Nombres tarascos: 30 nombres de origen p’urhépecha para bebés

Nombres tarascos: 30 nombres de origen p’urhépecha para bebés

suenan bien y significan mucho más

¡Qué difícil resulta elegir el nombre perfecto para nuestro bebé! Son tantas las posibilidades que no llegamos a decidirnos, sobre todo cuando buscamos uno diferente, que diga por si mismo a nuestra hija lo especial que es para nosotros y lo única que será en su vida. Así que hemos querido seguir el ejemplo de la cantante Edurne y el futbolista David De Gea, y buscar nombres indígenas como el que ellos eligieron para su primera hija: Yanay.

Te contamos su significado y te damos más opciones de nombres de origen quechua, azteca, maya, guaraní… Todos ellos sonoros y con gran personalidad. Estos son los 121 nombres indígenas de niñas más musicales y con gran personalidad.

  • Achikilla: de origen quechua, significa “luna resplandeciente”.

  • Akapana: de origen quechua, significa “remolino de viento, pequeño huracán”.

  • Alitzel: de origen maya, significa “niña sonriente”.

  • Amankaya: de origen maya, significa “flor de azucena”.

  • Amaru: de origen quechua. Es la denominación de la serpiente sagrada que representa el infinito.

  • Ariché: procede del pueblo nativo mexicano de Tarahumara y significa “atardecer”.

  • Aruma: de origen maya, significa “noche”.

  • Anahí. Es un nombre guaraní, que significa “la flor del ceibo”, flor característica de Argentina. Circula la leyenda en la que Anahí se convierte en una planta al huir de los conquistadores españoles.

  • Aklla: de origen quechua, significa “elegida”.

  • Asiri: de origen quechua, significa “sonriente, sonrisa”.

  • Awqa: de origen quechua, significa “guerrera, salvaje, enemiga”.

  • Aymara: de origen quechua, significa “protectora, misericordiosa, la que acoge en su casa”. También “inmortal, la que siempre vuelve a la vida”.

  • Balanca: de origen maya, significa “nueve estrellas”.

  • Chami: de origen quechua, significa “Pequeña”.

  • Citlalli: en lengua nahuatl, significa “estrella”.

  • Dayami: en lengua nahuatl, significa “diosa del río”.

  • Eluney: de origen mapuche, significa “regalo del cielo”. También utilizado para el sexo masculino.

  • Erandi: de origen Purépecha, población de Michoacán, significa “bello amanecer”.

  • Haylli/Jaylli: de origen quechua, significa “canto de triunfo, alegría por la victoria”.

  • Illa/Ylla: de origen quechua, significa “luz, sagrada, talismán, la que trae ventura y suerte”. También, “digna de confianza”.

  • Illari: de origen quechua, este nombre válido para niño y niña significa “amanecer, resplandeciente, fulgurante”.

  • Inkill/Ynkill: de origen quechua, significa “pradera florida”.

  • Inkillay: de origen quechua, significa “mi florecita”.

  • Inti: nombre de origen inca, significa “sol”, “el ser Supremo”

  • Itati: de origen guaraní, significa “la piedra blanca”.

  • Itza: de origen maya, significa “hechicera del agua”.

  • Itzae: de origen maya, significa “regalo de Dios”.

  • Itzamara: es la diosa de las estrellas según la mitología maya.

  • Itzamaray: de origen maya, significa “estrella”.

  • Itzel: de origen maya, significa “el lucero de la tarde”.

  • Itzen: de origen maya, significa “rocío”.

  • Itzia: de origen maya, significa “princesa”.

  • Ixchel: de origen maya, es el nombre de la diosa maya de la luna, el amor, la medicina y la gestación. Significa “mujer rubia”.

  • Iyali: en lengua nahuatl, significa “corazón de tierra”.

  • Izamal: de origen maya, significa “rocío del cielo”. Hay un pueblo en México que lleva este nombre.

  • Izayana: de origen quechua, nombre de una princesa hija del cacique Nequecheri.

  • Izhi: de origen quechua, significa “neblina, bruma”.

