Una abuela: una abuela – Translation into English – examples Spanish

Una abuela: una abuela – Translation into English – examples Spanish

una abuela – Translation into English – examples Spanish


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Soy la hija mayor, criada por una madre soltera y una abuela.

I am the eldest daughter, raised by a single mother and grandmother.

La violencia puede ocurrir entre una abuela y su hija delante de los nietos.

Violence might take place between grandmother and daughter in front of grandchildren.

En cualquier caso, él buscaba a una abuela, pero encontró un abuelo.

Anyway. He was looking for grandma, but he found grandpa.

Tiene a una abuela loca y fiera cuidando de él.

He’s got crazy, fierce Grandma looking after him.

Pero su madre sí sabía cosas… y ella tenía una abuela.

But his mother seen who, and she had a grandmother.

Pero si me he vuelto como una abuela para las niñas.

But I’ve come to feel like a grandmother to the girls.

Y este pobre bebé ni siquiera va a tener una abuela.

And this poor baby won’t even have a grandmother.

Tal vez tenga una abuela, una tía o algún pariente.

Maybe he has a grandmother, an aunt or anybody.

Durante mi visita, vine… como una abuela abierta y adorable.

So I arrived for my visit as an open and loving grandmother.

En el juego, una abuela enojada está corriendo una carrera.

In the game, an angry grandmother is running a race.

Este es un juego divertido con una abuela en la acción.

This is a funny game with a grandmother in action.

Bueno, si hay una abuela que se reunirá y alimentará.

Well, if there is a grandmother who will meet and feed.

Llorar como una abuela anciana… y que no me pese la conciencia.

Cry like an old grandmother and not have my conscience bother me.

Atacó a una abuela y a un cartero antes de matarlo.

Attacked a granny and the postman before they took it down.

Está hablando sobre una abuela falsa, que esté realmente mal.

He’s talking about a fake abuela, who’s really sick.

Tengo una abuela muerta que se mueve más rápido que tu.

I have a dead grandmother that moves faster than you.

Si cualquiera piensa que luces como una abuela, está loco.

If anybody thinks you look like a grandma, they’re crazy.

En el ascensor, vi a una abuela con su nieta.

In the lift, I saw a grandma and grandson.

Si hay un niño con problemas, lanzamos una abuela.

If there’s a child in trouble, we beam a Gran.

Se entrevistaron a seis madres y una abuela de niños en edad escolar.

Six mothers and one grandmother of school age children were interviewed.

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una abuela – English translation – Linguee

Una amiga de otro padre utiliz una palabra

racial despectiva contra una abuela del programa.



A friend of another parent used a

racial slur against a grandmother in the program.

4children. org


Quiz se trate de una abuela obrera, de una profesional soltera […]

y sin hijos o de una mujer casada con dos hijos pequeos.



She could be a blue-collar grandmother, an unmarried and childless […]

professional, or a married mother of two young children.



En Bolivia poda estar ganando 100, 200 dlares al


mes; pero esa familia, esa persona viene ac a cuidar a

un abuelo europeo, a una abuela europea y al mes gana [. ..]

1000 euros.



In Bolivia, they could be earning 100 or 200 dollars a month, but


that family or that person comes here to care

for a European grandmother or grandfather, and he earns […]

1,000 Euros a month.



Qu piensan los

nietos de tener una abuela famosa?



What do the grandkids think

about having a famous grandmother?


aarpsegundajuventud. org

De cualquier manera, se es

el primer idioma que hablan una abuela y un nieto.



That’s the

first language of a grandmother and a grandson anyway.



Washington – La gente suele venir de dos en dos al

quiosco de historia: una abuela y una nieta, un matrimonio, […]

un padre y un hijo.



Washington — Usually people come in

[. ..]
pairs to the story booth a grandmother and granddaughter, a […]

husband and wife, a father and son.



Pero una abuela y un nieto sentados para […]

almorzar no son un problema, y deberamos resistirnos a cualquiera que afirmara lo contrario.



