Tendinitis en niños: ¿Qué es la tendinitis y cómo aliviarla?

Tendinitis en niños: ¿Qué es la tendinitis y cómo aliviarla?

¿Qué es la tendinitis y cómo aliviarla?

4 minutos

La tendinitis es una patología que afecta en mayor medida a los deportistas y personas con trabajos que requieren de movimientos repetitivos. Descubre qué es y cómo se puede aliviar esta afección.

Revisado y aprobado por el médico Nelton Ramos.

Escrito por Equipo Editorial

Última actualización: 03 febrero, 2022

¿Has sufrido alguna vez dolor intenso en las articulaciones producto de una sobrecarga muscular o una lesión? Si te ha pasado, seguro que sabes qué es la tendinitis. Esta patología afecta los tendones o estructuras fibrosas que unen el hueso a los músculos y son los que permiten el movimiento. Descubre qué es, cuáles son las causas y cómo aliviarla.

¿Qué es la tendinitis?

La tendinitis es la inflamación e irritación de los tendones, lo que provoca gran ardor y dolor en el área afectada. Los tendones, por su parte, son estructuras elásticas o flexibles que sirven de unión entre los músculos y los huesos. Esta afección causa mayor sensibilidad en la parte externa de la articulación y, aunque puede ocurrir en cualquier parte del cuerpo, es frecuente en hombros, muñecas, rodillas y talones.

“La tendinitis infrarrotuliana es la inflamación del tendón situado bajo la rótula, a causa de la sobrecarga de las rodillas”

Según el portal de salud MSD, “la tendinitis infrarrotuliana afecta de modo característico a niños de 10 a 13 años de edad. Está causada por una lesión debida a las actividades físicas que requieren saltos y sobrecarga de las rodillas, como el patinaje artístico y el baloncesto o el balonvolea”.

Este trastornos cuenta con una elevada tasa de reincidencia una vez que se produce. Ahora bien, si no se trata de forma correcta provoca dolor y degeneración del tendón, cuya consecuencia es la ruptura de la estructura para la cual se necesitaría cirugía.

Causas de la tendinitis

La tendinitis puede ser producto de una lesión inesperada, aunque también puede deberse a la repetición de un movimiento con el paso del tiempo. De ahí que los nombres de esta afección se relacionen con los deportes: codo de tenista o golfista, hombro de lanzador o nadador, rodilla de saltador. Por tanto, la aparición del trastorno se debe en su mayoría a trabajos o actividades con movimientos repetitivos.

Asimismo, se puede decir que es el resultado de una sobrecarga muscular o producto del envejecimiento de los tendones. Estos al perder elasticidad, por acción de la edad, se vuelven vulnerables a las lesiones. También son causas, los traumatismos frecuentes o los movimientos bruscos inesperados.

Señales que indican una tendinitis

El principal síntoma de la tendinitis es el dolor agudo en la parte próxima a la articulación. Este dolor se describe como penetrante y se agudiza con el movimiento o al tocar la zona afectada. También puede cursar con una inflamación leve e irradiación de calor en el área afectada.

Son estos los síntomas que buscará el médico para realizar el diagnóstico. En ocasiones puede realizar estudios con imágenes para descartar alguna complicación u otro problema.

Tratamiento para aliviar la tendinitis

La mayoría de los casos de tendinitis se ajustan correctamente a los cuidados personales para mitigar o reducir el dolor. No obstante, en ocasiones el dolor puede llegar a ser tan agudo que dificulta las actividades diarias. Es por ello que antes de acudir al médico si tus dolores no son muy grandes puedes poner en práctica estos remedios:

Tomar un analgésico de venta libre

Medicamentos como el ibuprofeno y el naproxeno funcionan como un excelente coadyuvante para el dolor por tendinitis. De igual manera, se aconsejan los analgésicos tópicos como lociones o geles que se penetran en la piel para controlar la hinchazón y dolor. Una combinación de ambos métodos puede ser realmente útil si se extiende durante unos 7 días. Lo ideal es que aparezcan signos de mejoría.


El reposo es indispensable para darle descanso a la articulación y dejar que el tejido se recupere. Durante un tiempo prudente será imposible realizar el trabajo o las actividades que ejerzan presión sobre el tendón afectado. Puede que en ocasiones se inmovilice el área con una férula o mecanismo ortopédico removible.

