Nombres para niñas hawaiano: 19 nombres para niña de origen hawaiano que suenan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

Nombres para niñas hawaiano: 19 nombres para niña de origen hawaiano que suenan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

19 nombres para niña de origen hawaiano que suenan bien con apellidos en español | Estilo de Vida Madres

Conocer otras culturas es enriquecedor y satisfactorio. Incluso, nos puede ayudar a encontrar nombres originales y hermosos.

Estas 19 ideas de origen hawaiano son perfectas para bautizar a una niña y se complementan muy bien con apellidos en español. Elige tu favorito.

#1 Leilani

Un nombre dulce con un significado muy especial: «niña celestial». Su pronunciación es clara y sencilla, lo que lo hace idóneo para combinarse con prácticamente cualquier apellido.

#2 Alana

Una opción que transmite alegría de inmediato. El significado de Alana es «ofrenda preciosa».

#3 Milana

Los nombres hawaianos suelen ser muy poéticos, ya que tienen referencias a elementos propios de la isla. Milana quiere decir «la que es amada» o «la que trae la unión».

#4 Waiola

Waiola es una idea más exótica y muy original. Su significado es hermoso, éste es «flor violeta» y hace alusión al hibiscus, una flor típica de la isla.

#5 Zahar

La H intermedia se pronuncia como g o j. Zahar quiere decir «brillo» o «chispa».

#6 Kiannah

Uno de los nombres hawaianos más majestuosos. Inspira respeto, ya que significa «diosa de la luna». Tiene diversas variantes como Kianna o Kyana.

#7 Miley

Es una alternativa muy popular gracias a la actriz y cantante, Miley Cyrus. En Hawái quiere decir «vino».

#8 Maylea

Muchos de los nombres en este idioma surgen de elementos de la naturaleza, como Maylea que quiere decir «flor salvaje».

#9 Lani

Para los papás que prefieren los nombres cortos, Lani es perfecto. Significa «cielo» o «paraíso».

#10 Vaitiare

Vaitiare es alusivo al mar y la naturaleza, ya que quiere decir «flor de mar», un nombre hermoso y muy femenino.

#11 Lilo

Conocimos este bello nombre en la película de Disney, Lilo & Stitch, pero pocos saben su significado, el cual es «generosa».

#12 Malu

Malu describe a niñas tranquilas, compasivas y que son bondadosas desde pequeñas. Significa «pacífica» o «la que trae paz».

#13 Lea

Este nombre breve tiene una melodía preciosa. En la mitología hawaiana, Lea era la diosa de los fabricantes de canoas.

#14 Kailani

Kailani ha tomado relevancia gracias a que es el nombre de la nieta de Eugenio Derbez (hija de Aislinn). Su significado es muy bonito, éste es «mar y cielo».

#15 Noelani

Es un nombre más complejo pero que al igual combina adecuadamente con apellidos en español. Quiere decir «preciosa chica del cielo», aunque también puede encontrarse como «rocío celestial».

#16 Malia

Su pronunciación es sencilla, Malia tiene un significado que inspira tranquilidad: «aguas pacíficas y en calma».

#17 Nohi

Es poco conocido, lo que lo hace único e incomparable. Nohi tiene un significado mágico: «el brillo de los colores del arco iris».

#18 Moana

Este nombre también ganó popularidad gracias a la película homónima de Disney. Moana significa «océano». Son mujeres determinadas y con una gran fortaleza.

#19 Meli

Meli describe a niñas que irradian ternura y cautivan a todos con su sonrisa. Quiere decir «miel dulce» o «dulce como la miel».

Más ideas de nombres:

  • 21 nombres para niña inspirados en el mar (sus significados son hermosos)
  • 21 nombres para niña en francés que suenan muy bien con apellidos en español

101 nombres hawaianos para niña y niño que suenan de lo más dulce

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Suscríbete a Bebés y más

Lucy Ortega

Cuando elegimos del nombre del bebé, muchas veces buscamos alguno que tenga algún significado memorable o que esté inspirado en algo que nos guste o admiren, como un libro o algún personaje histórico.

Pero a veces, los padres eligen un nombre basándose más en su sonoridad. Si buscas nombre para tu bebé, te compartimos 101 nombres hawaianos para niña y niño que suenan de lo más dulce.