But a grandmother and a grandson sitting […]

down for lunch is not a problem, and we should resist anybody who tells us it is.



Los nios tanto con una madre y una abuela materna que fumaron durante [. ..]

el embarazo fueron 2.6 veces ms propensos a desarrollar


asma cuando se compararon con los nios cuyas madres y abuelas maternas no fumaron durante el embarazo.



Children with

both a mother and maternal grandmother who smoked during pregnancy […]

were 2.6 times more likely to develop asthma


when compared to children whose mother and maternal grandmother did not smoke during pregnancy.



Los y las bebs a menudo permanecen al cuidado de

hermanos y hermanas o una abuela y son amamantados solo [. ..]




Infants are often left in the care

of siblings, or a grandmother, and are only partially […]




Pero, el empresario Erwin Auspitz record esta semana en una carta a este diario que el diplomtico Giraldes, cnsul argentino


en Viena en 1938 ayud a sus

padres, a su hermana y a una abuela a conseguir visas de […]

trnsito an sabiendo que la familia


tena intenciones de quedarse ilegalmente en Buenos Aires.

raoulwallenberg. net


However, businessman Erwin Auspitz sent a letter to this paper this week reminding that diplomat Giraldes, Argentine Consul


in Viena in 1938, helped his

parents, his sister and a grandmother to obtain transit visas […]

yet knowing that the family intended


to stay illegally in Buenos Aires.



En el film la

seora Lerer prest su voz a una abuela que rememora su llegada a Argentina […]

en el vapor “Wesser”, en 1889.



In “Legacy” Mrs.

Lerer’s voice is used for the part of a grandmother who remembers her arrival […]

to Argentina on the ship “Wesser”, in 1889.



A menudo recogido por una abuela el nio se encuentra solo […]

cuando ella se muere.



If a child

is being raised by a grandmother, the child will be orphaned […]

again when she dies.



Un amigo mo, que tiene diez hijos sin abuela que ayude en su crianza, me pregunt: Sabes

[. ..]
dnde podra comprar una abuela para mis hijos?



A friend of mine, who has ten children and no grandmother to help bring them up, asked me: “Do you know

where I could buy a granny for my children?



Una abuela, viuda desde hace unos 40 […]

aos, me dijo que no poda abandonar su vivienda durante ms de dos semanas seguidas


porque no quera sufrir las iras de su difunto esposo y sus antepasados.



One grandmother, a widow for about forty [. ..]

years, told me that she cannot leave her house for more than two weeks because


she doesn’t want to face the wrath of her late husband and ancestors.



Esta situacin es

contrapuesta por la ternura de una abuela que tiene fuertes races […]

en la naturaleza y que les regala el ms preciado bien: su tiempo.



This is well balanced by the understated depiction of the

gentle care of an aged grandmother, firmly earthed in […]

the natural world, who gives them a


most precious commodity: her time.



Finalmente, tal como seal el Comisario Patten cuando termin el debate anterior, quiero decir que la

polica ideal sera una abuela de color.



Finally, I want to say, as Commissioner Patten said when he drew the previous debate to a close, that the ideal police

officer would be a black grandmother.



Hasta que una maana te llevan al corral de las vacas y ah,

ante docenas de vecinos, una abuela viene y te lo hace.



Until one morning they take you to the cow corral and right there, in

[. ..]
front of everybody, a grandmother comes and does it to you.



Si una abuela se enfermaba, se quedaba enferma […]

sola en su casa.



If any grandmother got sick, she got sick […]

alone at her house.



Bajo la influencia de una abuela santa, aprend de Jess muy […]

temprano en mi vida, fui bautizado a la edad de doce aos, y pronto empec a predicar.



Through the influence of a godly grandmother, I learned about Jesus [. ..]

early in life, was baptized at age twelve, and soon began preaching.



Sin embargo, de manera interesante, las agrupaciones se manifiestan como diferentes enfermedades


autoinmunes: una madre quizs tenga diabetes ; una

hija quizs tenga lupus y una abuela quizs padezca artritis […]

reumatoides .



