San jonathan dia: San Jonathan | santoral,significado de Jonathan, santoral catolico, nombres de santos, nombres para bebes, el santoral

San jonathan dia: San Jonathan | santoral,significado de Jonathan, santoral catolico, nombres de santos, nombres para bebes, el santoral

Cuando es el Santo de Jonathan

El Santo de Jonathan es una figura bíblica que aparece en el libro de 1 Samuel. Jonathan era hijo del rey Saúl y hermano de Saúl. Él era un hombre de valor y lealtad, y se convirtió en el mejor amigo de David. A pesar de que su padre estaba decidido a matar a David, Jonathan ayudó a David a escapar. Después de la muerte de Saúl, Jonathan luchó junto a David contra los enemigos de Israel. Finalmente, Jonathan murió en batalla.

Cómo se les dice a los que se llaman Jonathan

Los que se llaman Jonathan buscan la justicia, la misericordia y la fidelidad. Este nombre significa » Jehovah ha dado» y es una forma de llamado a Dios. Es un nombre que se utiliza para muchos personajes de la Biblia, pero la persona más conocida con este nombre es Jonathan, el hijo de Saúl. Jonathan era un hombre valiente y fiel, y era el mejor amigo de David. Su nombre es un recordatorio de que Dios nos ha dado todo lo que necesitamos, y que debemos ser fieles a Él.

Cuál es el significado del nombre Jonathan

Jonathan fue uno de los hijos de Saúl y el mejor amigo de David. Se menciona varias veces en la Biblia, y su nombre significa «YHWH ha dado».

Jonathan era un hombre de integridad y lealtad, y siempre estaba dispuesto a ayudar a David. Un ejemplo de esto se ve en 1 Samuel 18, cuando Jonathan ayudó a David a escapar de Saúl, a pesar de que era el hijo del rey.

También fue un hombre de valentía, como se ve en 1 Samuel 14, cuando atacó a un ejército filisteo solo porque quería ayudar a su amigo David.

Jonathan murió en batalla junto a Saúl, pero su amistad con David fue un ejemplo para todos de cómo debemos amar y servir a nuestros amigos.

Qué significa el nombre de Jonathan en la Biblia

El nombre Jonathan significa «Jehová ha dado» o «Jehová ha entregado». Aparece en la Biblia como el nombre de varios personajes, incluyendo al hijo de Saúl y al hermano de David.

La primera vez que aparece el nombre Jonathan en la Biblia es en 1 Samuel 14, cuando Jonathan y su armadura portadora lucharon contra los filisteos. Después de que Jonathan y su escudero mataron a diez filisteos, los ejércitos filisteos se retiraron. Cuando Saúl oyó la noticia, ordenó que todos los israelitas se abstuvieran de comer durante todo el día, para que pudieran tener fuerza para luchar. Sin embargo, Jonathan no supo de este decreto y comió un poco de miel del panal. Este acto de insubordinación fue castigado con la muerte, pero Saul no pudo hacer cumplir su sentencia, ya que el ejército israelita no quiso permitir que Jonathan fuera condenado a muerte.

El nombre Jonathan también aparece en la historia de David y Jonatán. En 1 Samuel 18, Jonathan y David se hicieron amigos. Jonathan le ayudó a David a huir de Saúl, quien quería matarlo. Al enterarse de que su padre quería matar a David, Jonathan le advirtió a David que huyera. Luego, en 1 Samuel 20, Jonathan le hizo un pacto a David, prometiéndole que lo ayudaría a subir al trono.

Después de la muerte de Saúl y Jonatán en la batalla contra los filisteos, David lamentó su muerte en un cántico. En este cántico, David llamó a Jonatán «hombre de valor» y «hermoso en forma». David también se refirió a la amistad entre él y Jonatán, diciendo: «¿Cuánto más me habría amado si no hubiéramos sido enemigos?».

El nombre Jonathan también aparece en el Nuevo Testamento, en el libro de Hechos. En Hechos 13, Saulo de Tarso – quien más tarde se convirtió en el apóstol Pablo – era llamado por su nombre hebreo, Saulo, pero también era conocido por su nombre romano, Paulo. En Hechos 13:9, se dice que Saulo era «también llamado Paulo». Paulo era un nombre romano que significaba «pequeño» o «hombre de estatura baja».