Nombres hawaianos para niña

Foto | Klaudia Ekert en Pexels

  • Akela: forma hawaiana de Adela.
  • Alani: árbol de naranjo.
  • Aloha: en hawaiano se usa como saludo, pero significa “amistad”.
  • Anela: ángel.
  • Ani: hermosa.
  • Anuenue: arcoíris.
  • Aolani: nube celestial.
  • Halia: significa “recuerdo de un ser querido”.
  • Haliaka: variante de Hariata, que a su vez es la versión hawaiana de Harriet.
  • Hani: alegría.
  • Hariata: variante hawaiana de Harriet.
  • Hawai: lugar de los dioses.
  • Iolani: halcón de la realeza.
  • Kaena: alabada.
  • Kai: mar, océano.
  • Kaia: mar.
  • Kailani: mar y cielo.
  • Kaimana: el poder del océano.
  • Kala: significa “arte, virtud, gracia” en sánscrito. En Hawaii se utiliza como una variante de “Sara”, que es de origen hebreo y significa “señora”.
  • Kalake: variante hawaiana de Grace, que significa “gracia”.
  • Kalea: alegría, oraciones.
  • Kalena: variante hawaiana de Karen, de origen danés y que significa “pura”.
  • Kalola: variante hawaiana de Carol, versión femenina de Carlos, que significa “hombre libre”.
  • Kamala: jardín.
  • Kani: constancia.
  • Keilani: cielo.
  • Leilani: flor celestial.
  • Lilinoe: brisa fina.
  • Lilo: generosa.
  • Loa: largo.
  • Lokelani: pequeña rosa roja.
  • Lulani: cielo.
  • Mahina: luna.
  • Makala: mirto.
  • Makani: viento.
  • Malea: de origen hawaiano y significa “agua en calma”.
  • Malia: variante de María en hawaiano.
  • Malina: de origen hawaiano que significa “paz”.
  • Malu: pacífica, paz.
  • Maylea: flor silvestre.
  • Moana: océano.
  • Nahele: bosque.
  • Naia: flotar, delfín.
  • Nalani: cielo en calma.
  • Nalu: ola.
  • Nana: es el nombre de un mes de primavera y de una estrella.
  • Noelani: brisa celestial.
  • Nohi: significa ‘brillo de los colores del arcoíris’.
  • Ohana: familia.
  • Okelani: celestial.
  • Oliana: laurel.
  • Pule: oración.
  • Ulanni: belleza celestial.
  • Vaitiare: flor de mar.

Nombres hawaianos para niño

Foto | Tu Nguyen en Pexels

  • Akamu: variante hawaiana de Adán.
  • Akoni: digno de admiración.
  • Anakoni: valioso.
  • Elikai: variante hawaiana de Eliseo, que es se origen hebreo y significa “Dios es mi salvación”.
  • Hani: feliz.
  • Haoa: variante hawaiana de Howard que significa “vigilante”.
  • Havika: amado.
  • Hokulani: estrella del cielo.
  • Huali: nombre unisex que significa “puro”, “brillante”, “blanco”.
  • Ikaia: de origen hebreo, es la variante hawaiana de Isaías. Significa “la salud de Yavé” o “Yavé el salvador”.
  • Iakona: sanador.
  • Ikaika: fuerte.
  • Iki: pequeño.
  • Kahale: hogar.
  • Kahalo: el de pies ligeros.
  • Kahuna: secreto.
  • Kai: mar u océano.
  • Kaili: una deidad.
  • Kalani: cielo, paraíso.
  • Kaleo: voz, sonido.
  • Kalino: brillante.
  • Kane: guerrero, hombre.
  • Kapono: el bueno.
  • Kealoha: el querido.
  • Keanu: brisa.
  • Keawe: estrella del sur.
  • Keiki: niño.
  • Kekoa: de origen hawaiano, significa “valiente, soldado”.
  • Keoki: variante de George o Jorge, de origen griego, que significa “agricultor”.
  • Keola: vida.
  • Keoni: variante de John o Juan, de origen hebreo, que significa “fiel a Dios”.
  • Kimo: de origen anglosajón, es la variante hawaiana de Jacob o James. Significa: “Dios recompensará”.
  • Koa: guerrero.
  • Koi: agua.
  • Luano: fuente.
  • Makaio: variante hawaiana de Mateo.
  • Makeo: versión hawaiana de Mateo.
  • Makoa: hombre valiente.
  • Manu: ave.
  • Maui: nombre masculino que hace referencia a una de las islas del archipiélago de Hawai.
  • Nahele: bosque.
  • Nakoa: los guerreros.
  • Nalu: ola.
  • Nohea: atractivo, guapo.
  • Palani: variante hawaiana de Francisco.
  • Pekelo: roca.
  • Ululani: nombre unisex que significa “arboleda celestial”.
  • Wehilani: significa “adorno del cielo”.

