Kira nombre significado: ▷ Nombre Kira ◁ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?

Kira nombre significado: ▷ Nombre Kira ◁ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?

▷ Nombre Kira ◁ ¿Qué representa? ¿Qué origen tiene?



¡Enhorabuena! Es momento de conocer el significado del nombre que has elegido para tu bebé. En ocasiones este puede ser un proceso emocionante para muchas personas porque hay una gran variedad de nombres que pueden ser una excelente opción. No te quedes atrás si estás buscando un nombre con hermoso significado. En este post vamos a explicarte el significado del nombre Kira.

Origen Persa.
Significado “Aquella que reluce”, “la que posee clarividencia”, “brillante como el sol”, “la claridad del día” o “la alegría”.
Tipo Nombre propio usualmente femenino. Masculino existente en menor uso.
Fecha de santoral Este nombre no posee día santoral.

Etimología del nombre Kira:


Según los estudios antroponímicos se considera que el nombre Kira es una derivación del nombre persa Kûrush que significa del “sol”, sin embargo otras traducciones de otros idiomas sugiere sus cercanías con el griego Kyros que significa “el señor”, siendo Kira su versión femenina. Es un nombre que posee también importancia y significancia en las culturas rusa, irlandesa y japonesa, donde el nombre está asociado con “brillante”, “resplandor” o “claridad”. Kira es la variante del nombre en castellano.



Algunas variantes del nombre que se conocen son Kyra, Kiara, Ceara, Cer, cera, Ciar, Ciora, Cyra, Chiara, Keira, Ciara o Akira.  Su diminutivo suele ser Ki. La versión masculina puede ser Kiro o Kiró.


Personas famosas llamadas Kira:

  • Kira Nicole Kosarin

    • Actriz y cantante estadounidense: nació en Nueva Jersey en 1997. Su mafilia era artista de Brodway y desde pequeña se vio influenciada por un ambiente artístico, logrando demostrar allí su talento. Desarrolló un gusto por la actuación televisiva e ingresó a la Universidad de Standford. Ha participado en varias series de televisión para Nickelodeon y Disney Channel, y ha sido nominada a los Kids Choice Awards. Es una chica alegre, simpática y dispuesta a dar lo mejor de sí en cada situación.
  • Kira Roessler

    • Bajista y cantante estadounidense: nació en Connecticut en 1962. Estudió ingeniería en la Universidad de California, sin embargo se dedicó a cumplir sus sueños como artista. Fue integrante de una banda de hard core, donde obtuvo gran reconocimiento. Posteriormente decidió ingresar a laborar como editora de diálogos en el mundo del cine, lo que le llevó a ganar un Premio Emmy por su trabajo. Es una mujer valiente, arriesgada y serena cuando tiene que tomar una decisión.


Características generales de las personas más famosas llamadas Kira:

Suelen ser personas energéticas, encantadoras y no tardan en hacerse notar, ellas no pasan desapercibidas. Tienen una personalidad origina, se hacen notar rápidamente entre las multitudes y son el centro de atención por sus talentos. Son personas intuitivas e instintivas, que se dejan guiar por las emociones pero que también tienden a analizar los hechos cuando se trata de tomar decisiones. Se ven influenciadas por un interés por las artes y las humanidades, donde logran destacarse y crear un círculo sólido respetable.

Significado de Kira » !Orígen, Santoral y Etimología!

El significado de Kira está relacionado con la belleza resplandeciente de las mujeres y de las cosas que nos rodean. Las mujeres que tienen este nombre son inolvidables y tienen una fuerte presencia.

Entre sus principales cualidades destacan su amabilidad, son personas muy emotivas y condescendientes, sagaces, cordiales, son amantes de la armonía y de todo lo que tenga que ver con métodos de persuasión. Les encanta sentirse halagados.

Algunas otras características que destacan a las personas que llevan este nombre, se encuentra el hecho de que son muy claras y les encanta la comodidad, son amantes de los buenos atuendos personales. Sobre la compañía les encanta acompañar y que los acompañen.

Sus pensamientos son manejados de manera muy conservadores, le gusta lo práctico, su mente siempre va más allá de lo normal, piensa en grande, en los pros y los contras de sus ideas.

Sus comportamientos siempre son bien vistos en las empresas donde laboran motivado al aporte tan meticuloso al presentar algún proyecto. Son enemigas de la monotonía, les encanta la libertad, la independencia, en ocasiones son aventureras, y de vez en cuando les gusta viajar.