En Hechos 16, Lucas relata la historia de uno de los discípulos de Saulo, un hombre llamado Timoteo. Timoteo era hijo de una mujer judía creyente y de un padre griego incrédulo. En Hechos 16:1, Lucas dice que Timoteo «tenía un nombre griego» – probablemente se refiera a que Timoteo era conocido por su nombre griego, Timoteo, más que por su nombre hebreo, Timoteo.

En Hechos 21, Lucas relata la historia de un hombre llamado Esteban, quien era «un hombre lleno de fe y de el Espíritu Santo». Esteban fue acusado de blasfemia y apedreado hasta la muerte. En Hechos 22, Pablo – quien en ese momento era conocido por su nombre hebreo, Saulo – fue testigo de la muerte de Esteban. Después de la muerte de Esteban, Pablo fue perseguido por los creyentes. En Hechos 22:13, Pablo dice: «Al oír que gritaban en hebreo: ¡Saulo, Saulo, apedréanos!»,

¿Qué santo se celebra el día 10 de agosto?

En el santoral católico, el 10 de agosto se celebra a San Laureano, obispo y mártir. Laureano nació en Tarso de Cilicia, en el siglo IV. Estudió derecho y fue abogado, pero abandonó todo para consagrarse al Evangelio. Fue ordenado sacerdote y obispo de Antioquía. San Juan Crisóstomo lo llamó «luz de oriente» por sus ensenanzas. Murió decapitado en el año 407, durante la persecución de Arcadio.

Laureano fue uno de los primeros en denunciar el error de los cismáticos, que negaban la divinidad de Jesucristo. Su oratoria era tal que atraía a multitudes, incluso a los que no eran cristianos. Era admirado por sus enemigos, pero también odiado por ellos. Su predicación contra el vicio y el error fue tal que Arcadio, el emperador romano, lo mandó desterrar. Laureano fue a Roma, donde predicó con el mismo éxito. Finalmente, fue decapitado en el año 407.

San Laureano es considerado el patrono de los oradores, de los estudiantes de derecho y de los abogados. En algunas regiones de Italia, España y Francia se le conoce como San Lorenzo.

No se encuentra ninguna referencia bíblica directa acerca de cuándo es el Santo de Jonathan. Sin embargo, podemos inferir de la Escritura que debe ser una fecha muy especial para los seguidores de Cristo. Probablemente sea una ocasión para celebrar la vida y el ministerio de Jonathan, así como para recordar su compromiso con el Evangelio.

Jonathan Crary | Department of Art History & Archaeology

Jonathan Crary


Long associated with this department, Jonathan Crary received his Ph. D. from Columbia in 1987 having previously graduated with a B.A. from Columbia College, where he was an art history major. Among his professors were Edward Said, Meyer Schapiro, David Rosand, Sylvère Lotringer, and Arthur Danto. He also earned a B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute where he studied film and photography. His film teachers there included James Broughton, Larry Jordan, and Gunvor Nelson. His first teaching position was in the Visual Arts Department at University of California, San Diego. He has taught full-time at Columbia since 1989, and has also been a visiting professor at Princeton and Harvard. Since 1988, he has been an affiliated faculty member of the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program.

He has written extensively on contemporary art and culture for publications including Art in America, Artforum, October, Assemblage, Cahiers du cinéma, Le Nouvel Observateur, Le Monde diplomatique, El Pais, Film CommentHarvard Design Magazine, Grey Room, Bookforum, Literary Hub, Domus, Otra Parte, Adbusters, Village Voice, and Texte zur Kunst. He has also written critical essays for over 30 exhibition catalogs. A selection of his work is included in the widely used anthology Film Theory and Criticism, eds. Braudy and Cohen (7th edition).

In 1986 he was one of the founders (and continues to be co-editor) of Zone Books, a press now internationally noted for its publications in intellectual history, art theory, politics, anthropology and philosophy, including texts by Michel Foucault, Wendy Brown, Giorgio Agamben, Lorraine Daston, Gilles Deleuze, Georges Bataille, Caroline Bynum, Leo Steinberg, Melinda Cooper and many others. Professor Crary was co-editor of the 1992 volume Incorporations (Zone Books) which assembled a broad range of reflections on the problem of the body in contemporary technological culture.

He is the author of Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century (1990) which has been translated into twelve foreign languages. With this book he began his extended study on the origins of modern visual culture, which he continues to develop in his current research. His book Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle and Modern Culture was published in 2000 and was the winner of the 2001 Lionel Trilling Book Award. In his following book 24/7 (Verso) he examines the fate of human perception within the operations of global information and communication networks, and it is currently in print or forthcoming in twenty-two foreign language editions. The Italian translation of 24/7 was a finalist for the 2016 Terzani International Literary Prize. The book was also the inspiration for a major group exhibition in 2019 at Somerset House in London. Over 50 invited artists responded to Crary’s text with art works and installations for the show 24/7: A Wake-Up Call for Our Non-Stop World. His book Scorched Earth was published in 2022. It was included in Literary Hub’s Best Books of the Year and nine translations are forthcoming.