Más nombres de bebé

  • ¡Bienvenue bébé!: 173 nombres franceses para tu bebé
  • 33 nombres de niño cortos y originales
  • 33 nombres de niña cortos y originales
  • 185 nombres japoneses de niña y niño para tu bebé (y su significado)
  • 141 nombres alemanes de niña y niño para tu bebé
  • 51 nombres italianos para tu bebé que te enamorarán
  • 113 nombres letones de niña y niño para tu bebé
  • 25 nombres de animales que puedes ponerle a tu bebé
  • 29 nombres bonitos de niño inspirados en la literatura y los libros
  • 29 nombres bonitos de niña inspirados en la literatura y los libros
  • 101 nombres para niños y niñas inspirados en el universo y la astronomía
  • 101 nombres gallegos para niño
  • 101 nombres gallegos para niña
  • 79 nombres de niño modernos y originales
  • 79 nombres de niña modernos y originales
  • De niña y de niño: 87 nombres para tu bebé inspirados en la naturaleza
  • 151 nombres rusos de niña y niño para tu bebé
  • 33 nombres de niña y de niño inspirados en la Navidad
  • 99 nombres para niño inspirados en lugares, ciudades y países
  • 99 nombres para niña inspirados en lugares, ciudades y países
  • 33 nombres de bebé inspirados en el sol y la luna
  • 117 nombres nórdicos de niño para tu bebé
  • 117 nombres nórdicos de niña para tu bebé

Si buscas nombre para tu bebé que sea original y tierno, te compartimos 101 nombres hawaianos para niña y niño que suenan de lo más dulce.

Foto de portada | Tu Nguyen en Pexels


  • Recién nacido
  • Nombres de bebés


An unusual name is a crime or a gift: why do we need a law banning “disgraceful” names

April 21, 2017, 09:45,

which prohibits calling children names using swear words, as well as numbers and indications of ranks, positions and titles. Earlier, the Ministry of Justice called it a law banning “disgraceful” names. “Such examples of unusual names as Air Traffic Controller, Zhuzha, Lancelot, Lexus, Lettuce, Vanzyrym, Prince, Tsar are widely known. , as a rule, they feel like outcasts in society. And only after reaching the age of 14 they can change their name to another on their own, “said Pavel Krasheninnikov, head of the profile committee on state construction and legislation.

Some kind of nonsense turns out when children are called numbers or come up with something. A born child cannot choose a name for himself

As Senator Valentina Petrenko, the author of the document, explained earlier, it was impossible to oblige parents to give their children names that do not violate their interests and rights. As an example, she cited the story of a boy with the name BOC rVF 260602 (Biological object man of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002). According to the senator, the boy lived for a long time without a Russian birth certificate, as the Moscow registry office refused to register a child with that name, explaining this by protecting his interests, and the court sided with them.

TASS spoke with a lawyer, an anthroponymics expert (a branch of linguistics that studies people’s names. – Note TASS) and an unusual name owner to find out what they think about the history of BOC and the new law, as well as how names affect character.

“At the age of 14, the child called himself Igor, and everything became normal”

enough tools to fix situations like the one that happened with Boc. In his opinion, the judicial system, within the framework of the current legislation, based on the general principles and interests of the child, may well resolve such issues and rename children.

And in this case, history has come to a standstill due to “some timidity” of the judicial system, the expert believes. Nevertheless, according to Zharov, in the end the situation was resolved. “At the age of 14, the child called himself Igor, and everything became normal,” he explained.

The lawyer is sure that normal parents will not give a newborn a name that will cause problems for him. And if this happens and the child is given a name, for example, Fecalia, the guardianship and guardianship authorities can sue and rename the girl on the basis that in this situation the parents clearly acted against the interests of the child. “If the parents cannot give a name to the child, it is given by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. This issue is resolved in the legislation,” the expert clarifies.

It’s not worth changing laws because of one incident

Despite the fact that there were practically no restrictions on names in Russia, BOC is the only precedent when this somehow affected people’s lives. According to Zharov, it is not advisable to change the legislation and introduce any bans because of one child. Moreover, the proposed criteria do not have a clear definition. “Profanity – you can go far here. Or the prohibition to include numbers in the name. Why can’t the child be named Henry IV?” — says the expert.

