Nombre de noemi: ◁ Nombre Noemí ¿Qué particularidades tiene? ▷

Nombre de noemi: ◁ Nombre Noemí ¿Qué particularidades tiene? ▷

◁ Nombre Noemí ¿Qué particularidades tiene? ▷



No hay nombre que no tenga un significado. Puedes comprobarlo tomando uno que te interese y buscando su etimología. Lo puedes comprobar en el contenido de esta página web en dónde detallamos su origen y lo que estos quieren decir. Queremos ayudarte a despejar tus dudas, ya sea con uno en particular o con el que estés buscando para un bebé. Ahora te enterarás qué quiere decir Noemí.

Origen Hebreo.
Significado “Agradable”, “delicia”, “deleite”.
Tipo Nombre propio femenino.
Fecha de santoral Es el 4 de junio.

Etimología del nombre Noemí:


Se ha originado en el hebreo Na’omi cuyo significado ronda en torno a agradable, delicia o deleite. Así se llamaba la suegra de Rut en el Antiguo Testamento, que después de la muerte de su esposo e hijos, regresó a Belén con ella. Fue un nombre tradicionalmente judío hasta la Reforma protestante. Una portadora famosa es la modelo británica Naomi Campbell, nacida en 1970.



Noemí en checo, Noémi en francés, Noemi en alemán, Noémi en húngaro, Noemi en italiano, Noemi en polaco, Noémia en portugués y Noemí en rumano.


Personas famosas llamada Noemí:

  • Naomí Campbell

    • Modelo y empresaria británica: nacida en 1970 en Streatham, Inglaterra. Fue una de las supermodelos de la década del 90. Su nombre era uno de los más famosos junto con Claudia Schiffer y Cindy Crawford. Ha aparecido en cine y en televisión en programas como The Face, tanto en el original como en sus filiales internacionales. También se desempeña como filántropa. En 1987 fue tapa de la revista Vogue, siendo la primera modelo de color en ser la portada en esta publicación desde 1966. También fue la primera modelo afro inglesa en lograr esto en la American Vogue, en el número más grande e importante del año.
  • Noemí Serantes

    • Actriz y locutora argentina: nació en 1960 en Buenos Aires Argentina. Se ha desempeñado como actriz, presentadora, directora de teatro y como locutora. Desarrolló su carrera tanto en teatro como en televisión. A veces trabajó con su hermana gemela Liliana que falleció en 2011. Juntas fueron a los siete años Nu y Eve, las mellicitas del 9, que era el canal de Buenos Aires con las que la identificó el público durante mucho tiempo. Ha participado en los filmes Blum de 1970, Un idilio de estación en 1978 y Cabecita Rubia del 2000.
  • Noemí Lafrance

    • Coreógrafa canadiense: nació en 1973. Vive y trabaja en Nueva York desde 1994. Es famosa por realizar espectáculos de danza a gran escala en lugares específicos en los que emplea la arquitectura de la ciudad como parte del escenario para su trabajo. Fundó y dirigió la compañía Sens Production que tiene sede en Brooklyn y que realiza espectáculos de danza sin fines de lucro. Recibió el Premio Bessie a la danza y a las performances, y un premio MVPA a la producción de videos musicales.


Características de las personas más famosas llamadas Noemí:

Las mujeres llamadas Noemí son soñadoras y vivaces, que lo dan todo para realidad lo que añoran y desean lograr. Tienen un estilo de vida muy activo, siempre ocupadas en llevar adelante proyectos, planes o cualquier cosa que consideren importante.

Noemí (Nombre) – Significado de Noemí









Noemí, significado de Noemí ¿Qué significa el nombre Noemí?

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  2. Noemí

Significado del nombre Noemí

Significado del nombre Noemí. Descubre el significado de Noemí, su origen y sus características. Tarjeta con imagen de Noemí en colores y en tamaño grande. El nombre Noemí para imprimir y regalar. ¡Comparte el nombre con familiares y amigos!



Encanto, dulzura.
De origen griego.


Es sentimental, sensible y de carácter fuerte.
Le gustan las actividades donde pueda
desarrollar su creatividad, y es leal
a sus afectos, quienes tienen
gran importancia en su vida.