Professor Crary has been the recipient of Guggenheim, Getty, Mellon, and National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. In 2005, his teaching and mentoring were recognized with a Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award.


Somerset House, London
24/7 Exhibition
October 31, 2019 – February 23, 2020

Selected Publications

Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, MIT Press, 2001

J.M.W. Turner: The Sun is God, Tate Liverpool, 2000 (co-author)

Incorporations, ed. Jonathan Crary, et al, Zone Books, 1992

Techniques of the Observer on Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century, Jonathan Crary, MIT Press, 1992

“Powering Down,” October 176, Spring 2021

“Climate Control,” October 168, Spring 2019

“Regulating the Gaze,” in Drowning in a Sea of Data, ed. João Laia, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, 2019

“Terminal Radiance” in Unwatchable, eds. Nicholas Baer and Laura Horak, Rutgers University Press, 2019

“Notes on Eye Tracking,” Harvard Design Magazine, No. 46, Fall-Winter 2018

“John Berger: Critic of Neoliberalism,” Politics/Letters 8, May 2017    

“La vida sin pausa,” El País, May 24, 2015

“Le capitalism comme crise permanente de l’attention,” In L’économie de l’attention: Nouvel horizon du capitalism?, ed. Yves Citton, La Decouverte, 2014

“Jean-Luc Godard’s Histoire(s) du cinéma,” in Sensible Politics: The Visual Culture of Non-Governmental Activism, eds. Yates McKee and Meg McLagan, Zone Books, 2012

“The Singularity of the Everyday,” in Uta Barth: The Long Now, Miller and Co., 2010

“Introduction,” to Paul Virilio, The Aesthetics of Disappearance, Semiotexte/Foreign Agents, 2009

“Attention and Event in the Work of Bridget Riley,” in Bridget Riley Retrospective, Musée de l’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2008

“Memo from Turner,” Artforum, June 2008

“Nineteenth-century Visual Incapacities,” in Visual Literacy, ed. James Elkins, Routledge, 2008

“Cerith Wyn Evans’s Luminous Stagings,” in Cerith Wyn Evans: Bubble Peddler, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria, 2007

“Image” and “spectacle,” entries in New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society, eds. Tony Bennett, Larry Grossberg, and Meaghan Morris, Blackwell, 2005

“Robert Irwin and the Condition of Twilight,” Robert Lehman Lectures on Contemporary Art, No. 3, Dia Art Foundation, New York, 2005

“Conjurations of Security,” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 6, no. 3, 2004

“Manny Farber and the Garden of Earthly Routines,” in Manny Farber: About Face, San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004

“Géricault, the Panorama and Sites of Reality in the Early Nineteenth Century,” Grey Room 9, 2002

“Dr. Mabuse and Mr. Edison,” in Art and Film Since 1945: Hall of Mirrors, ed. Russell Ferguson, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 1996

Selected Publications

Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture

Jonathan Crary


Jonathan Crary

Techniken des Betrachters: Sehen und Moderne im 19.


Jonathan Crary

Le tecniche dell’osservatore

Jonathan Crary

24/7: Schlaflos im Spätkapitalismus

Jonathan Crary

Aufmerksamkeit: Wahrnehmung und moderne Kultur

Jonathan Crary

Molecular fingerprint reading


This is how one of the first preparations of polyribosomes (polisoms) looked under an electron microscope. Polyribosomes were negative stained.

The combination of ribosomal profiling and next-generation parallel high-throughput sequencing has given rise to a method by which scientists can observe the translation of thousands of mRNAs simultaneously.

The amazing possibilities of next-generation sequencing technologies have a huge impact on various areas of modern molecular biology [1], [2]. For example, when completely deciphering new genomes or rereading (resequencing) already decoded genomes, the speed and relative cheapness of new technologies allow experiments on a scale that could not be imagined before. In the case when the object of study is RNA (in this case, DNA copies of transcripts are sequenced – the so-called cDNA), parallel sequencing makes it possible to conduct a more accurate quantitative analysis of gene expression with a wider dynamic range than traditional methods. Finally, when profiling mRNAs involved in translation (the process of protein synthesis), the use of new sequencing technologies makes it possible not only to effectively and very accurately study this stage of gene expression, but also provides a lot of qualitatively new information. Recently published in the magazine Science An article from the laboratory of Jonathan Weissman ( Jonathan Weissman ) at the University of California at San Francisco reports the first results of this approach.