Puede destacar en profesiones como de ejecutiva, eficiencia industrial, como editora, para crítica editorial, empleada pública, comerciante independiente, intérprete, banquera, etc.

¿Qué significa el nombre Kira?

El nombre Kira el cual también se puede escribir Kyra, proviene del origen persa y quiere decir Sol, aunque algunos expertos aseguran que puede estar relacionado con otros términos como “alegre”, “reluciente” y “brillante”.

El nombre Kira puede tener alguna relación directa con el término Kyrios, que quiere decir Señor, y en su etimología masculina pudiera utilizarse el nombre de Cirilo.

  • Uno de los países donde es más usado el nombre es en Japón, Kira, cuyo significado es brillante o reluciente.
  • En ruso Kira quiere decir alegre.

Origen y etimología de Kira

Como mencionamos anteriormente de forma breve y detallada, el Kira es un nombre que tiene un origen persa. En realidad, se trata de una variante del nombre ‘khur’, que significa sol.

Etimológicamente el nombre masculino es Ciro, el que puede tener varios significados.

Famosas o personas conocidas con el nombre Kira

El nombre Kira es muy hermoso y es muy popular, así que podemos encontrar algunos ejemplos de mujeres famosas con este nombre:

  • Kira Kosarin: actriz estadounidense que es mejor conocida por su papel como Phoebe Thunderman en una serie de Nickelodeon.
  • Kira Lebedeva: artista y bailadora profesional.

Variaciones del nombre Kira en otros idiomas

Kira es un nombre que se ha popularizado en varios países, aunque debido a que se comenzó a usar como nombre de mascotas, muchas madres optan por no elegir este nombre para sus hijas, ya que no les gusta un nombre que sea usado por animales. De cualquier forma, sigue siendo un nombre muy hermoso que tiene algunas variaciones en distintos países:

  • Griego: Kyros.
  • Ruso: Kira.
  • Australiano: Kyra.

Entre los diminutivos del nombre Kira nos, el único que se usa en algunos países es “Ki”, ya que el nombre es corto por sí solo.


Al observar la numerología de Kira nos encontraremos con una fuerte conexión con el número 7, el cual es mucho más que un simple número de la suerte. Con la conexión que se tiene con este número, son mujeres que piensan de una forma muy práctica y suelen encontrar la mejor solución para sus problemas o para ayudar a las personas que la rodean.


El nombre Kira no tiene un santoral o día onomástico.

Ya has visto toda la información sobre el significado de Kira y sobre los demás detalles de este nombre. A continuación, te recomendaremos otros nombres que te pueden interesar en nuestra lista de nombres que empiezan por la letra K, o puedes usar el buscador de la página para encontrar otro nombre que te interese.

  • Significado de Tania
  • Nombre Francisco
  • Significado de Andrea
  • Significado Aranza nombre

name meaning, origin, character and destiny

Kira: name meaning, origin, character and destiny: Pexels

Kira is a beautiful and majestic name. Its owner is a strong, stubborn and compassionate person. Svetlana Kuznetsova, Anna Pecherskaya and Dmitry Zima spoke about the meaning of the name, character traits and the fate of the girl Kira.

Origin and meaning of the name Kira

A person’s name is not just a set of symbols. Each letter has a certain frequency of vibrations and in the aggregate affects the character and fate of the bearer of the name. Calling a girl Kira, you should be aware of the features of the name, its origin and the symbolism associated with it.

What does the name Kira mean? Author of the book “Names for newborns. Their meanings ”Svetlana Kuznetsova claims that the female name Cyrus is translated from ancient Greek as ‘lady’. The name Kira is common in Japan, where it means ‘radiant’.

What is the full name of Kira? Kira is considered the feminine form of the male name Cyrus. Also, Kira can be an abbreviated form of some girls’ names – Cyril, Kyriakia, Kiara, Kerkira, Shakira. In the Latin layout, there is a spelling of the name Cyrus with two letters “r”.

What is the origin of the name Kira? There are several options for the origin of the name Cyrus, which are described in the book “Orthodox Names. Name choice. Heavenly patrons. Saints” of Anna Pecherskaya:

  1. Kira is the feminine form of the name Cyrus, which is considered the Greek form of the Persian name Kurush (‘far-sighted’).
  2. The name comes from the Persian word khur, which translates as ‘sun’.
  3. The name is of Greek origin and is associated with the word “κύριος” (“kyrios”) – ‘lord’, ‘lord’.