Interestingly, though, the clusters manifest as different


autoimmune diseases: a mother may have diabetes ; a daughter

may have lupus; and a grandmother may have rheumatoid arthritis .



En este contexto, ayer, 24 de julio de 2006, las fuerzas ocupantes


mataron al menos a seis civiles palestinos ms, entre ellos

una nia de 4 aos, una abuela de 57 aos y su nieto de 13.



In this regard, yesterday 24 July 2006, the occupying forces killed at


least six more Palestinian civilians, including a 4-year-old

girl, a 57-year-old grandmother and her 13-year-old […]




Una abuela que lleva una vida tranquila y afectiva ve desmoronarse todo ello cuando una [. ..]

de sus dos hijas, casada, madre


de cuatro hijos, emprende un acompaamiento psicoespiritual junto a un mdico de una comunidad pseudorreligiosa y decide cortar los vnculos con su familia con estas palabras Mam, hay un inmenso ‘no dicho’ entre nosotras, si te lo dijera te derrumbaras o lo rechazaras.



A grandmother saw her calm life filled with affection transformed when one of her two […]

daughters (married, with four children)


began psycho-spiritual sessions with a doctor from a pseudo-religious community and decided to cut all relations with her family because “Mum, there are powerful unsaid elements between us, if I explained, you would collapse or you would refuse to believe it.



El estudio de investigacin ha revelado que muchas madres estaban regularmente en comunicacin, por telfono o correo electrnico, con


figuras de referencia importantes que se haban quedado en su patria (por ejemplo

una hermana, una amiga o una abuela).



The research study found that many mothers communicated regularly


by telephone or e-mail with important reference people in their homeland (for

example a sister, friend or grandmother).


bernardvanleer. org

Tienen una abuela espaola, han vivido dos […]

aos en Alemania, han pasado una larga temporada practicando en Francia: en esos


casos, las circunstancias son muy diferentes.



A Spanish grandmother, having lived in Germany […]

for two years, a long traineeship in France: this completely changes the picture.



La nueva serie, basada en el libro “Diario de una abuela de verano” de Rosa Regs, producida por Rodar y Rodar Cine y Tv para TVE, comenzar a emitirse el prximo 6 de septiembre, en el prime-time de La Primera.



On 6th September, the new TV series based on the novel written by Rosa Regs “Diario de una abuela de verano” and produced by Rodar y Rodar y Tv for TVE, will be broadcast on the prime-time of Channel one (TVE).



Mara Waanshiro es una abuela y persona de edad en la […]

aldea Gitogua al borde de Ruiru, en Kenya.



Mary Waanshiro is a grandmother and a village elder in […]

Gitogua on the edge of Ruiru in Kenya.



Abuela – translation into Russian | English-Russian

Translate. vc


English phrases | Russian phrases | Turkish phrases


Translate.vc / English → Russian / [ A ] / Abuela

181 parallel translations

Not to me or to abuela or to your dad.

Abuela and I have a different opinion, and so does dad.

Listen, abuela’s gonna be there in about 10 minutes, and I’ll be home at 6.

Listen, Abuela’s gonna be there in about 10 minutes and I’ll be back at six.

Remember what I told you. Abuela, I know, I’m just telling you.

Okay, I know, I’m telling you.

You have to apologize for making fun of my culture, My beliefs, my chunchullo, my abuela.

You need to apologize for making jokes about my culture, my beliefs, my chunchuya, my grandmother.

Tonight we dine on the traditional colombian recipes Of my abuela, my grandmother.

Tonight we are having dinner with my grandmother’s traditional Colombian recipes.

Abuela, go back with the others- – now.

Grandma, get back to the others… immediately.

Abuela, listen to your m’hijo, okay?

Grandma, listen to your grandson, okay?

Abuela, por favor. Take me to him.

Grandma, please take me to him.



The abuela called for Tio Luca.

Granny called Uncle Luka.