  • Jatziry: en lengua nahuatl, significa “flor blanca”.

  • Khuyaq: de origen quechua, significa “Amante, amorosa”.

  • Khuyana: de origen quechua, significa “Amor, compasión, digna de ser amada”.

  • Killa: de origen quechua, significa “luna”.

  • Killari: de origen quechua, significa “luz de luna”.

  • Killay: de origen quechua, significa “mi lunita, la que tiene el color del hierro”.

  • Kiwa: de origen quechua, significa “Hierba”.

  • Kori: de origen quechua, significa “oro, dorada”.

  • Koya: de origen quechua, significa “señora principal, reina”.

  • Kuka/Koka/Kokka: de origen quechua: “coca, planta sagrada”.

  • Kukuri: de origen quechua, significa “tórtola, paloma”.

  • Kukuyu: de origen quechua, significa “luciérnaga”.

  • Kusisa: de origen quechua, significa “alegre”.

  • Kuymi: de origen quechua, significa “flor de amaranto”.

  • Lawra: de origen quechua, significa “Fervor”.

  • Litza: de origen maya, significa “lucero”.

  • Maimará: de origen quechua, significa “cae una estrella”.

  • Malén: de origen mapuche, significa “doncella”.

  • Malinali: en lengua nahuatl significa “hierba silvestre”.

  • Malli: en lengua nahuatl, significa “flores de jardín”.

  • Maywa: de origen quechua, significa “violeta”.

  • Muyal: de origen maya, significa “nube del cielo”.

  • Nayaraq/Nayarak: de origen quechua, significa “La que tiene muchos deseos”.

  • Nicte: de origen maya, significa “flor”.

  • Nictexa: en lengua nahuatl, significa “flor de agua”.

  • Nikté/Nicté: de origen maya, significa “flor”. Era el nombre de una princesa maya

  • Nuna: de origen quechua, significa “alma, espíritu”.

  • Nuscaa: de origen maya, significa “tierra nueva”.

  • Paqari: de origen quechua, significa “Amanecer”.

  • Pacha: de origen quechua, significa “Tierra, mundo”.

  • Qillqa: de origen quechua, significa “escritora”.

  • Quetzaly: de origen náhuatl, significa “mujer hermosa”.

  • Rawa: de origen quechua, significa “calurosa, ardiente, fuego, candela”.

  • Sami: de origen quechua, significa “afortunada”.

  • Sasil/Saasil/Zazil: de origen maya, significa “amanecer, claridad, luz”.

  • Shaya: de origen quechua, significa “erguida, la que siempre se mantiene en pie”.

  • Shulla: de origen quechua, significa “rocío”.

  • Sicarú: de origen zapoteca, significa “belleza, hermosa, linda”.

  • Sisa: de origen quechua, significa “flor”.

  • Sugey: en lengua nahuatl, significa “luz del sol”.

  • Sulata: de origen quechua, significa “hermosa”.

  • Sumak/Sumaq: de origen quechua, significa “hermosa, bella, agradable”.

  • Sumailla: de origen quechua, significa “luz bella”.

  • Suyana/Suyay/Sulay: de origen quechua, significa “esperanza”.

  • Taki: de origen quechua, significa “canción, música, baile”.

  • Tamya/Tamia: de origen quechua, significa “lluvia”.

  • Taruka: de origen quechua, significa “cierva, cervatilla”.

  • Thani: de origen quechua, significa “sana”.

  • Umiña: de origen quechua, significa “esmeralda, piedra preciosa verde”.

  • Urma: de origen quechua, significa “la que deja caer cosas buenas a su paso”.

  • Urpi: de origen quechua, significa “paloma”.

  • Urpillay: de origen quechua, significa “mi palomita, mi amada”.

  • Waqar: de origen quechua, significa, “garza blanca”.

  • Wara: de origen quechua, significa “lucero”.

  • Warayana: de origen quechua, significa “estrella morena

  • Wayanay: de origen quechua, significa “golondrina, ave, pájaro”.

  • Waylla: de origen quechua, significa “hierba verde”

  • Wayta: de origen quechua, significa “flor, pluma, adornada

  • Xail: en lengua nahuatl, significa “flor”.