Besides, Zharov is sure, any restriction entails many questions. “Who will determine whether a name is euphonious or obscene? An employee of the registry office? Are you sure that he has the appropriate competence, for example, a linguistic education? Or will we call experts? Or make lists of allowed names?” the lawyer continues.

For example, the name Lucifer. Why is it bad? For me, as for an atheist, it does not carry any negative context

Civil registry office statistics

According to the statistics of the registry office of Moscow since 1998, among the most unusual names that the boys received were: Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Christamrirados, Dolphin, Yaroslav-Lyutobor, Luka-Shchastye Summerset Ocean, Buddha-Alexander.

The girls were given the following unusual names: April, Polina-Polina, Princess Daniella, Dawn-Zaryanitsa, Alyosha-Kaprina, Oceana, Sofia-Sun, Alyona-Flower, Alisa-Nefertiti.

According to a representative of the Moscow registry office, in 2016 not a single unusual name was recorded.

“I will also give original names to children”

Brilliant Bazuev, an 18-year-old medical college student, is quite satisfied with his name. “If I have children, I may also give them original names,” he says.

According to the young man, he realized that he had a rare name, even in childhood. “About the age of five, I began to think that my name was different from others, because I noticed that the guys with whom I played in the yard were somewhat shocked. But I didn’t grieve or rejoice much, because I accepted my name for granted,” says Bazuev.

Nevertheless, the thought of changing his name came to him. “People paid too much attention, expected something great, and I’m a simple guy, just with a rare name,” the young man notes.

Close people call me Brilliant, friends call me Brill. I introduce myself with my full name, but sometimes they don’t believe me until I show the documents

The young man admits that the unusual name helped him a couple of times when filling out documents. “Eternally angry employees of the passport office or the tax office were thrilled at the sight of the name,” he explains.

The owner of a rare name has a negative attitude towards the State Duma ban. “The name of a person is his personal matter or his parents, but not the deputies. If you don’t like the name, he will change it,” he said. If BOC rVF 260602 is happy with its name, Bazuev sees nothing wrong with this.

The young man is sure: even if his name was different, life would hardly change, because “the main thing in a person is his actions, not a candy wrapper.”

“Children with such names are not perceived by peers”

Boris Khigir, Doctor of Psychology, an expert on the influence of a name on a person’s character, disagrees with Bazuev. In his opinion, when parents give a child the wrong name, he grows unstable, sickly and may die early. The sooner a person changes his name to “normal”, the sooner he becomes stable.

The expert urges not to use double names, as such children suffer from nervous system and psyche. In addition, according to the psychologist, when choosing a name for a newborn, you should not resort to foreign names, because foreign languages ​​​​have completely different pronunciation norms and a sound range.

According to the psychologist’s observations, which he cites in the book “The Name and the Crime. The Key to Fate is Your Name”, nowadays it is better not to give some names to boys at all. Among them are Sergei and Anatoly. “These people start drinking and can become addicted to drugs. Alexander can even start smoking at the age of five, then engage in theft,” the expert adds.

As for the girls, according to Khigir, the names Tatyana, Yana and Yuliya are masculine. “Their owners may be prone to aggression due to the fact that femininity is taken away from them through censure with a similar name. In the old days, the name was given according to the calendar. If Tatyana was born at the end of January, there are no objections, but you need to listen to how this name is combined with a patronymic “, he explains.

The name of the author of the draft law banning “disgraceful names” Valentina Petrenko is very authoritative and has a strong masculine principle, Khigir adds.

A name with numeric values, like BOC rVF 260602, according to the expert, is not a name at all. “It does not matter, unlike the word. And the name must match the patronymic in terms of sound.”

According to the psychologist, he met the boy when he was four years old. For the psychologist, the patronymic of the child was the main thing, because, in fact, he did not have a name. Bocha’s patronymic is Vyacheslavovich. “Vyacheslav can be a talented person, but you can’t call a child that. We need to take this child away from his parents, because he has a risk of getting schizophrenia with that name,” the expert believes.

About the parents of a boy named Lucifer, Khigir says that they do not need a child, since they called him one of the names of the devil.