Durante el reposo también se pueden aplicar compresas frías para tratar el dolor. Si se vuelve crónico se aplica calor. Las vendas elásticas y la compresión del área también pueden ayudar a aliviar la afección.

Fisioterapia y corticoesteroides

En casos extremos puede que tu medico te recete o inyecte cortisona para reducir la inflamación y el dolor. Este tratamiento, al acompañarse con fisioterapia y ejercicios programados, puede fortalecer el músculo y el tendón afectado. Lo ideal es favorecer la cicatrización y prevenir lesiones en el futuro. En casos extremos se recurre a la punción seca, tratamiento con ondas ultrasónicas o cirugía.

En conclusión, la tendinitis es una patología que puede afectar a cualquier persona cuyas actividades requieran de movimientos continuos. Se manifiesta con mucho dolor y la clave para aliviarla es el reposo. Recuerda que si el malestar no cede, debes consultar con el médico.

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Los niños y las lesiones deportivas: El crecimiento acelerado causa trastornos en los tendones y los ligamentos | Resource

Cuando su hijo o su hija pasa por lo que se le llamaun período de “crecimiento acelerado”, él o ella pueden estar más vulnerables alas lesiones deportivas si no se toman precauciones. Eso se debe a que elcrecimiento de los huesos de los niños a menudo se adelanta al desarrollosimilar en los ligamentos y los tendones que sirven como tejidos conectivospara las articulaciones.

Los ligamentos y los tendones se demoran más “asíque nuestros huesos se ponen más largos, pero las bandas elásticas que estánadheridas a estos, los músculos y los tendones, se ponen más apretados hastaque se ponen al corriente”, explica RogerSaldana, M.D., cirujano ortopédico pediátrico con MiamiOrthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute.

Los niños que están activos en los deportes son mássusceptibles a las lesiones, particularmente aquellas con un enfoque en unasola actividad, tales como la gimnasia, sin el entrenamiento adecuado.

Durante los períodos de crecimiento acelerado, sedesarrollan las “placas de crecimiento”. Estas son áreas de nuevo crecimientode los huesos en niños y adolescentes compuestas de cartílago, el materialgomoso que se encuentra más obviamente en la nariz. Las lesiones de sobreuso,también conocidas como “lesiones de estrés repetitivo”, pueden afectar lasplacas de crecimiento en los niños y los adolescentes. “Esto en combinación conla rigidez puede causar lesiones a las placas de crecimiento u otras lesionesasociadas con el crecimiento repentino”, dijo el Dr. Saldana.

Los jóvenes gimnastas son especialmente vulnerablesa las lesiones de las placas de crecimiento de las muñecas debido a que separan de manos, dan volteretas, y aterrizan duro en los brazos. Sus columnasvertebrales también están en riesgo.

“Los gimnastas que hacen muchas extensiones de laespalda pueden lesionarse las áreas de crecimiento de la columna”, dijo el Dr.Saldana.

Entre los atletas de pista y campo, las rodillas sonespecialmente vulnerables.

“Los atletas que corren o saltan mucho puedenlastimarse las áreas de cartílago de las rodillas y causar dolor en la partedelantera de las rodillas”, dijo el Dr. Saldana. “Entonces, vemos que algunosdeportes están causando más lesiones que otros, dependiendo de la edad delpaciente y cuánto tiempo hayan practicado el deporte”.

La enfermedad de Osgood-Schlatter afecta a los niñosque atraviesan períodos de crecimiento acelerado. Los niños que corren ybrincan regularmente tienen el riesgo más alto. Estos experimentan dolor en laparte delantera de las rodillas por causa de una inflamación en la placa decrecimiento y también en la parte superior de la espinilla. “Vemos másenfermedad de Osgood-Schlatter en los varones que en las hembras, especialmenteentre los varones que juegan baloncesto o corren”, dijo el Dr. Saldana.

La prevención de las lesiones se está convirtiendoen una parte vital de la medicina deportiva, según el Dr. Saldana. Elentrenamiento neuromuscular puede ayudar a mejorar la función al brincar y alaterrizar, para ayudar a minimizar las lesiones. El entrenamiento neuromuscularse enfoca en la aptitud física relaciona con las habilidades, tales comoagilidad, tiempo de reacción, coordinación, fuerza, velocidad y equilibrio. Losprogramas como esos también pueden maximizar el desarrollo neural durante laadolescencia.