  • Xaman: de origen maya, significa “estrella”.

  • Xanat: en lengua nahuatl, significa “flor de vainilla”.

  • Xareni: de origen otomí, era una diosa del amor. Significa “princesa del bosque”.

  • Xochitl: en lengua nahuatl, significa ‘flor’.

  • Yachay: de origen quechua, significa “sabiduría”.

  • Yacu: de origen quechua, significa “agua”.

  • Yalit: de origen maya, significa “flor de maíz”.

  • Yamil: de origen maya, significa “amor”.

  • Yanay: de origen quechua. “Mi morenita. Mi amada”. Su etimología y significado vendría a describir a una mujer de buen corazón, dulce y con ganas de ayudar al prójimo. “Es amigable y respetada en la comunidad”.

  • Yara: de origen tupí, deriva de “iara-“, que significa “señora”. Se aplican a la mujer honesta, noble, bondadosa.

  • Yareni: de origen náhuatl, significa “nuestra”.

  • Yaretzi: en lengua nahuatl, significa “aquella que siempre será querida”.

  • Yatzary: en lengua nahuatl, significa “espiguita de Trigo”.

  • Yatzil: de origen maya, significa “amada”.

  • Yatziri: de origen maya, significa “flor del rocío o doncella de la luna”.

  • Yelitza: significa “puerta del cielo”.

  • Yetzali: en lengua nahuatl, significa “pequeño corazón”.

  • Yexalen: de origen maya, significa “estrella”.

  • Yurak/Yuraq: de origen quechua, significa “blanca”.

  • Yuri/Yori: De origen quechua, significa “amanacer, la que amanece, despierta a la vida”.

  • Yuria/Yoria/Loria: de origen quechua, significa “alba, aurora”.

  • Yuriana/Yoriana/Loriana: de origen quechua, significa “alborada, aurora”.

  • Yuritzi: de origen maya, significa “diosa del rayo de la luna”.

  • Zazil: de origen maya, significa “transparencia de espíritu, luz, claridad”.

  • Zulia: de origen maya, fue una princesa de leyenda de la nación motilona. Significa “río que se derrama”.

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En Bebés y Más | 79 nombres de niña modernos y originales, 185 nombres japoneses de niña y niño para tu bebé (y su significado), Ni de niño ni de niña: 53 nombres unisex para el bebé

50 nombres para bebé en náhuatl, maya, otomí, purépecha y otras lenguas indígenas | Estilo de Vida Madres

Elegir el nombre del bebé en camino es una de las cosas más emocionantes de la espera. Para honrar las raíces latinoamericanas y mexicanas, te dejamos sugerencias para niño y niña en lenguas indígenas. ¡Te encantarán!

#1 Atzin

Este precioso nombre es originario de la lengua náhuatl. Es ideal para una niña, quiere decir «agua».

#2 Itzae

Itzae es un nombre que proviene del maya y es de origen masculino. Quiere decir «regalo de Dios».

#3 Erendirani

Es un nombre increíble para una pequeña. Su significado es «alegre» y es de origen purépecha.

#4 Kabil

Este nombre es perfecto para los varones. Es originario de la lengua maya. Kabil quiere decir «que tiene buena mano para sembrar».

#5 Nayeli

Nayeli es un nombre muy popular entre las mujeres. Proviene de la palabra zapoteca ‘nallenle’ y su significado es «te quiero».

#6 Tlayolotl

Gran nombre para llamar al pequeñito que está a punto de llegar a tu vida. Es de origen náhuatl y significa «corazón de la tierra».

#7 Nicte ha

Este precioso nombre está relacionado con la cultura maya. Puede encontrarse solo como Nicte. Fue una princesa maya de una inigualable belleza.

#8 Ichámal

Es un nombre sumamente original para un varón. Pertenece a la lengua huasteca y quiere decir «venado».

#9 Ariché

Ariché es un nombre femenino que viene del tarahumara. Su significado es «atardecer».