Es fiel y romántica cuando se enamora.

Conocidos y famosos:

Naomí Campbell (modelo).

Significado del nombre Noemí

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Origen y significado de los nombres para niños y niñas. También para todas las edades.

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Significado del nombre Noemí, origen y características.

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Noemí – Nombre Noemí
. Nombre para bebé: Noemí –

¿Cuál es el significado de Noemí?

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  1. Significado de Noemí.
  2. Tarjetón del significado.
  3. Diseños de Noemí.
  4. Más tarjetas con Noemí.

Nombres de mujer,
nombres de varón.
Nombres para bebés,
nombres de niña,
nombres de niño.

Noemí – Tarjeta con imagen de Noemí para feliz cumpleaños

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Noemí – Nombres para bebes

Nombres para bebés o para niños. Busca el de tus hijos o sobrinos, e impríme. También envíalos por eMail.

Noemí – Carteles e iniciales

Tu nombre para agendas o para el cuarto. También tu inicial o la de tus amigos para imprimir o enviar por eMail.

Diccionario de nombres propios para descubrir el significado de los nombres, sus características y orígenes.

Noemí – Para cuartos infantiles

Para las puertas de cuartos infantiles, maternidades, o para cumpleaños. Puedes imprimirlos, regalarlos y enviarlos por eMail.

Noemí – Nombres en stickers

Nombres con personajes, imprímelos en cartulina o en papel autoadhesivo. También puedes enviarlos por eMail.

Origen del nombre Noemí, significado de Noemí.

El nombre Noemí para compartir, enviar e imprimir.
Imágenes del nombre Noemí para regalar, encuadrar o decorar habitaciones.
Stickers del nombre Noemí para imprimir en papel adhesivo y personalizar tus cuadernos, agendas y planners.

Descubre el significado del nombre Noemí

Aquí encontrarás más de 2600 nombres con su significado, origen, características, el día del santo y las personas célebres que llevan el mismo nombre. Si estás buscando un nombre para tu bebé, puedes consultar por orden alfabético los nombres que más te gusten. Hay listados de los nombres más populares, de nombres originales femeninos y masculinos.

¿Buscas el origen del nombre Noemí?

Este es el lugar ideal para buscar el origen de un nombre, encontrarás nombres de origen bíblico, nombres de origen griego, latino, germano y con raíces de varios países y culturas. También relacionados con la mitología, los santos, el universo, la naturaleza y valores espirituales.

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Cómo personalizar, enviar y compartir el nombre Noemí

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Buscador de nombres por orden alfabético:


El nombre propio es la denominación verbal de una persona para distinguirla de otra. La palabra ¨nombre¨ viene del latín: nomen. La Onomástica que significa ¨el arte de nombrar¨ según la Real Academia Española, es el estudio y catalogación de los nombres propios. Estudia también el origen y la procedencia de los nombres de familia, que pueden derivar del nombre de los padres o ascendientes (patronímicos) o también provenir de lugares (topónimos).

Encuentra los nombres de todos tus conocidos por orden alfabético. A veces se llama a los hijos e hijas con el nombre de sus padres, madres, abuelos y abuelas, también puede ser que el nombre lo hayan usado durante muchas generaciones a modo de tradición, de esta manera tiene un alto valor simbólico para la familia y para la persona que lo lleva, a quien le otorga una fuerte identidad y pertenencia. Otros padres optan por llamar a sus hijos e hijas con nombres bien diferentes y originales para que puedan diferenciarse y no tener el peso de seguir ciertas tradiciones, si así lo desean.

Significado del nombre Noemí, Imágenes de Noemí, Tarjetas de Noemí

Nombres de origen bíblico

Son los nombres que provienen de la Biblia, del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se trata de nombres que eligen en su mayoría familias de tradición cristiana, muchas veces se tiene en cuenta la fecha del santoral en que nace un bebé, y se lo llama con el nombre del Santo del día.

Nombres de origen griego

Muchos de los nombres que existen son de origen griego, a veces están relacionados con héroes y dioses de la mitología, que llamaron la atención por su belleza, valor o ejemplo. Grecia ha tenido una gran influencia en los nombres del mundo occidental.