The ribosome, “sitting” on mRNA and leading its translation, closes a segment 30 nucleotides long, making them inaccessible to the action of ribonuclease, which destroys the rest (unprotected) RNA. As a rule, one RNA molecule is translated by the polysome , or the polyribosome , a complex of several ribosomes (Fig. 1). The number of ribosomes in a polysome depends on the rate of initiation, elongation and termination on a particular RNA. Currently, a model is accepted in which in eukaryotes the beginning of mRNA (5′ untranslated region) and its end (3′ untranslated region) are located close to each other due to the interaction of one of the translation initiation factors (eIF4F) with poly(A)-binding protein (PAB) associated with the 3′ untranslated region. Parallel sequencing of cDNA libraries obtained from all protected RNA fragments remaining in the cell allowed Weissman and his colleagues to obtain a comprehensive picture of protein synthesis in the cell [3], [4].

Figure 1. Polyribosome anatomy

This approach (Fig. 2) can be used to solve many different problems. First, it is very likely that this approach will be used for a detailed study of the proteome [5], which will make it possible to compile a complete “catalogue” of all polypeptides synthesized by the cell. In Weissman’s own words: “For complex genomes (such as the human one), it is almost impossible to annotate all of the expressed proteins. However, our approach essentially allows you to do this.” . An article published by Weissman and his co-authors reports results obtained on baker’s yeast, however, in principle, such studies can be carried out on any organism. Moreover, the use of ribosomes containing artificially introduced epitopes (an epitope is a portion of a molecule specifically recognized by an antibody) will make it possible to study translation in separate groups of cells (tissues). “I think that for some areas [of research], such as molecular neuroanatomy, this will mark the beginning of a new era,” – Weissman says with exemplary modesty.

Figure 2. Schematic of an experiment for ribosomal profiling (reading the fingerprint of ribosomes on mRNA) or sequencing of randomly fragmented mRNA molecules

one mRNA or another. Scientists at Weissmann’s lab used ribosome profiling combined with parallel sequencing to map the density of ribosome fingerprints on thousands of different mRNAs. These measurements were then used to calculate the translation rates of protein molecules. The researchers argue that the translation rate calculated in this way allows a more accurate prediction of the amount of protein synthesized than measuring the amount of the corresponding mRNA. “What makes quantitative proteomics attractive,” says Weissman, “, is that it allows us to assess how well we are progressing” . Indeed, by correcting for an increased density of ribosomes at the 5′ end of mRNA, the scientists found a significant relationship between the level of translation and the amount of synthesized protein (correlation coefficient ≈0. 6).

The third area in which ribosomal profiles will undoubtedly find application is the study of translational control. In an article by California scientists, this method was used to study the effect of amino acid starvation on translation in yeast. There is no doubt that this method will also be used to study the regulation of protein synthesis in various diseases and stress conditions in the cells of higher organisms.

Finally, it should be noted that the described method has a high resolution (up to one nucleotide), which makes it possible to unambiguously determine the open reading frame of mRNA involved in translation. Therefore, the method can be used to study programmed frameshifts and stop codon skips. Or, as in the work of Weissmann’s laboratory, the method is useful for mapping non-canonical translation initiation sites in the 5′-untranslated regions of mRNA molecules.

According to Weissman himself, “Today it is possible to directly measure the level of protein translation with high precision. This approach will be used to find out which proteins and in what quantities are produced in the cell. In addition, this method in itself is an excellent analytical tool for studying the process of translation as such.

  1. 454-sequencing (high throughput DNA pyrosequencing);
  2. Sk true anecdote: Negro, Chinese and Craig Venter…;
  3. N. T. Ingolia, S. Ghaemmahami, J. R. S. Newman, J. S. Weissman. (2009). Genome-Wide Analysis in Vivo of Translation with Nucleotide Resolution Using Ribosome Profiling. Science . 324 , 218-223;
  4. Natalie de Souza. (2009). Deep sequencing of ribosome footprints. Nat Methods . 6 , 244-244;
  5. Billion for proteomics;
  6. Warner J.R., Knopf P.M., Rich A. (1963). A multiple ribosomal structure in protein synthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. sci. USA. 49 , 122–129.