“También sabemos, por lo menos anecdóticamente, que mantener la flexibilidad reduce la incidencia y mejora los síntomas de los síndromes tales como la rodilla del corredor y la enfermedad de Osgood-Schlatter”, dijo el Dr. Saldana.

Tendinitis treatment | Center “El. En.” in Moscow

Rating: 5/5


Due to the fact that I am a “happy” owner of dental implants, it is sometimes difficult for me to find a clinic with the proper level of dental services. Therefore, “Elen-clinic”, which uses non-contact methods of cleaning the oral cavity, has become for me an excellent way out of this situation. Soft and painless procedures are also effective and short. Thanks to them, I now have more free time to devote to work and family. Huge human thanks to you!

Rating: 5/5


Your polite employees told me so many things – I did not understand anything. Some collagens, microcirculation, restoration of the cell frame and so on. I am far from all this. However, this is not important, the result spoke for itself, and very soon, which I was incredibly surprised and delighted with. I made the right choice, a pleasant clinic in all respects.

Rating: 5/5


I went for this procedure to get rid of my hated freckles. I tried all folk methods – nothing takes them. And my skin is sensitive, I was afraid to conduct such experiments. But I’ve decided. The session did not last long, about 15 minutes. The sensations were not pleasant, especially around the lips and nose. After the procedure, the face burned terribly! For 4 hours, I was definitely exhausted. The next morning, all the skin was covered with some kind of black dots, as if sprinkled with something. It all went away, peeling, for three days. Then there were no traces left, freckles too. The skin is quite smooth, but dry. So the procedure helps, the only trouble is that they will appear again in the sun, alas. But it’s good that I’ll spend the winter without them.

Rating: 5/5


I was not very satisfied with the procedure. At the clinic, I had a breast cyst removed. They promised that the operation would be painless. Yes, there was no pain during the procedure, but discomfort throughout the body was felt for a long time. In a word, this is not a very comfortable operation, so you should be prepared for a rehabilitation period. But the cyst was cut out successfully and they talked politely. So all in all it went well.

Rating: 5/5


Atheroma on the chest is terrible in sensations and ugly in appearance. I almost decided to go to the hospital for an operation, but I found information about laser surgery on the Internet. Before that, I did not know that with the help of a laser it was possible to solve such problems. Made an appointment with El.N. and didn’t regret it! The procedure took very little time and was painless. True, laser removal of atheroma at a price turned out to be more expensive than conventional surgery. But on the other hand, I did not have to endure pain and go for dressings. Very satisfied, thanks!

Rating: 5/5


After acne, there were a lot of ugly scars on my face, I decided to get rid of them with the help of laser resurfacing. Signed up for El.N. to Matakova Irina Sergeevna. The procedure went almost without pain, sometimes it burned a little. It was all over in 45 minutes. The skin has taken on a brown tint, as if he had sunbathed too much. The result is noticeable after a week, when the crusts came off, the scars became less deep, but still visible. For the best effect, I decided to have one more session.

Rating: 5/5


For the treatment of hair loss I tried pills, masks, balms, massage. As it turned out, I just wasted a lot of effort and money. I heard on TV that therapy is an effective method of treating hair in women. After completing the course, I was pleasantly surprised by the result – the hair not only stopped falling out, but also began to grow faster, gained shine and strength. I regret that I did not know about the procedure earlier.

Rating: 5/5


I planned to correct the shape of my nose for a long time, in the end I chose the ElEn clinic. First of all, I was attracted by the affordable price of rhinoplasty, modern equipment and innovative technologies that are used here. I found a similar level of services in the capital only a few times, but the prices there were biting. And here and quality, and not too expensive. And the people here are friendly, there is no feeling of a hospital. The operation itself was quite successful: quickly and without complications. Thank you for giving people the opportunity to become self-confident and get rid of complexes!

Rating: 5/5


Thanks to Svetlana Mishaevna – cheeks and facial contours began to look much more aesthetic! This procedure is a salvation for those who are afraid of plastic surgery!