Frases relacionadas con esta página:

Nombre Noemí

Significado de Noemí

Origen del nombre Noemí

significado del nombre Noemí

Nombre para bebé Noemí

Diccionario de nombres

Nombre propio Noemí

El nombre Noemí

Origen de mi nombre Noemí

Noemí significado

Qué significa el nombre Noemí

Qué significa Noemí

Significado de nombre Noemí

Noemí, significado del nombre

Día del santo de Noemí

Características del nombre Noemí

The name Noemi: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Noemi mean? What does the name Noemi mean? What does the name Noemi mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Noemi, the origin, fate and nature of the carrier? What nationality is the name Noemi? What is the translation of the name Noemi? What is the correct spelling of Noemi’s name? Compatibility with the name Noemi – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Noemi and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Noemi

The name Noemi consists of 5 letters. The five letters of the name are an indicator of humanitarian inclinations. These people love and know how to appreciate art, they are pleasant and interesting interlocutors. Such a person will never cause the interlocutor to feel that he is dealing with a “dummy”, seeking to “splurge”. Therefore, relations with representatives of the opposite sex are always based primarily on mutual respect. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Noemi, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • N – a sign of rejection of reality as it is; desire to achieve spiritual and physical health. The work shows diligence. Dislike for work, not causing interest. The presence of a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work. Inability to relax in society, constant tension and doubts.
  • O – strive for self-knowledge, are able to experience strong feelings. They want to know their true purpose. The desire to improve and improve the world. High intuition, properly manage money. The pursuit of excellence. Change of mood from delight to despondency.
  • E – they see the essence of events hidden from ordinary eyes, they feel people through and through, they are fluent in oral and written speech. Curious, arrogant. Cunning and charm. Excessive desire for elitism.
  • M – shy, like to help others, do not accept the barbaric attitude to nature, struggle with the thirst to become the “center of the universe.” The desire to find a rational explanation for everything. Stubbornness under the guise of complacency and even internal rigidity.
  • and are romantic, refined and sensual natures. Kind, dream of harmony with the outside world. In a difficult situation, they show practicality. Sometimes they are prone to loneliness and asceticism. The inability to obey anyone at the same time indicates indifference to authority.
  • The meaning of the name Noemi in numerology

    Numerology of the name Noemi can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Noemi in numerology is 5. The motto of the name Noemi and fives in life is: “I am free like a bird!”

    • The patron planet for the name Noemi is Mercury.
    • Zodiac sign for the name Noemi – Gemini, Aquarius.
    • Stones-talismans for the name of Noemi – alexandrite, carnelian, heliodor, peridot, zincite.

    “Five” in the numerological core is a sign of striving for absolute freedom and complete rejection of any rules and restrictions.
    “Five” in the numbers of the name – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance – evidence of the presence of abilities characteristic of this number. In particular, the ability to find a common language with everyone who is of interest. People with the name Noemi, who are patronized by the number 5 in numerology, have pronounced abilities for commerce, therefore their interests are often concentrated in this direction.
    Adventurous, fives appreciate the thrill and change in life. These people do not tolerate monotony, quickly losing interest in any monotonous activity. Often they are unpredictable, able to quickly change their minds, and therefore are not reliable.
    Five named Noemi is a bright personality. She may be surrounded by friends, but is very good at handling all problems on her own. Geniuses are often born. There are two types of Fives. It can be a person with a strong will, self-confident. And vice versa, weak-willed, but talented, who distributes his talents to everyone. The Five is often lazy, dislikes long runs, more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner. Therefore, it is easier and better for the Five to learn something in an intensive way. Five is the number of inspiration, serves as a Muse for others. Five named Noemi is always on the move, cannot stand routine, cannot stay within four walls for a long time. Five has good intuition. Very sensitive to smells and tastes. Passion for mysticism can give the Five the missing adventure in life. Boredom and routine are her enemies, so freedom and new experiences can please the Five with the name Noemi.