Mi abuela- – that’s my grandmother- – she said I could make my letters when I was just a baby.

Mi Abuela is my grandmother, she says that I could write when I was very young.

Where is your abuela?

Where does your abuela live?

I’m here at mi abuela’s.

I am at mi abuela.

Abuela, did you miss me?

Abuela, did you miss me?

Relax, Abuela!

Calm down, old lady

It’s how mi abuela put me to sleep at night, and she is not a nice lady.

It was with them that my grandmother sent me to sleep, and she is not God’s dandelion.

I just have to tell my Abuela before she sees that stupid commercial.

I have to tell my grandmother before she sees this stupid ad.

– Abuela, you…

– Grandma, you…



I wish abuela felt the same.

– I wish my grandmother thought the same way.


– Grandmother. (Spanish)

Oh! Good to see you. Abuela.

Good to see you, grandma.

I can’t wait to see Abuela try to get him out of this one.

Can’t wait to see how granny will excuse him.

And I may be just a ranch hand, but I’m the one that told your abuela about the baby.

And maybe I’m just a farm worker, but I’m the one who told your grandmother about the baby.

My abuela put me in them when I was little, because I was such a tomboy and it really pissed my dad off.

My grandmother sent me there when I was little because I was such a tomboy and it made my father very angry.

It’s your abuela.

This is your grandmother.

And you don’t wanna get on the wrong side of my abuela.

And you don’t want to know my grandmother from the other side. Trust me.

He’s talking about a fake abuela, who’s really sick.

He is talking about a fake grandmother who is very sick.

Then fake abuela fake dies.

Then the fake granny doesn’t really die.

And she reminds me of my abuela, with her head scarf and her petty theft charges.

She reminds me of my grandmother with her handkerchief and petty theft problems.

What did I say, abuela?

what did my granny say?



I wanted to ask you for my abuela’s ring back.

I wanted to ask you to return my grandmother’s ring to me.

This belonged to my abuela.

This belonged to my grandmother.

Look, it’s my abuela.

Look. This is my grandmother.

Hey, go help abuela with the remote, all right?

Hey, go help granny with the remote, okay?

Abuela, no!

Grandmother, no!

That’s my abuela.

No, abuela. Your abuela.

Abuela, this is Molly.

Grandma, this is Molly.

Abuela, this isn’t interesting to anyone.

Grandmother, no one is interested in this.

Is my poor abuela praying again?

Is my poor grandmother praying again?

Sick abuela.

Sick grandmother.

The shit that comes in boxes, it tastes like my abuela’s ashes.

The shit that comes in the boxes tastes like my grandma’s ashes.

Yeah, but his abuela’s in the hospital, which sucks, but “Silver Linings Playbook,” we have the place to ourselves.

Yes, but his grandmother is in the hospital and it sucks, but we can take comfort in the fact that we have the whole apartment

Where’s abuela?

Where is grandma?

That way, your mom can come or your abuela.

And your mother or grandmother can come to the play.

Abuela is too old and Cesar’s guaranteed to fuck up.

Granny is too old and Cesar is guaranteed to screw up.

And then, your holy abuela, you know, she hooking’up with some old dude that she met in tai chi.

And on top of everything else, your holy grandma, you know, is fucking some old fart she met at tai chi.

I’m an abuela now.

I am now a grandmother.

My abuela always said…


“Abuela” means grandmother.

– This is your grandmother…

  • translate to “abuela” Turkish

Abuela Casa Hostal, Apia – Updated 2023 Prices

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Featuring a garden and free WiFi throughout the property, Abuela Casa Hostal is located in Apía. Guests can enjoy mountain views.

The rooms in the guest house are equipped with a TV. All units at Abuela Casa Hostal are equipped with a shared bathroom and bed linen.

The nearest airport is Matecaña International Airport, 57 km from the accommodation.

Abuela Casa Hostal has been welcoming Booking.com guests since March 10, 2022.

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      15:00 – 20:00


      08:00 – 12:00


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