#10 Yunuen

Este nombre ha tomado fama en los últimos años. Está pensado para un niño y es de origen maya, significa «media luna» o «príncipe del agua».

#11 Jun

Es ideal si quieres que tu nena tenga un nombre corto y memorable. Su significado es precioso, pues quiere decir «colibrí». Pertenece al totonaca.

#12 Rahui

Es un nombre muy adecuado para un bebé varón. Es originario del tarahumara y quiere decir «día».

#13 Yoalli

Yoalli es un nombre de origen náhuatl, quiere decir «noche». Es unisex, ya que puede ser para niño o niña.

#14 Yanél

Este nombre queda muy bien para los niños. Es de origen tének y significa «abundancia».

#15 Ix Chel

Ix Chel es un nombre femenino y también puede encontrarse como Ixchel. Es de origen maya y es el nombre de la Diosa de la Luna.

#16 Taiyari

Es un nombre masculino de origen huichol. Quiere decir «nuestro corazón».

#17 Aquetzali

Es un hermoso nombre para una pequeña. Es de origen maya y significa «agua cristalina».

#18 Kàchi

Kàchi puede quedar muy bien al bebé varón que está por llegar. Es de origen mixteco y quiere decir «algodón».

#19 Anam

Anam es un nombre que representa muy bien la cultura huasteca. Es femenino y su significado es «tierra».

#20 Ehecatl

Este nombre masculino es originario de la cultura azteca. Ehecatl era el dios del viento.

#21 Xareni

Este nombre para niña es perteneciente al otomí. Su significado tiene que ver con la diosa del amor en esa cultura.

#22 Naran

Este nombre puede pertenecer tanto a un niño como una niña. Es del pueblo triqui y significa «eclipse de luna».

#23 Litza

Litza es un nombre femenino que surgió de la cultura maya. Quiere decir «lucero».

#24 Lán

Este nombre para niño proviene del mazateco. Su traducción podría entenderse como «tierra de gloria».

#25 Yul

Es una excelente alternativa si deseas que tu niña lleve un nombre corto. Su significado es increíble, pues quiere decir «corazón».

#26 Ikal

Este precioso y corto nombre es muy adecuado para un varón. Proviene de la cultura maya y significa «espíritu».

#27 Nakawé

En el huichol, este nombre femenino tiene como significado «dueña de las estrellas y el agua».

#28 Olíp

Es un nombre masculino de origen huasteco y quiere decir «el río».

#29 Yali

En el maya, este nombre femenino tiene un significado tan hermoso como su sonido: «alegría».

#30 Kasakir

La intensidad de este nombre le darán fuerza a tu pequeño. Es de origen quiché y quiere decir «amanecer».

#31 Mixtli

Es un nombre náhuatl para niña. Quiere decir «nube».

#32 Canek

Canek es un perfecto nombre para un varón. Su significado es «serpiente negra».

#33 Malinalli

Malinalli es un nombre femenino sumamente hermoso. Quiere decir «hierba» y proviene del náhuatl.

#34 Hasen

Hasen es otro nombre que puede funcionar para niña y niño. Es proveniente del mazateco y quiere decir «alma».

#35 Jiasú

Este nombre es ideal para un niño, es de origen masahua y significa «amanecer».

#36 Izel

Es un increíble nombre para una pequeñita. Es de origen náhuatl y quiere decir «única».

#37 Surem

Es un precioso nombre masculino, proviene del yaqui y quiere decir «antepasados».

#38 Nicteel

Nicteel es un nombre femenino de origen maya, en esta cultura significa «flores».

#39 Tanok

Es un nombre masculino de origen tepehuano, quiere decir «sol».

#40 Noíl

Este nombre femenino de origen maya. Quiere decir «grandeza».

#41 Iktan

Es un nombre sumamente original y pensado para el sexo masculino. Es de origen maya y quiere decir «ingenioso».

#42 Citlalli

Es uno de los nombres femeninos e indígenas más conocidos. Es de origen náhuatl y quiere decir «estrella».

#43 Tiskani

Este nombre es muy adecuado para un varón. Proviene de la cultura purépecha y quiere decir «alumbrar».