Children with such names are not perceived by their peers, they become targets of harassment, and subsequently they develop an indecision complex. I think it is necessary to fire the registry office staff who register such names

How names are registered in other countries


  • In Germany, there is no federal law regulating naming. Employees of the department registering a newborn may urge parents to abandon an inappropriate, from their point of view, name. If the parents do not agree, the case goes to court. As a result of judicial precedents, the following rules were formed: the name should not cause ridicule or association with generally accepted concepts of evil (for example, it is not customary to give names such as Judas or Cain), it should also not hurt the religious feelings of fellow citizens (the name Christ is considered unacceptable, however, in November 1998, the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main allowed the name of the child Jesus). In addition, children should not be given well-known geographical names, brand names and titles (prince, lord), as well as surnames (exceptions are rare surnames, such as Wanneck) as names.
  • In Spain it is forbidden to name children by any degrading name. Also, you can not give the child a name that makes it difficult to determine his gender.
  • In Sweden, according to the law, the name must not cause inconvenience when using it. The Swedish Tax Agency, which registers names, may refuse registration if the name does not meet the requirements of the law. Yes, at 19In 1996, parents were not allowed to give their son a name consisting of letters and numbers (Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116). Also, according to media reports, over the years, the authorities refused to register the names of Allah, Elvis, Ikea, Superman, Veranda. At the same time, there were no problems with the names of Metallica, Lego and Google.

Latin America

  • It is illegal in Argentina to give children names that are extravagant or funny, or names that are contrary to national customs, indicate political or ideological beliefs, or raise doubts about the child’s gender. However, in 2015, a Santa Fe couple got around the law and named their son Lucifer.
  • Mexico has regional laws. For example, in 2014, the State of Sonora approved a list of 61 names that children should not be named because they are considered shameful, discriminatory or have a negative connotation. The purpose of this measure is to protect children from psychological and physical abuse by their peers. The list, in particular, includes the names of Batman, Burger King, Harry Potter, Hermione, Hitler, James Bond, Lady Di, Beloved Sonora, Rolling Stone, Facebook, etc.
  • In Chile, newborns should not be given names that are extravagant, funny or inappropriate for people, or names that raise doubts about the child’s gender. If the parents insist on a name that is contrary to the law, the issue may be referred to a civil court.

North America

  • In the United States, the choice of a child’s name is regulated at the state level. Several states prohibit the use of certain characters in the name. This is due to the limitations of the software used to officially register names. Other states prohibit the use of numbers, pictograms, and profanity in a child’s name. In California, it is against the law to use diacritics (special marks above or below letters that change their reading). On the other hand, there are states where there are no legal restrictions (for example, Kentucky). Therefore, in the USA there are such names as Instagram, Meningitis, Batman. In 2013, a Tennessee court banned a couple from naming a child the Messiah, stating that the designation refers exclusively to Jesus Christ. However, the decision was soon reversed. According to media reports, there are currently several hundred people in the country bearing this name.
  • Canada does not have a national law governing the naming of newborns. However, as in the United States, there are restrictions at the level of local laws. So, in the province of Ontario it is forbidden to use any symbols and numeric designations in names. In the provinces of Quebec, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan, names may not be given if they are considered derogatory to the child.

Asia and Oceania

  • In Malaysia, the National Registry Office published a list of “undesirable” names in 2006. In particular, it included the names of animals, insects, fruits and vegetables, car brands and numbers. Separate “naming” restrictions were introduced for various religious and ethnic groups, many of which traditionally gave newborns unusual names to keep them safe from demons and evil spirits.
  • In New Zealand, it is undesirable to name children by names that “may offend a reasonable person”, by unreasonably long names, as well as by names that include the names of positions, ranks, etc.

Tamara Kazarina, Olga Makhmutova

The material was prepared with the participation of TASS-Dossier

Vasilisa, Ladomir and Yesenia: what names are given to children in Moscow

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Meditation in Russian. Where in Moscow to take a steam bath on a royal scale For milk mushrooms on ATVs. How and where people go on mushroom tours in the Moscow region New theatrical season: fairy tale for adults, Danilov’s dystopia and Pelevin’s tragicomedy Among girls, a tendency is emerging for female names that are consonant with male ones, and boys began to be called by the traditional name Alexander 2 times less often.

Return to the roots

City” by the Office of the Civil Registry Office of Moscow. For example, the popularity of the female names Miroslava, Yesenia and Miya and the male names Lev and Adam increased by more than 15% compared to the same period in 2021. And girls began to be called by the name Angelina more often by 27%.

In recent years, there has been a trend in Moscow for ancient Slavic names. “Matvey is gaining steady growth in popularity in the top 10 names. Since 2019d. each year it moves up one position. And the female name Vasilisa only in 2022 entered the top 10 popular names and took 9th place, ”said Svetlana Ukhaneva, acting head of the Moscow registry office.