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Esporte, Coisas Novas …

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Feliz, Carisma E Paccok

in the study of the language

Aprender fluente

My favorite topics of conversation

Esporte, coisas novas.

My language partner

Feliz, carismático e paciente kkkkk

My goals in the study of the language






The ideal partner in the language community


Philosophy; Ciencias; Idioms; Religio/Espiritualidade; Literatura, Arte.

Ideal partner in the language community
My language learning goals
My favorite topics of conversation

Filosofia; Ciencias; Idioms; Religio/Espiritualidade; Literatura, Arte.







My goals in the Language

EU Quero Apreventer Novos Para 90 Esportes, trabalho, cotidiano, estudos

Ideal partner and companion






My favorite Talking

Musica, Arte, Tecnologia, Geometria, Natureza, Conhecimenthic Best Part

Mente aberta para todos os assuntos

My language learning goals

Para servico, viagens e conhecimento

My favorite topics of conversation

My language learning goals

i want to improve my english and increase my vocabulary

My favorite topics of conversation

i discussing about everthing (i’m serious) haha ​​

I want my conversation partner to enjoy

a nice person that quickly answer and can talk about everything and i can help you with Portuguese 🙂

0086 My favorite topics of conversation

i enjoy discussing about everthing (i’m serious) haha ​​





I want to learn8 engli.

.. 90

My favorite topics of conversation

Séries, filmes, esportes

My language learning partner

Espontâneas e divertidas

My language learning goals

I want to learn English 9Ol000 for conversation

Trabalho, viagens e amizade…

Ideal partner in the language community

Proativo, que goste de viajar e que tenha bom humor. E focus



American sign

Ideal partner and conversation partner

Someone kind who can help me to improv…

My language learning goals

No reason at all

My favorite conversation topics

Music, movies and photography

Ideal partner and conversation partner

Someone kind who can help me to improve

My language learning goals

No reason at all

My favorite topics of conversation

Music, movies and photography

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My language learning goals

Conhecer pessoa…

My favorite topics of conversation

O que você está fazendo?
Gosta de films?
Pode me ajudar?

Best language exchange partner

Que possamos nos ajudar a comunicar

My goals in language learning

Conhecer pessoas

My favorite topics of conversation

O que você está fazendo?
Gosta de films?
Pode me ajudar?

Best language exchange partner

Que possamos nos ajudar a comunicar






My favorite topics of conversation

Livros, viagens, animais, medicina veterinária. Apaixonada pela…

I want my interlocutor to be

Paciente e bem humorado

My goals in language learning

Melhor comunicação, conhecer pessoas ao redor do mundo e ser uma pessoa melhor ❤ conversation

Livros, viagens, animais, medicina veterinaria. Apaixonada pela familia e pelos amigos ❤

Séries, Viagens, Comida

My Language Learning Partner

Seja Legal Educado E Pacimente

My goals in Language


My Favorite Topics for the conversation for the conversation

9000 Séris





My goals in learning the language

Me tornar fluente em inglês, puder conversar sobre diversas coisas,…

Uma pessoa totalmente compreensível, simpática

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My favorite topics of conversation


Ideal partner and conversation partner


Best language exchange partner

Que seja divertido e esteja com o mesmo foco em aprender outra. ..

My goals in language learning

Pessoal e profissional.

My favorite conversation topics

Futebol, Trabalho, Novidades, Temas Atuais

Best language exchange partner

Que seja divertido e esteja com o mesmo foco em aprender outra língua.

My language learning goals

Pessoal and professional.

My favorite topics for conversation





My goals in the Language

9000 Apans

My favorite topics of conversation

musica, comida e cinema

I want my interlocutor to be

que seja engraçado, extrovertido, que goste de conversar e que adora ouvir musica

My language learning goals

quero aprender ingles e espanhol

What are my favorite topics of conversation

musica, comida e cinema

I want my conversation partner to be

que seja engraçado, conversido que seja engraçado, conversido que seja engraçado, ex que seja engraçado que adora ouvir musica






My favorite conversation topics

Amizaturica. ..0003

My language learning partner

Animada, paciente,gentil

My language learning goals

Conhecer mais a respeito da cultura e dominar o idioma

My favorite topics of conversation

7 Amizsades, Animes, Films, Animes, Films 90 , Literatura

My language partner

Animada, paciente,gentil

My language learning goals

Conhecer mais a respeito da cultura e dominar o idioma

New users this week







The ideal partner in the language community

Alguém divertido E Pacente …

My targets in the Language of
My favorite topics Conversas no geral, gosto de conhecer novas culturas e saber um pouco mais sobre tudo, qualquer coisa que acrescente no meu intelecto.