#44 Muyal

Muyal es un nombre femenino de origen maya, quiere decir «nube del cielo».

#45 Amaité

Este nombre también pertenece a la cultura maya y es para niño. Significa «rostro del cielo».

#46 Kantyi

Kantyi es pensando para una niña y es originario del amuzgo. Quiere decir «la que brilla por su pureza».

#47 Polo

Este nombre masculino es proveniente de la cultura quiché. El significado es «mar».

#48 Bimorí

Bimorí es un nombre pensando para una niña. Es de origen tarahumara y quiere decir «niebla».

#49 Kinich

Este nombre proviene de la cultura maya y es ideal para un varón. Tiene un significado hermoso, pues quiere decir «rostro del sol».

#50 Nima

Nima es un nombre muy hermoso y es unisex, por lo que quedará perfecto sin importar el sexo de tu bebé. Quiere decir «grande» en la cultura quiché.

También te gustará:

  • 50 preciosos nombres para bebé que significan ‘amor’ (para niño y niña)
  • 50 nombres bíblicos para el bebé que viene en camino ¡Son realmente hermosos!

Surname Tarasco, History, Meaning, Essence, Translation into English, Declension by cases

Detailed information about the surname Tarasco. History of origin, meaning and essence of the surname, translation and correct spelling. Detailed family history.
Where did the name Tarasco come from? What is the nationality of the person with this last name? Correct spelling of the surname in English, declension by cases.
You will read more detailed information about the name Tarasco, its meaning and essence online on this page without registering and completely free of charge.


Origin of the surname Tarasco

kind of activity or other features of the descendant) or other names of the genus. In Russian surnames, most often there is a suffix -ev / -ov. This is the most popular ending.
was added if the last consonant was in the stem. The surname Tarasco could come from the nickname of the father, the name of the grandfather, the profession or craft of the family. For example
most of the Russian surnames were created in this way. Thus, it became easier to designate families of the same root.

According to Russian tradition, when a woman gets married, she takes her husband’s surname. Also, a woman may not adhere to this rule and remain with her surname, or make it double with the spelling of her maiden name and hyphenated her husband’s surname.
Children are usually given the father’s surname, but if the woman is not married or at the request of the parents, the child can take on the mother’s surname. Surname Tarasko in 61% of cases of Slavic origin, the rest 39%
testify to the origin from the languages ​​of the Russian peoples.
In any case, the Tarasco surname originated from the nickname, name, field of activity or habitat of the distant ancestors of a person in the male line.

The history of the surname Tarasco

Surnames appeared in different strata of society at different times. The history of the Tarasco surname is quite long.
For the first time, the name Tarasco was written in the annals of the clergy in the middle of the 18th century.
Often they were formed from the names of churches or parishes, or the name of the father.
Some of the clergy received a surname upon graduation from the seminary, while the best students received the most euphonious surnames that carried a positive meaning,
like, for example, the surname Tarasco. The surname Tarasco was passed down from generation to generation through the line of men (or women).

The last name Tarasco consists of 7 letters. Such a number of letters indicates that this is a man of the canons. Without a doubt, he accepts the rules inspired during his upbringing and sincerely believes in their correctness, he believes that compliance with such rules is the only way to success. Because of this, such people are often stubborn and intolerant, even if their behavior defies logical explanation. The hidden meaning and meaning of the name Tarasco can be found out after analyzing each of its letters.

The meaning of the name Tarasco

The surname Tarasco is the main element that connects a person with the outside world and the universe.
It indicates the main character traits, determines fate. The surname Tarasco hides in itself the experience that was accumulated by ancestors and previous generations.
If we turn to numerology, we can talk about the life path of the family, the merits and demerits of a person, family well-being and the character of a person with the surname Tarasco.