There is also a version that the name Kira comes from the name of Cyren. So in ancient Greek mythology they called the beloved of the god Apollo, the hunter, the winner of lions.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, authors of the work “How to name a girl. The best name for your child, ”provide such an astrological description of the name Cyrus:

  • zodiac sign – Sagittarius;
  • ruling planet – Pluto;
  • talisman stone – amber;
  • patronizing element – Earth;
  • spirit animal – lobster;
  • plant symbol – clover;
  • – Dragon;
  • name color – steel, brown, red, orange;
  • lucky day – Friday;
  • season – autumn.

Kira’s talisman stone is amber: Pixabay

Separately, it should be noted that the number of the name Cyrus in numerology is 5. It is calculated using the following formula: K (3) + I (1) + P (9) + A (1) = 14=1+4=5. Fives are real travelers. They crave and seek new experiences and sensations. Their temperament makes them choose professions associated with frequent movements. The dark side of the fives is impulsiveness, intemperance, inconsistency, selfishness, waywardness and excessive criticality.

Famous women with a strong name Kira:

  • Kira Muratova is a Soviet and Ukrainian film actress, film director and screenwriter.
  • Kira Ivanova is the first Soviet figure skater to win a medal at the Olympic Games.
  • Keira Knightley is a British actress known for her roles in the films Pirates of the Caribbean, Anna Karenina, Pride and Prejudice.
  • Kira Plastinina is a Russian fashion designer and fashion designer.
  • Kyra Sedgwick is an American actress, producer, and director. She is best known for her role as Brenda Lee Johnson in the television series The Bloodhound.
  • Kira Chaplin is a model, entrepreneur and actress from Northern Ireland, and the granddaughter of English actor and director Charlie Chaplin.
  • Kira Kreilis-Petrova – Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.

Name day of the owners of the name Cyrus – March 13 (February 28). The day of the angel is established in honor of the recluse of the venerable virgin Kira of Beria (Macedonian).

Character traits and fate of a girl named Kira

Dmitry Zima, author of the book “The Secret of the Name. What to name your child. 365 secrets of the name”, considers the name Cyrus energetically very strong. What is the character of a girl named Kira? Here are the main features of the owner of the name:

  • severity;
  • perseverance;
  • inner strength;
  • firmness of conviction;
  • great pride and desire for superiority;
  • compassion.

It is almost impossible to predict exactly what the character of the bearer of the name Cyrus will be. Much in the formation of personality depends on the time and year of birth, zodiac sign, upbringing and environment. Consider the main areas of manifestation of Kira’s character traits.

Early childhood and adolescence

Little Kira is a sensible, serious, concentrated, complaisant girl. She respects the opinion of her parents, listens to him, does not give cause for concern. Relations with peers can be strained, as children consider her too obedient and correct.

Kira loves to learn, to be the best in everything, has a penchant for creativity and public speaking. In adolescence, the bearer of the name may have problems with learning due to laziness and stubbornness.

Little Kira is a service and diligent student: Pexels

Adult life

Adult Kira has a large set of positive qualities: activity, prudence, practicality, prudence, eloquence. This helps her to fit into any team. Kira knows how to behave in order to achieve success, knows how to control her emotions, she is principled and adheres to generally accepted moral standards. Kira has many friends and associates.

A girl’s unwillingness to manage, command and take responsibility prevents her from becoming a leader in life. Sometimes Kira is too straightforward, which can harm her. She is strict with herself and others. Can be domineering, self-confident and narcissistic.


Not everyone can become a good friend, because she is selective, it is very difficult to get along with new people. But if you manage to win the friendship of a woman with this name, then this is forever. For relatives, Kira is a good friend, knows how to keep secrets, helps with advice and deed. She will come to the rescue without questions, conditions and reasoning, as she understands how important it is to appreciate loved ones.

Love and marriage

Choosing a partner for a girl named Kira is not easy: her arrogance and closeness scare off potential partners who consider her cold and heartless. To win Kira’s heart, a man must be affectionate, patient, calm, balanced, responsive, and have a gentle character.

Early marriage is rarely successful. The readiness to create a family comes at a later age, when Kira fulfills herself and is sated with freedom and independence. In marriage, she becomes a good housewife, tenderly takes care of her spouse and children. She pays great attention to the development of children’s creative talents, shows patience, does not suppress their desires. In the foreground for Kira is spiritual harmony in the family, the material side is secondary.