Rating: 5/5


This procedure is not a panacea for deep wrinkles. I want to warn you that the result is not immediately visible, if someone is waiting for instant rejuvenation, this method will not work. I began to see changes only after the third session. At the same time, it seems that the skin has become drier, but wrinkles are removed. Perhaps the procedure is suitable for shallow wrinkles (I’m 34), but I personally liked the result, plus the work of the cosmetologists deserves respect – very professional.

Rating: 5/5


I had a thyroid cyst. I was very afraid to go for the operation, I put it off for a long time, until the doctor said that it was no longer possible to pull, it was necessary to do it urgently. I chose laser removal at the El.N clinic. First of all, I want to say a big thank you to the specialists of the clinic for their friendly treatment, kindness and, of course, their professionalism! I was preparing for a major operation, but it turned out that with the help of a laser, it is possible to remove the formation with little or no damage to the surrounding tissues. I am very glad that now there are such safe methods of treatment. The doctor also said that this method excludes hypothyroidism, which also made me happy. Thank you clinic L.N.!

Rating: 5/5


For 15 years I suffered from the consequences of acne – scars and scars. I read about the methods of their treatment and removal. In the end, I decided on laser resurfacing of the face. I came to the center, the doctor began the procedure. The session lasted about an hour, after another hour I was allowed to go home. The first 5 days were the most unpleasant. The face had to be treated with special ointments – antibacterial and anti-burn. Healing was accompanied by a slight burning sensation and slight itching, it took about 1-3 days. My skin was scarlet. In principle, all this is tolerable. On the 6th day, the burning sensation was gone, but the bright pink skin remained. The face had to be lubricated with special creams. A week later, the first changes appeared. Of course, skin is not perfect. The scars are gone completely, but the pits after acne just got smaller. The doctor said that after a second session they would also leave. Of course, the price of laser resurfacing is rather big, but the result is worth it.

Rating: 5/5


I have a late and very desirable child, I gave birth to him at almost 28 years old. The figure was saved, but the chest sagged heavily. Neither creams, nor even regular trips to the gym helped. Then I decided to have breast lift surgery. My husband was against it, he scared me with various complications, but I saw that he did not like my sagging breasts. I was especially impressed that the clinic told me in detail and honestly about the operation and the recovery period. The only discomfort was that then I had to wear special underwear for a couple of months, but this, I think, is a small price to pay for the opportunity to return at 30 the shape of the breast that you had at 18.

Rating: 5/5


What are the contraindications for the “laser vaginal rejuvenation” procedure? Is it possible for me? In 2006, an operation was performed: Extirpation of the uterus with appendages. Omentectomy.

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Hello! I would like to thank Alexander Nikolaevich for helping me quickly and efficiently resolve the issue. I did not dare for a long time, I was looking for a normal doctor, naturally a man, to understand me. In general, everyone is satisfied. I recommend. Thank you.

Rating: 5/5


I recently had a lip augmentation procedure with Elena Vitalievna at the Helen clinic. Very nice woman and excellent professional, I recommend to everyone. Satisfied with the result of the work. Thank you so much, I will definitely use her again!

Rating: 5/5


I really liked the work of the doctor, Elena Gordeeva. It is immediately obvious that he is an experienced master. Skillfully, with knowledge of the matter, she took up the treatment of my face. She performed a series of procedures, after which the skin changed: the color evened out, the rashes disappeared. Well, what else can I say – I recommend!

Rating: 5/5


Good afternoon! I can’t help but share my impressions of treatment in your clinic. For a long time I suffered from profuse sweating. Various options have been proposed to get rid of this problem. Then I learned that it can be cured with a laser. The procedure was painless, there was no trace left. Now I am free from discomfort. I am very, very glad that I contacted you! )))

Rating: 5/5


In March, I had blepharoplasty on the lower eyelids. The problem was bags under the eyes. The doctor said that I already have hernias that need to be removed, and the amount of skin should be reduced accordingly. Three months have passed and I can say that I am very satisfied with the result. I recommend!!!