    • Noemi’s influence on the profession and career. Despite the rather solid baggage of innate qualities, there are not too many opportunities for professional self-realization. The best option that the number five offers is your own business that matches your interests. One where at each stage situations will arise that require the use of all abilities and talents. Suitable professions: reformer, inventor, freelancer, photographer. Any profession related to business trips.
    • Noemi’s influence on personal life. The personal life of the “fives” often becomes the subject of the liveliest interest and constant discussion for their friends and acquaintances. Fives are very freedom-loving, do not like restrictions and show their independence in everything. It is difficult for them to find an ideal soul mate, and they can do this for a long time. They need a partner who will trust them and accept their desire to diversify their lives. Fives with the name Noemi are suitable for threes, sevens and nines.

    Noemi’s patron planet

    The number 5 for Noemi’s name means the planet Mercury. People of this type have an extremely lively and resourceful mind. Bearers of the name Noemi tend to take the initiative, love novelty and frequent change of scenery. They don’t have routine. People named Noemi take on any job, and it literally burns in their hands. Everything works out for Mercury, everything is arguable. Agility is in their blood. The owners of the Noemi name do everything quickly, think quickly, make decisions quickly. People named Noemi, who are under the influence of the planet Mercury, are drawn to knowledge, are self-critical and know how to criticize friends, but they do it gently and to the point, without offending a person in any way. As a rule, they succeed, but if they suddenly fail in business, they quickly become discouraged. The charm that people with the name Noemi have replaces many other qualities necessary for them in family life. They do not like to run a household, but show interest in all aspects of life. People of this type find a common language with representatives of almost all types.

    Signs of the zodiac named Noemi

    The following zodiac signs are suitable for the name Noemi:

  • Zodiac sign Gemini for the name Noemi. The life of Gemini with the name Noemi is certainly built on extremes. They live under the control of Mercury, belong to the air element, therefore they are windy, changeable, but very friendly. It is impossible to silence a Gemini named Noemi. Tryndet until the loss of pulse – this is their secret weapon. Therefore, the owners of the name Noemi converge very well with Aquarius – lock them in the same room for the night, by morning they will become best friends and will plan to take over the world and coup d’état. Despite their talkativeness, people with the name Noemi are reasonable and extremely logical – in their world everything is sorted out, and any outside interference is sharply suppressed. They themselves know how to. Although the owners of the name Noemi do not refuse friendly advice, like any Gemini.
  • Aquarius zodiac sign for the name Noemi. The chatterboxes of Aquarius named Noemi can have their own lives go awry – they were fired from work, there is no personal life and is not expected, and even a bunch of complexes in the anamnesis, but they will give you advice that, oddly enough, works. The owners of the Noemi name love to chat for hours about everything (read, about nothing): about politics, conspiracy theories and the battle between Oksimiron and Purulent. And it also works with complete strangers. Aquarius Noemi is fickle, she can fall in love on Monday (but not much), send her to hell on Tuesday, cry on Wednesday, by Friday she will find herself a new object of adoration, but she won’t even remember the old one. In general, it is very difficult for Aquarius with the name Noemi to fall in love: he subconsciously feels how it will all end. A touch of romance prevents Aquarius, the owner of the name Noemi, from looking at the world soberly. But it does not interfere with being bright, extraordinary. Of the professions, this sign chooses those where you can show erudition, love charity, know how to remain calm even in a stressful situation.
  • Color of the name Noemi

    Blue color of the name Noemi. People with the name Noemi who wear the color blue are trusting and talented. The owners of the name Noemi do not like conflicts, therefore they bypass them – they are even ready to ask for forgiveness from the offender, only so that no one harbors anger at them in their souls. It is very easy to be friends and work with the bearers of the name Noemi, but in the family they often have disagreements, as they are ready to give up everything for the sake of friends who are allegedly in trouble. But once the friend is saved, the apology to the family will be so sincere that it is impossible not to forgive them. Positive character traits for the name Noemi are creativity and creativity, conflict-free. The negative character traits of the name Noemi are some irresponsibility and dependence on the opinions of others.

    How to spell the name Noemi

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is Noemi. In English, the name Noemi can be written as Noemi.