Ideal partner in the language community

Alguem divertido e paciente.

My language learning goals
My favorite topics of conversation

Conversas no geral, gosto de conhecer novas culturas e saber um pouco mais sobre tudo, qualquer coisa que acrescente no meu intelecto.





My language learning goals

Falar fluentemente o inglê9…

My favorite topics of conversation0004 Atualidades, arte e literatura.

Ideal partner and conversation partner

Necessito conversar com nativos

My language learning goals

Falar fluentemente o inglês

My favorite topics of conversation

e Atualida.

Ideal partner and conversation partner

Necessito conversar com nativos





My favorite topics of conversation

Sports, lifestyle, leisur…

Best language exchange partner

Someone willing to talk a lot, a very spontaneous conversation

My language learning goals

keep a routine with the languages ​​practiced

My favorite topics of conversation

Sports, lifestyle, leisure

Best language exchange partner

Someone willing to talk a lot, a very spontaneous conversation

My goals in language learning

Keep A Routine with the Languages ​​Practiced






.. I want my interlocutor to be

Simpático, AtencioS, Atencioso, AtencioSISOSE, AtencioSISOS My language learning goals

Saber Pelomenos o básico

My favorite topics of conversation

Conversa saudável

I want my partner to be

Simpático, atencioso, que respeite…

My goals in the study of the language

Saber Pelomenos O BásiCo

My favorite topics for conversation

Conversa Saudável

Most likely you already know about us from …



9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

My goals in language learning

O inglês está em todos os cantos do mundo, por isso tenho interesse…

My favorite topics of conversation

Adoro falar do Brasil e de outros países e falar também de artistas do Brasil

My language partner

Uma pessoa educada e paciente.

My language learning goals

O inglês está em todos os cantos do mundo, por isso tenho interesse em saber um pouco.

My favorite topics of conversation

Adoro falar do Brasil e de outros países e falar também de artistas do Brasil

My language learning partner

Uma pessoa educada e paciente.


Portuguese 9Ol000 don’t know.

My favorite topics of conversation

Games, series, culture and technology.

Ideal partner and companion


My goals in language learning

I don’t know.

My favorite topics of conversation

Games, series, culture and technology.







My goals in the Language

Learning English and Improve My Conversation …

My favorite topics for conversation for the conversation for the conversation exchange

My language learning goals

Learning english and improve my conversation

My favorite conversation topics
Best language exchange partner

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English German Spanish French Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Turkish Dutch0087

maquiagens, viagens, comidas, intercâmbios. ….

I want my interlocutor to be

alguém aberto para responder minhas perguntas e se ajudar nas dificuldades com o idioma!

My language learning goals

ser fluente!

My favorite topics of conversation

maquiagens, viagens, comidas, intercâmbios…

I want my interlocutor to be

alguém aberto para responder minhas perguntas e se ajudar nas dificuldades com o idioma!

My language learning goals

ser fluente!





My language learning partner

Pessoas Que Paciople de ME AJUDAR A Conversar, E MELHORAR …

My purpose in the study of the language

9000 MAR a conversação

My favorite topics of conversation

Viagens, sobre a vida no dia a dia

My language learning partner

Pessoas que tem paciência de me ajudar a conversar, e melhorar meu vocabulário que eu quase nao tenho

My language learning goals no dia a dia






My goals in learning the language

Facilitar comunicaçoes for com. ..Ol000


Ideal partner in the language community

Compreensivo (a) Amigável comunicativo e legal






My favorite topics of conversation

Arte e cultura

Ideal partner and conversation partner

Aquele bem comunicativo e que converse sobre coisas do dia a dia

My goals in language learning

Manter um diálogo para conseguir me virar em viagens

My favorite conversation topics

Arte e cultura

The ideal partner and companion

Music, police, travel

Best language exchange partner

I want to help people speak Portuguese

My language learning goals

I want to speak music fluent English

My favorite conversation topics



, travel






My goals in learning the language

To improve my foreign language the most I can. ..

My favorite topics to talk about

Music, TV Series, Games, Sports, Travel, Culture, Hobbies language learning

To improve my foreign language the most I can.

My favorite topics of conversation

Music, TV Series, Games, Sports, Travel, Culture, Hobbies

I want my conversation partner to be

Just a person who wants to talk about lots of things

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