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Anastasia Sysoeva

I signed up for cosmetic procedures at the clinic, the effect pleased me, the skin began to peel off less, all acne disappeared. There were absolutely no painful sensations, I’m glad that I signed up with you)

Rating: 5/5

Zhdanova Irina

Probably this is the only time in my life when I did not fail with the clinic. Helped a lot. Thanks a lot!
And special thanks for the fact that the clinic itself has such a relaxed, somewhat calm atmosphere. Immediately calm down before

Rating: 5/5

Julia Klimova

Came here with a problem of nail fungus. I got to the doctor Kulesh Irina Mikhailovna. A very attentive professional. Thoroughly studied my anamnesis, tests. She prescribed adequate treatment, which in a couple of days paid off: the fungus began to leave. I’ve been struggling with this problem for over a year now. Now I believe that in good hands and get rid of the disease forever.

Rating: 5/5

Anna Morozova

I am currently undergoing a course of pigmentation removal procedures in this clinic. With the help of a laser, my age spots have become much lighter, and some have already completely disappeared. The results are already encouraging, but this is far from the limit…

Rating: 5/5

Eva M.

Good medical center, friendly and attentive staff and convenient working hours. I removed two moles on my face here without pain and complications. Thank you very much! I regret not doing this before.

Tendinitis: symptoms, treatment and prevention of a dangerous disease of the joints and ligaments

Tendonitis is a term used to describe inflammation that occurs where muscle meets bone. This disease refers to fatigue diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the body, since its development occurs against the background of tissue deterioration. Standard medications that relieve pain and inflammation are ineffective for this problem. They allow you to relieve discomfort and eliminate symptoms, but they cannot cure the disease.

Tendinitis of the knee joint is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendon above the knee. It connects the thigh muscle to the tibia. Tendinitis of the hip joint is an inflammation of the tissues and ligaments that are around this joint. There are also tendonitis of the tendons, which are located in the region of the ischial tuberosity. This process is considered the most dangerous for human health, therefore, its treatment must be started immediately after the diagnosis has been made. If this is not done, then the tendonitis of the tendon will develop into a pinched sciatic nerve.

Elbow joints can also suffer from a similar condition, but it can go by different names depending on the specific location of the problem. It is popularly known as “baseball player’s elbow”.

Tendinosis is often confused with stretched or torn tendons. But they have a significant difference. When the tendons are mechanically injured, some of the fibers are torn and soon begin to grow together and heal. The affected area brings discomfort and acute pain to a person, so he is forced to reduce the load on him. With tendinitis, tissue rupture occurs constantly, and their healing is always at different stages. The load on the affected area is not reduced. It is for this reason that treatment can be delayed, and the disease becomes chronic.

Stages of tendinitis

Modern medicine distinguishes several stages of this disease. These include:

  • acute phase. The damaged part of the body causes severe pain. If in a calm state a person feels discomfort, then during physical exertion it develops into unbearable acute pain;

  • Subacute phase. Pain persists, swelling joins them. Movement becomes difficult and limited;

  • chronic phase. Tissue degeneration occurs. Pain becomes a constant “guest”, as well as stiffness.

Modern disease classification

Tendonitis can be different. There is a certain classification, which is based on the characteristics of inflammation and methods of its treatment. To date, doctors distinguish between serous, purulent, and fibrous inflammatory processes.

Also, tendinosis is divided according to the place of their occurrence. There are such tendonitis:

  • Temporal. It causes difficulty in chewing food. When opening the jaw, a click may occur in it. Often the process is accompanied by discomfort or pain;

  • Tendinitis of the shoulder joint. The disease affects the capsule that connects the tendon to the supraspinatus and biceps muscles. Only an experienced specialist can help with such a problem. With tendinosis of the shoulder joint, the patient cannot fully raise his arm up, and also put it behind his head;

  • Tendonitis of the biceps tendon leads to impairment and stiffness of arm movements;

  • The disease that affected the elbow joint does not allow full flexion and extension of the limb in this place. Accompanied by severe pain during physical exertion and movement;

  • Wrists. Makes itself felt after exercise. The patient feels stiffness in the hands, and also cannot bend and unbend his fingers;

  • Hip joint. It is difficult for a person with this condition to move around, let alone run or do other more intense physical activities. After some time, the joint becomes permanently dysfunctional;

  • Knee joint. In this disease, the tendon in this area is affected. Damage can lead to partial or complete dystrophy. The reason is the constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes with high heels, as well as physical training at the limit. If adequate treatment is not carried out, the patient may remain crippled for life;

  • Achilles tendon . Most often, professional athletes and workers of heavy physical labor suffer from such a problem. The disease is characterized by the presence of painful sensations even at rest. The pain increases when walking up the stairs, stiffness is felt in the joint;

  • Feet. In this case, pain sensations extend not only to the lesion, but also “give” to the lower leg. If you do not undergo treatment, then over time, nodules appear in the foot, which make it difficult to move the leg;

Whatever type of tendinitis bothers you, it is important to see a doctor in time so that he can examine you and prescribe the necessary medications. Self-medication is not only ineffective, but also unsafe for health.