    Video meaning of the name Noemi

    Do you agree with the description and meaning of the name Noemi? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Noemi have? What famous and successful people with the name Noemi do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the name Noemi in more detail with the visitors of our site in the comments below.

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    Name Naomi

    Names for the letter

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    A D 9000 L M H O R R S T in f x c hours Sh E U I

    Brief form named Naomi. Noemita, Noe, No, Noemina, Mimi, Naima, Ema, Noa.
    Synonyms for the name Naomi. Naomi, Naema, Naama, Naomi, Naemi, Naomi, Noomi, Naemi, Noemia.
    Origin of the name Naomi. Name Naomi Hebrew, Japanese, Jewish.

    The name Naomi in Hebrew means “beautiful”, “pleasant”. This name comes from the Hebrew name Noomi, in the Old Testament this name is referred to as Naomi (Noemi), that was the name of Ruth’s mother-in-law. From Japanese, this name has an identical translation – “beautiful.

    The name Naomi is used in England and sounds like Naomi, in Germany – Naemi, in England, France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands – Noemi, in Portugal – Noemia. The diminutives of Naim and Em are also independent names.

    Girl Naomi is a mystery to others. Her sensitivity and emotions are usually hidden under the mask of dispassion, icy silence. Naomi strives to always develop, improve herself. She loves traveling, various changes in her life.

    Naomi is an idealist to some extent, she will try to bring the work she has started to a state as close as possible to the ideal. Her inner world is rich in fantasies, her inner life and spirituality are very important to her, but very often she feels a sense of loneliness and misunderstanding. Therefore, it is very important to surround Naomi with love and attention from childhood.

    Naomi may feel inferior, she should be supported, encouraged, her artistic and creative abilities (painting, music, theater, sewing, cooking) should be developed. She will be able to express her feelings in an original approach to standard things: an unusual vase, an original design.

    Naomi appreciates peace and solitude, she is interested in many things that are considered out of the ordinary. She is often fascinated by strange or occult phenomena. Emotionally her life is not easy for her, Naomi will always find a way to complicate everything around her. This is a sensual and romantic nature, dreams of harmony with her beloved. It is difficult for Naomi to communicate, it is difficult to find a common language. However, she is capable of being devoted.

    Very often Naomi finds herself in creativity, it is very important for her to realize her potential, to make a career (actress, model). Naomi can choose both a passive role (stenographer, secretary, social or medical worker), and an active profession that requires assertiveness, activity, frequent movements (television work, journalist).

    Naomi’s name day

    Naomi does not celebrate her name day.