The most successful marriage partners will be men named Alexander, Stanislav, Igor, Timofey. With Ruslan and Ernest, there is practically no chance of creating a strong family.

A man with a gentle character will win the heart of impregnable Kira: Pexels


The fate of a woman named Kira is rarely simple. Most often, she experiences many breakups, betrayals by boyfriends, friends and close circle. During her life, Kira has many stormy and not very serious novels, which is associated with her immense popularity among the opposite sex.

Having found her man, Kira will settle down and get what she was striving for – a calm measured marriage, comfort and material prosperity. Kira becomes a good housewife, wife and mother only next to a man for whom she wants to forget about her own ambitions and love of freedom.

Kira is a short but energetic name. Its owner is destined for a difficult but interesting fate, which is directly related to the girl’s extraordinary disposition. Knowing the intricacies of the character of a lady with that name, it is easier to understand her and find common ground.

Original article:

meaning, fate, character, origin, compatibility with other names

The fate of the name of Kira

Kira is a woman who chooses her own path and goes to it. Purposefulness, exactingness to herself and responsibility make her an excellent worker. She often chooses for herself the profession of an economist or accountant, where her attentiveness and meticulousness come in handy. Such strong-willed women make good leaders. Kira knows how to motivate people and lead. But she should be careful: her directness, pride and desire to prove her superiority can create problems at work.

Kira does not want to get married early. In her youth, she prefers freedom, but as she grows older, she turns into an ideal wife. She is a wonderful mother, a zealous mistress, knows how to create comfort and coziness. In relation to her husband, she can be calm and accommodating, not devoid of romance. She should carefully approach the choice of the chosen one, the person should be a match: strong, responsible, reliable.

Character named after Kira

Already in childhood, Kira shows leadership qualities. She likes to command her peers, is stubborn, rarely listens to the opinions of others, with the exception of rare people who have great authority for the girl. Successful in studies, especially in the exact sciences. Not afraid of public speaking.

Adult Kira is a practical, sensible person, somewhat down to earth. Kira can be overly straightforward and often not diplomatic, which can harm her. She is strict with herself and others. Can be domineering, self-confident and narcissistic. Persistent and hardy, she knows how to cope with any troubles, but she prefers to hide her problems and experiences.

Kira’s weakness may be her inability to distinguish between flattery and she, despite her sharp mind, can easily fall for this hook. Another vulnerability is her vulnerability, which Kira carefully hides.

Despite her tough character, Kira is a good friend to those close to her. She knows how to keep secrets, can give the right advice. But not every person will be allowed to approach him. When choosing a social circle, Kira is very selective. She is one of those people who do not judge a person immediately, but form an opinion once and for all, and it is quite difficult to change it.

Origin of the name Kira

There are several versions of the origin of this beautiful name.

According to the first, it goes back to the Greek name Kyros (the female form is Kyria) and means “ruler”, “lord”, “lady” (“master”).

The second version attributes Persian origin. According to her, the name Kira comes from “khur” or the male name Kurush and is translated as “sun”, “ray of light”.

Less common versions speak of a possible origin from the Indian name Kiran (Kiran) or the Irish Chiara.

Abbreviated names: none.

Church name: Kira.

Name according to transliteration rules: Kira.

Compatibility named Cyrus

With men named Alexander, Victor, George, Yegor, Ilya, Oleg, Timofey and Yuri, relations are developing as successfully as possible.

But strong relationships with men named Arthur, Valery, Vitaly, Grigory, Igor, Konstantin, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Roman, Timur, Fedor, Yaroslav are unlikely.

Name day

Kira celebrates name day on March 13, December 17.

Expert comment

Kristina Duplinskaya, tarologist:

The name Kira has a very strong energy. These are strong-willed, purposeful individuals. The difficulty for themselves and for others lies in the inconsistency of character. Kira can be both merciful and all-forgiving, and very vindictive, both soft and rude, both honest and cunning and dodgy. Whether this happiness will bring her, or vice versa, a lot of problems depends on how Kira learns to work with her emotions, desires, passions, and largely on the environment in which she grew up.

Kira, born in the spring, is more cheerful and lazy, the summer one is in dire need of solitude and solitude, the winter one is the most reasonable of the bearers of this name, and the autumn one is the most responsive and open to other people.

Kira’s lucky number is 5. Lucky stones are topaz and amber. The first is especially suitable for young women, and the second – at a more mature age.

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