The formula for calculating the number of the surname: Tarasco

  • Tarasco. T + A + P + A + C + K + O
  • 2 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 7
  • Sum – 24 Next 2 + 4 = 6 They are endowed with a high level of intuition, they are constantly looking for the truth, they do not know how to compare their own capabilities with desires. They tend to complete the assigned tasks without putting it off for another day. They are demanding of themselves and those around them. They are in search of truth, but often overestimate their capabilities.
  • A – this letter is the strongest and brightest letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. The carriers of this letter in their name strive to be leaders, often fight with themselves, love change. Strive to be at the top of comfort spiritually and physically.
  • R – endowed with self-confidence, courage, can withstand external influences, very enthusiastic individuals. Prone to unjustified risk, these are adventurous individuals who are prone to unrefuted statements. Often take risks to achieve a goal, have the potential and desire to become leaders.
  • A – this letter is the strongest and brightest letter in the Cyrillic alphabet. The carriers of this letter in their name strive to be leaders, often fight with themselves, love change. Strive to be at the top of comfort spiritually and physically.
  • From – they try to come to material prosperity, they are guided by common sense. They can be irritable, greedy for power, fastidious. They have cognition, the ability to bring the work they have started to the final and come to the truth. They know their true purpose in life, they can easily adapt to new circumstances or spontaneous situations.
  • K – hardy and principled individuals, easily take on a new business and gain new skills and knowledge. People with this letter in their name know how to keep secrets. Their motto for life is all or nothing. Hardy and have firmness of mind. Sometimes they are too specific and do not use semitones when speaking.
  • About — personalities associated with this letter may experience strong feelings, strive to know themselves as best as possible. Always in search of their true destiny, they improve themselves and want to improve the world around them. They have a fairly good intuition, they know how to properly manage finances. They tend to change mood from despondency to delight.

In numerology, the Tarasco surname is assigned the number – 6 .
The numerology of the name Tarasco will help you find out the character and distinctive qualities of a person with such a surname.
You can also learn about fate, success in your personal life and career, decipher the signs of fate and try to predict the future.

Sixes are cheerful individuals who can achieve success in various areas. Fate treats them with respect and shows its favor throughout life. These are real optimists who can earn big money with minimal effort, they overcome all obstacles with a smile on their face. Luck accompanies a person in all important moments: he can be born in a poor family, but with the help of his own efforts, get into high society. These are the people who skip couples, choose the only topic they have learned in the exam, and in the casino they will be able to pull off the most unthinkable operation.

Luck keeps pace with the sixes from the earliest years. Such people get an advantage in everything: they are given the best gifts, they are able to win the heart of the most beautiful girl, they defeat rivals in gambling. Luck causes not only popularity, but also a large number of enemies. Such people are openly envied, hated and admired at the same time. The owners of this surname seem to have left the page of the most expensive glossy magazine, their clothes correspond to fashion trends, and the latest mobile device is in their pocket. These people easily support small talk, skillfully flirt with the opposite sex. But this is just a beautiful wrapper and the prejudiced opinion of others, an image is fixed for such individuals, which they must follow all their lives.

A person with such a surname is helped by his parents to build his personal life. They can give a new home, a small cottage outside the city or a cozy house. Such expensive gifts impose obligations on sixes that can weigh them down. Family life is not very important for them, but at the same time they are not indifferent to children. The lack of a well-established life is the main problem of family life. Such people find it difficult to endure the need to build their own dwelling, lengthy repairs or household work. Such individuals treat betrayals with contempt and try to remain faithful to one person. They do not like cooking, so they are happy to trust this to their soulmate.

Bearers of this surname often choose creative professions without clear deadlines and deadlines. They form their own schedule and do not carry the business style to the spirit. Such individuals can come to the office at the end of the working day and leave it early in the morning. The best professions are stylist, artist, designer, writer, journalist. They will also be able to achieve success in the business sphere, but this is most often temporary. If a person has managed to earn the first capital, he will quickly disappear due to wrong steps and strategies. Therefore, the best option would be to make money and end the business.

Responsiveness, optimism, cheerful disposition and love of life. They are able to see only the best in the worst situations, they know how to charm the interlocutor and are endowed with natural charm.