    Famous people named Naomi

    • Naomi Campbell ((born 1970) British supermodel and actress of Afro-Jamaican origin. She has been on the catwalk since she was 15. She became the first black girl to appear on the covers of the French and English editions of Vogue magazine “And Time magazine. In 1991, People magazine declared her one of the 50 most beautiful women in the world. In 1995, she made her debut as a singer with her first album, Babywoman, released by Epic Records. In Japan, her single” La, La, La Love Song” with Japanese singer Toshi reached number one on the charts (directed by Herb Ritts). At 19In 1998, the Heinemann/Mandarin publishing house published her book Swan, the sales proceeds of which go to the Somali Red Cross Foundation. In 2006, at the “Woman of the Year” ceremony hosted by Glamor magazine, she received a special award “Outstanding Contribution Award” (“for her contribution to the glamorization of society”). She regularly appears on the covers of magazines and participates in shows of various fashion houses: Roberto Cavalli, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Gianni Versace and others. )
    • Noémie Lenoir (French actress and model)
    • Noemi Perugia ((1903 – 1992) French singer, mezzo-soprano. She gained international fame, primarily for her interpretations of the vocal works of Gabriel Fauré and Arthur Honegger.)
    • Naomi Watts ((born 1968) Anglo-Australian actress and producer, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador)
    • Veronica Scopelliti, better known as Noemi ((born 1982), Italian singer. Noemi’s first success comes in 2009, when she becomes a finalist in the X-Factor 2009 music competition”. Both full-length albums of the performer “Sulla mia pelle” and “RossoNoemi” became double platinum, which makes Noemi one of the most popular contemporary Italian artists.)
    • Naomi Shemer ((1930 – 2004) Israeli poetess and composer, author of the unofficial hymn of Jerusalem “Yerushalayim shel zahav” (“Golden Jerusalem”))
    • Naomi Kawase ((born 1969) Japanese screenwriter and director)
    • Naomi Ben-Ami ((born 1960) Israeli diplomat. Laureate of the all-Ukrainian award “Woman of the Third Millennium” (2007).)
    • Naomi Shindo ((born 1972) Japanese seiyuu. Among her most famous roles are such roles as Shizuru (Fujino / Viola) in the Mai-HiME / Mai-Otome series and Kagali Yula Asha in Gundam Seed / Gundam Seed Destiny”. Has a naturally husky voice, so she often had to play the role of girls of the “boyish” type, or even boys. But recently she manages to play the roles of more calm and feminine characters, such as Risai from The Twelve Kingdoms ” or Shizuru from “Mai-HiME / Mai-Otome”. In the role of Shizuru, she also managed to play a character who speaks the Kansai dialect, which Shindo, as a native of Kyoto, is fluent in. Shindo has a second kyu in secretarial skills (relevant tests).In addition to voicing roles in anime, computer games and Drama CD, she also participates in the dubbing of films.As a singer she does not perform, but has recorded several CDs (“Character CD”) with songs played by anime characters. )
    • Naomie Melanie Harris ((born 1976) British actress)
    • Naomi Lang ((born 1978) is an American figure skater who danced on ice with Peter Chernyshev, with whom she became a five-time US champion and a two-time winner of the Four Continents Championship. She is the first representative of the indigenous population of America to participate in the Winter Olympics. Naomi’s father – Purebred Karuk Indian Her Indian name is Mahita Khan (Morning Star).)
    • Naomi Scott ((born 1993) is an English actress, singer and musician best known for her role as Mohini “Mo” Benjari in the Disney Channel original film Lemonade Mouth and as Megan in the Disney Channel series Life Bites Disney Channel UK.” In 2011, she co-starred with Maddie Shannon in Steven Spielberg’s television series Terra Nova.)
    • Naomi Frenkel ((1920 – 2009) famous Israeli writer. The writer’s work was awarded many honorary awards, including the A. Ruppin Prize (1956) for the 1st part of the Shaul ve Johanna trilogy, the A. Usyshkin Prize (1962) for the 2nd part of the trilogy, the Prime Minister of Israel Prize (1967) for the 3rd part of the trilogy, and others. Both in terms of descriptive power and plot, the trilogy is on a par with such books as The Budenbrooks, The Forsyte Saga, and other great epics of the 20th century. Naomi Frenkel is known to all who read Hebrew. Her books are compared in terms of epicness with Tolstoy, and in terms of “psychology” with Dostoevsky. Her work is studied at universities.
    • Naomi Klein ((born 1970) Canadian journalist, writer and sociologist, one of the leaders of alter-globalization)
    • Noemi Rubio Gil ((born 1983) Spanish football player, midfielder)
    • Noyomi Simonetto de Portela ((1926 – 2011) Argentine athlete, Olympic silver medalist in London (1948) in long jump, 11-time South American champion in various types of athletics program)
    • Noémie Gaudin-Vignault ((born 1975) Canadian actress. First debuted in three seasons of the television series Diva. Recently, she often plays in theatrical productions. The Russian audience is better known for her role in the Jean Bodin film New France.)
    • Naamah (name of Noah’s wife and Enoch’s daughter, Noah’s grandfather, in the medieval Jewish Book of Yashar)
    • Naamah (Ammonite, wife of King Solomon and mother of his heir Rehoboam, according to both the Books of Kings and the Book of Chronicles. She is the only one of Solomon’s wives mentioned in the Tanakh as having given birth to a child.)

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    Discussion about the description of the name Naomi

    Naomi (guest)

    Added on 09/12/2022 at 21:16

    My name is Naomi. Everything matched!

    Reply Reply with quote

    Nastya (guest)

    Added on 03/18/2021 07:20 PM

    My name is Nastya.

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