Causes of joint tendonitis

Many are interested in the question, where does this disease come from? Most often it occurs in two categories of people. The first is professional athletes who train often, for a long time and for wear and tear. Such an excessive load on the body leads to damage to the tendons and joints. The second is the age category of people who are “over” forty. In this case, age-related disorders in the body become the cause of tendinitis.

Damage due to excessive physical activity can be triggered by a variety of factors:

  • If you start performing exercises without the necessary warm-up and warm-up, as well as if you systematically violate the technique of their implementation;

  • Problems in the hip joint appear when running technique is violated. The foot does not land correctly on the ground, the joint suffers from hitting a hard surface, since the foot is at the wrong angle of inclination;

  • Exercises that involve sharp jumps, tilts, turns can also provoke a similar problem;

  • Using the wrong and uncomfortable shoes when it comes to outdoor activities, and not in the gym;

  • Sharp movements of the hands, accompanied by a violation of the technique of performing exercises, lead to problems with the elbow joint. As well as the constant execution of the same movement with frequent intervals;

  • With a lot of weight during exercise, tendinitis of the shoulder joint may appear.

The anatomical features of the human skeleton can also cause this disease. For example, problems in the hip joint can be caused by not the same length of the legs. To help the situation, custom-made shoes with soles of different heights can help. Problems in the knee joints often cause the legs to be bent or the joints to dislocate.

The older a person becomes, the less elastin fibers he has in his body. They are responsible for the mobility and elasticity of the tendons. This increases the amount of collagen fibers. They are responsible for the strength of fabrics. Therefore, this leads to the development of tendinosis.

In rare cases, it can be caused by:

  • infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;


  • metabolic disorders;

  • mechanical injuries in the place where the tendons are located;

  • autoimmune diseases.

Symptoms of tendinitis

This disease accompanies several different symptoms. But the most obvious of them is pain. At the initial stage, discomfort can be noticeable only after physical exertion or hard work. Over time, they visit a person with enviable regularity. Feelings can be described as a dull pain, which is concentrated at the site of inflammation of the tissues. At the same time, it appears only in the process of movement. When the joint is at rest, the discomfort disappears. If you press on the part of the body where the disease began to develop, the pain becomes stronger.

If the inflammation is in a neglected state, then redness of the skin around the affected tendon, as well as a local increase in temperature, become a symptom of tendinitis. The joint loses mobility, in some cases a characteristic crunch appears when the body moves.

Elastic nodules in tissues that can be palpated are also a symptom of tendonitis. They occur after prolonged treatment. The node can be one or more. They are a collection of fibrous tissue that occurs at the site of inflammation.

A symptom of tendinitis of the shoulder joint may be the appearance of calcifications. These are denser nodules, which are an accumulation of salt deposits. Very often, tendinosis ends with tissue rupture, which leads to a longer treatment and rehabilitation.

Pregnancy tendonitis and its features

This disease is a frequent “guest” of women who are expecting a baby. If there is suspicion, then during the examination it is preferable not to do an x-ray or computed tomography. Any drugs that a pregnant woman will take must be prescribed by the attending physician, and also agreed with the gynecologist. In this case, self-treatment will be dangerous not only for the patient, but also for her unborn child.

When the first symptoms of tendonitis appear, doctors advise to limit yourself to physiotherapy, rest, and applying cold compresses to the affected area. If you need to relieve inflammation and reduce the manifestation of pain, then ointments based on painkillers are prescribed.

If the problem goes into an acute phase, then the doctor may resort to immobilization of the joint. Antibiotics may be prescribed, but only if a bacterial infection has been found and other treatments have failed. In the most extreme cases, surgery is performed on the joint.