In Russian, this surname is written like this: Tarasko
If we try to translate this surname into English (make a transliteration), then we will get – tarasko

Illegibility in the preparation of your style and image is definitely inherent in you. You value convenience and quality more than fashion trends for a given period. The most basic rule for you when choosing clothes is that the outfit or suit makes the right impression on others and presents you as a person who can definitely be trusted. After all, this status in the company is very important for you.

You try in every possible way to realize your abilities and have a bright personality. This desire often determines what choice you make. There are enough abilities, which means that the methods for their implementation can be different. Therefore, you partly have to choose what is more important and priority for you. It’s good if you can focus on one thing and follow a specific goal, devoting maximum time and effort to it. It is also very bad when you are trying to keep up with several hares and do not want to give in even with a small chance of success. In this case, you risk losing everything and being left with nothing. Follow your heart, it does not take into account the external attractiveness and temptation with which the life of artistic personalities is adorned. It is it that will point you to the very path and chance, try to hear and listen to it.

You have affection and intense love. In family life and love, you are always faithful to your soulmate, often you sacrifice yourself and your own interests for the sake of your loved one for a long time. You show the same attitude towards close friends and relatives. Others miss your shortcomings, because attractiveness, charm and passion for life cross out all the disadvantages. Do not focus on the shortcomings and weaknesses of your own children, if their number is three. Try to praise them as often as possible, encourage them and help them develop their imagination. Serious and respectable people can appreciate you as an egotistical and eccentric person due to the fact that you are sometimes too talkative, especially since finding a topic for conversation is not a problem for you.

You are extremely charming, romantic, and can communicate your feelings in such a way that they do not cause a response. You feel the full taste of life and continuous euphoria when you experience true love. You always find wonderful features in each partner, and this always delights and amazes. But as soon as the relationship loses its sense of novelty, becomes obligatory and mundane, you immediately burn out and lose interest. You endure the gap quite easily, but the memories of it remain with you for a long time, as you like to analyze every little thing and detail, compare the past and the present.

Case Case question Name
Nominative Who? Tarasco
Genitive No Who? Tarasco
Dative Glad To whom? Tarasco
Accusative See Whom? Tarasco
Creative Satisfied Whom? Tarasco
Prepositional Who am I thinking about? Tarasco

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Name of Taras

Names for the letter

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Short form of the name Taras. Taraska, Tarasik, Asya, Tarasko, Tarasichok, Tarasunchik, Tarasunya, Tarasunyo, Tarasio.
Synonyms of the name Taras. Tarasius, Tarasios.
Origin of the name Taras. The name Taras is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Taras is the Russian form of the Greek name Tarasios, meaning “rebel”, “rebel”, “troublemaker”, “restless”. The ancient form of this name is Tarasius (mentioned in Orthodox calendars).

One of the variants of the origin of the name Taras is the character of ancient Greek mythology – the son of the god Poseidon and the nymph Satyrion – Tarentum. His name was later transformed into Taras, and the city and the river were named after him.

There is an opinion that the name Taras comes from the Latin word “taurus”, which means “bull”, “ox”, and this is the name of the constellation Taurus in Latin. Also, this name was given to the mountain range, the gorge between Cappadocia and Cilicia, – Taurus (Latin pronunciation “taurus”). Now in Russia the name is almost never found, although it was previously widespread – this fact is evidenced by the presence of a large number of carriers of the surname Tarasov. The name is actively used in Belarus, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and also in Ukraine.

Affectionate address Asya is also used as an independent name and is a short form of many male and female names.

From childhood, little Taras is characterized by mobility and stubbornness. He is completely uninfluenced and always does his own thing, even if he pretended to absolutely agree with everything. Usually these boys are distinguished by intelligence and various talents, but in order to realize their ideas, they lack the determination.

Taras grows up as a rather unsociable kid, and he usually has few close friends. He is always immersed in his own thoughts, silent and likes to read or watch TV in his spare time. Taras understands people quite well and can get to know the person he is interested in, but he does it as if reluctantly.

Winter representatives are distinguished by their silence and isolation. Autumn men have a very purposeful and active character. Summer Taras is also a very active and energetic man. Spring representatives with this name are the most vulnerable, they are easy to offend.