According to the linguist-psychologist Inna Bogoroditskaya, in every era, political and economic events, features of the spiritual life of society are reflected in what traditions come to the fore, and in the names that parents choose for their children. “For example, now many have begun to give names according to the holy calendar: this is an old Orthodox tradition forgotten in the Soviet years,” the expert notes.

In 2022, among the male names of newborns, there are common in Rus’ – Tikhon (76), Seraphim (47), Nikon (10), Prokhor (10). Also 6 boys were named Nestor. Ladomir, Lazar and Mir meet one by one. The top ten popular male names from the beginning of 2022 are dominated by historically traditional Russian names – Alexander, Mikhail, Maxim, Lev, Mark, Artem, Ivan, Matvey, Dmitry and Daniel. Among female names, Sofia (Sofya), Maria, Anna, Alice, Victoria, Eva, Polina, Alexandra, Vasilisa and Barbara are popular. In a few years, girls with the names Knyazhenik, Raduga, Slavyana will go to Moscow gardens.

Some people identify their unborn child in the old fashioned way with a significant relative from real life for him/her, says psychologist-consultant Lyubov Repina. Hence the popular names “in honor of grandparents.” Moreover, the growing fashion for Slavic names also makes it possible to do this in a “socially acceptable” way: Yaropolk or Slavyana will not look extravagant, since now they are in trend, the expert believes.

“A feature of the Russian mentality is adherence to the Orthodox-Russian spirit, emphasizing the originality of the Russian soul, which is characterized by liveliness, integrity, energy, stamina, and love of life. And a name with deep meanings emphasizes uniqueness, ”says Repina.

According to the psychologist, young parents often try to give their child what they themselves did not receive. The desire for self-expression and demonstrativeness can be indirectly expressed in the fact that they give unique and ancient names to their children.

At the same time, Alexander and Sofya remain the most popular names for newborn Muscovites in 2022. Although Sasha’s popularity is gradually declining: for example, in 1990, 9.1% of newborn boys were named that way, in 2016 – only 4.5%. Names such as Nikolai, Grigory, Vladislav, Nikita, Yegor and Stepan, on the contrary, are losing popularity compared to 2021.

Try on the role of a hero

When choosing the name of an unborn child, parents are often guided by insight, psychologist-consultant Repina believes. They think, choose, try on different options, and then “Eureka!” – and the answer was found. Although their choice may be influenced by media resources: future mothers and fathers “pull out” names from the information field, not always realizing what exactly influenced their choice.

“Media broadcasts idealized personalities or “heroes” endowed with features that parents would like to see in their unborn child: a lucky and easy fate, beauty, charisma, talents,” the expert explains. “Parents literally try on the role of a hero and identify it with their unborn child.” For such responses, the media and the information field offer many options, Repina notes. For example, favorite bloggers, actors, athletes broadcasting a happy life, skill and success.

It is interesting that among girls there is only an emerging trend for female names that are consonant with male ones: Arsenia (7), Pavla (6), Vladimir (4), Slava (2), Adriana (10) were born this year. Also found by one name of the Lord and Cleopatra – names with a strong historical and semantic meaning. The expert explains that the trend towards gender equality is slowly growing in Russia, so the public demand for strengthening the women’s agenda is reflected in the names.

International names

Out of trend is the passion of young parents for foreign names. In 2022, these are children named Robert (161 newborns), Daniel (109), Marcel (69), Theodore (27), Leo (17), August (7), Augustine (2), Leonardo (5), Hamlet (2). In the same group, names with astronomical and geographical significance, such as Mars, Milan, Yenisei. In the only version, the names of the boys are Altai, Miron Baikal, Lavr-Cosmos. Exceptional ancient Greek names for children named Perseus, Apollo and one name from Scandinavian mythology – Thor.

“My husband and I chose the name Athena for our daughter, because we both liked it since our school days studying Greek mythology,” Vedomosti. City” by Muscovite Maria Mkhitaryan, is another important point, I wanted it to be a pleasant combination with a patronymic.”

According to statistics, there is no strong trend towards globalization in girls’ names either. Since the beginning of 2022, 174 girls have been named Olivia in Moscow, the name is as popular as Olga, for example, 186 girls have been named this name in 2022. The girls were also called Aurora (156), Zlata (133), Athena (83), Mila (80), Adele (71), Agnia (78), Michelle (45), Emily (44), Melania (10). The European tradition of giving children double names has not taken root in Russia either, for example, in Moscow this year there is only one girl Kendall Nicole and one Daria Mikaela.

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