Peculiarities of tendinitis development in children

This disease is not as common in children as it is in adults. The most “popular” place where tendinosis occurs is the knee joint. At the first symptoms of tendonitis in a child, you need to contact a pediatric traumatologist. He will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. After that, the necessary medicines will be prescribed to the little patient. Most often, the list includes muscle relaxants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both for oral administration and in the form of ointments.

For a certain period, you will have to limit mobility and remove all physical activity. If the pain is very strong, then the joint is immobilized. The treatment includes a variety of physiotherapy, including electrophoresis. As soon as the acute phase of the disease passes, a course of massages is carried out and therapeutic physical culture is added.

Complications after tendonitis

Like any disease, tendonitis can have complications. Avoiding them is not difficult if you start the right treatment in time. However, it may happen:

  • tissue ruptures;

  • chronic course of the disease, which is accompanied by constant pain;

  • processes of proliferation of bone tissue, which lead to inflammation of a different nature.

Timely examination by a doctor and the implementation of all his prescriptions will minimize the likelihood of complications.


In some cases, a thorough examination by a specialist is enough to make a diagnosis. The doctor may order an ultrasound of the affected area to see what condition the tissues, joints, and bones are in. In rare cases, an x-ray is taken to make sure there are no other pathologies that may have similar symptoms.

Treatment of tendonitis

It is important that the treatment of this disease is prescribed by a doctor. The first step is to remove the extra load on the joint, the tendons of which are inflamed. It is not necessary to completely immobilize the arm or leg. You can simply “protect” the limbs and not physically overload them once again. In order to reduce mobility, elastic bandages, bandages, bandages are useful. Exercise therapy may be prescribed, which should be carried out by an experienced rehabilitation specialist. Properly selected exercises will not only relieve muscle tension, but also strengthen them.

To relieve the pain that always accompanies tendonitis, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are available in the form of ointments and creams, as well as oral tablets.

In some cases, treatment with glucocorticoid injections will be effective, but it should be remembered that such injections can provoke tendon rupture. Physiotherapy, which is used in combination with drug treatment, will also be useful. If a large number of calcifications and salt deposits were found in the inflamed area, then shock wave therapy will help break them up.

If your sciatic nerve is pinched due to hip inflammation, your doctor may prescribe surgery to fix the underlying problem. In this case, drug treatment will be ineffective, as it can only eliminate the symptoms, but not cure the disease.

One of the most popular drugs today, which promotes the recovery of inflamed joints and tendons, is Artrakam. It has a positive effect on the metabolism in cartilage tissues, and also stimulates biosynthesis.

The main active ingredient of Artrakam is glucosamine sulfate. It has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid. Degenerative processes in the joints are slowed down, and the function of the joints is restored. The pain becomes not so pronounced even in the acute period.

Tendinitis prevention

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. And tendinosis is no exception. If you take care of the health of your body, you can minimize the occurrence of this problem.

Before you start playing sports, be sure to prepare your joints and tendons for exercise. To do this, you need to do a special joint warm-up and stretching. Follow the technique of performing exercises. If it is correct, then you will not be afraid of injury. Observe the intervals between workouts. Your body needs time to fully recover. Do not overload the body, all sports should be adapted to your capabilities. If you try to “jump over your head”, then the deplorable consequences cannot be avoided.

If you decide to adjust your figure with the help of sports, but you are a beginner in this topic, then it is better to contact a professional trainer. He will not only select the most effective program, but will also help you learn how to properly perform all the exercises. This minimizes the risk of tendinosis.

Experts give recommendations to everyone, even completely healthy people, on how to prolong the youth of their joints and tendons. In order not to treat their inflammation in the future, follow these tips:

  • remove shoes with high heels or with an uncomfortable block from the wardrobe;

  • do a light warm-up for the whole body several times a day;

  • for very difficult, hard or intense workouts, contact the coach for help to control this process;

  • if you have joints that are subjected to constant stress, reduce it;

  • undergo a timely examination by a doctor and do not give up the treatment of infectious diseases halfway;

  • strengthen immunity, eat right and give up bad habits;

  • if you work a lot on a computer and laptop, make sure that the keyboard and hands are positioned correctly, take short breaks;

  • take care of your posture, strengthen the muscle corset;

  • if during physical exertion you feel pain, then immediately stop the exercise or activity;

  • at the first suspicion of tendinosis, contact the clinic for advice.

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