In his professional activities, Taras lacks perseverance to achieve his goals, so he often shares his ideas with people around him, since he himself cannot bring them to life. Due to lack of ambition, Taras may miss many opportunities in his career. In general, he is more suitable for the role of an executor, since he needs a leader in business. He fails to solve organizational issues when it is necessary to agree or get something. New cases scare him very much because of the potential difficulties that Taras may face.

Winter and autumn representatives with this name can work as a teacher, dentist or epidemiologist. Summer and spring men become talented coaches, translators, journalists or teachers.

Taras needs an economic and active wife in order to complement her husband, who lacks industriousness and initiative. If the wife takes care of the housework, then Taras in this case will be able to come to grips with material well-being. Often a divorced woman becomes his chosen one, and even having children does not stop Taras. He doesn’t have many bad habits and drinks quite a bit. He practically does not participate in household chores, except that they control the expenses of his wife. The main thing is that at the same time Taras should not show stinginess and pettiness.

Name day of Taras

Taras celebrates name day on February 25, March 9, March 10, March 22, May 26, June 20, August 15, October 25.

Famous people with the name Taras

  • Tarasius ((c.730 – 806) Patriarch of Constantinople from 784, revered as a saint in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches)
  • Taras Shevchenko ((1814 – 1861) Ukrainian and Russian poet and prose writer, artist. Shevchenko’s literary heritage is considered the basis of Ukrainian literature and, in many respects, the modern literary Ukrainian language. )
  • Taras Chornovil (Chornovil) (Ukrainian politician)
  • Taras Bidenko (Ukrainian professional boxer in the heavyweight category)
  • Taras Borovets (pseudonyms: Taras Bulba, Chub, Gonta, most often known as Taras Bulba-Borovets; Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the so-called Bulbovites (1908 – 1981))
  • Taras Franko ((1889 – 1971) Ukrainian Soviet writer, son of Ivan Franko)
  • Taras Bulba (Cossack colonel – the hero of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol)
  • Taras Tsarikaev (Russian footballer, defender (formerly forward))
  • Taras Shtonda ((born 1966) Ukrainian opera singer (bass), soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine, guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, People’s Artist of Ukraine (2008))
  • Taras Epifantsev (Russian theater and film actor)
  • Taras Durai (Ukrainian footballer, defender)
  • Taras Mikhalyk (Ukrainian football player, central defender of Dynamo Kyiv and the national team of Ukraine)
  • Taras Gaponenko ((1906 – 1993) Soviet painter; People’s Artist of the USSR (1976), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1947))
  • Taras Sidash ((born 1972) Russian philosopher, poet and translator)
  • Taras Fedorovich (also Taras Tryasilo, Hassan Tarassa, Gassan Trassa; hetman of the Zaporizhzhya non-registered Cossacks (since 1629), an active participant in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the rule of Poland (died around 1637))
  • Taras Khtey (Russian volleyball player, winger, captain of the Lokomotiv-Belogorye team, player of the Russian national team)
  • Taras Petrivsky (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Taras Lutsenko (former Ukrainian football player, goalkeeper)
  • Taras Yavorsky (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Taras Prokhasko ((born 1968) modern Ukrainian prose writer, one of the leaders of the Stanislav phenomenon)
  • Taras Stepanenko (Ukrainian football player)

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Taras We call him Tarik and affectionately Taryusha.

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Taras Kobets (guest)

Added on 11/17/2020 at 5:59 pm

Believe me, I’m in shock myself!

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Taras (guest)

Added on 06/18/2020 at 11:07 AM

I have had four girlfriends in my entire life so far. I am 15 years old. 😉

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Taras (guest)

Added on 08/12/2019 at 10:54 PM

Good night, friends!
My name is Taras for 39 years. I come from Ukraine, I live in Russia. I have a family: 3 children, a beautiful wife, angel children. The character is quick-tempered, but I do not hold a grudge for a long time. 19worked at one enterprise for years, went from a waiter to a deputy of one of the structural divisions, the staff of which is 3,200 people. In parallel, he took up a small hobby and organized his own business, which after 7 years became the largest in our district.

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