within the framework of the union, a consultative South American Defense Council was created, it is planned to create a common parliament[3], as well as the creation of a single market and the elimination of customs tariffs between the participating countries.


Main article: Hispanics

Ethnic groups

Black Brazilians

Racial composition of the population

At the ethnic level, the population of South America can be divided into three types: Indians, whites and blacks. In countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela, mestizos (descendants of the marriages of the Spaniards and the native population) predominate in demographic terms. Only in two countries (Peru and Bolivia) do Indians form a majority. Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela have significant populations of African descent.

In countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil, the majority of the population is of European origin, of which in the first two the majority of the population are descendants of immigrants from Spain and Italy. Descendants of the Portuguese, Germans, Italians and Spaniards live in the south and southeast of Brazil.

Chile received a wave of emigration from Spain, Germany, England, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Greece and Croatia during the 18th and early 20th centuries. According to various sources, from 1,600,000 (10% of the population) to 4,500,000 (27%) people from the Basque Country live in this country. 1848 was the year of mass immigration of Germans (also Austrians and Swiss) and, in part, French, mainly to the southern regions of the country, hitherto completely uninhabited, but rich in nature and minerals. This immigration of Germans continued after the first and second world wars in such a way that today about 500,000 Chileans are of German origin. In addition, about 5% of the Chilean population are descendants of Christian immigrants from the Middle East (Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese, Armenians). Also, about 3% of the population of Chile are genetic [clear] Croats. The descendants of the Greeks make up about 100,000 people, most of them live in Santiago and Antofagasta. About 5% of the population is of French origin. From 600,000 to 800,000 – Italian.

Germans immigrated to Brazil mainly during the 19th and 20th centuries in connection with political and social events in their homeland. Today, about 10% of Brazilians (18 million) are of German origin. In addition, Brazil is a Latin American country with the largest number of ethnic Ukrainians (1 million).

Ethnic minorities in South America are also represented by Arabs and Japanese in Brazil, Chinese in Peru and Indians in Guyana.

See also: List of South American states by median age

Languages ​​

Official languages ​​of the states and territories of South America

The area of ​​Indian languages ​​in Latin America:





of South America. Portuguese is spoken by Brazil, whose population is about 50% of the population of this continent. Spanish is the official language of most countries on this continent. Other languages ​​are also spoken in South America: in Suriname they speak Dutch, in Guyana they speak English, and in French Guiana they speak French respectively.

You can often hear the native languages ​​of the Indians: Quechua (Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru), Guarani (Paraguay and Bolivia), Aymara (Bolivia and Peru) and Araucanian (southern Chile and Argentina). All of them (except the last one) have an official status in the countries of their linguistic area.

Since a significant proportion of the population of South America are from Europe, many of them still retain their own language, the most common of which are Italian and German in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela and Chile.

The most popular foreign languages ​​studied in South America are English, French, German and Italian.

Language number of carriers

Lang-es.gif Spanish 233 600 108

Lang-pt.gif Portuguese 191 480 630

Lang-en.gif English 9000 9000 9000

Lang-nl.gif Dutch 510 000 9000

Lang -fr.gif French 230,000


Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Nestor Kirchner, Cristina Fernandez, Luis Inacio da Silva, Nicanor Duarte Frutos and Hugo Chavez at the signing of the documents establishing the Bank of the South.

In the post-crisis years of 2010-2011, the economies of Latin America showed serious growth rates ahead of the world average: in 2010 growth was 6%, and the forecast for 2011 speaks of 4.7%[4]. Due to historically high inflation in almost all countries in South America, interest rates remain high, typically twice as high as in the United States. For example, the interest rate is about 22% in Venezuela and 23% in Suriname. The exception is Chile, which pursues a free market economic policy with the establishment of a military dictatorship in 1973 and has been actively increasing social spending since the restoration of democratic rule in the early 1990s. This has resulted in economic stability and low interest rates.

South America relies on the export of goods and natural resources. Brazil (the seventh largest economy in the world and the second largest in the Americas) leads in total exports of $137.8 billion followed by Chile with $58.12 billion and Argentina with $46.46 billion[5].

The economic gap between rich and poor in most South American countries is considered to be greater than in most other continents. In Venezuela, Paraguay, Bolivia and many other countries in South America, the richest 20% own more than 60% of the country’s wealth, while the poorest 20% own less than 5%. Such a wide gap can be seen in many major South American cities, where makeshift shacks and slums sit next to skyscrapers and luxury apartments.

Countries GDP (nominal) in 2009[6] GDP in 2009[7] GDP per capita in 2009[7] HDI in 2007[8]

Argentina 326 474 572 860 14 413 ▲ 0.866

Bolivia 17 4413 424 4330 ▲ 0.729

Brazil 1 572 590 1 981 642 10 325 ▲ 0. 813

Chili 169 573 243 044 14 510 ▲ 0.878

Columbia 269 654 400 300 8215 ▲ 0.807

Falkland Islands? 75 25,000 N/A

Guiana (France) 3524[

Due to the wide ethnic ties, South American cuisine has taken a lot from African, American Indian, Asian and European peoples. For example, the cuisine in Bahia, Brazil is well known for its West African roots. Argentines, Chileans, Uruguayans, Brazilians and Venezuelans regularly consume wine, while Argentina along with Paraguay, Uruguay, and people living in southern Chile and Brazil prefer mate or the Paraguayan version of this drink – terrere, which differs from other themes, that it is served cold. Pisco is a distilled grape liqueur produced in Peru and Chile, however, there are constant disputes between these countries regarding its origin. Peruvian cuisine mixes elements of Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, African and Andean cuisines.


Diego Maradona 2012.jpg Pelé.jpg

Diego Maradona (Argentina) and Pelé (Brazil) are FIFA’s Footballers of the Century.

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