Dieta para tener niña: Dieta y métodos para elegir el sexo del bebé: tener una niña

Dieta para tener niña: Dieta y métodos para elegir el sexo del bebé: tener una niña

Dieta y métodos para elegir el sexo del bebé: tener una niña

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Hace unos días hablábamos del Método Baretta para seleccionar, de una manera natural, el sexo de los bebés.

Tras explicar en qué se fundamenta explicaremos qué consejos y recomendaciones es necesario seguir, según la autora, para conseguir que el próximo hijo sea una niña.

Para que el bebé sea niña, el espermatozoide que debe conseguir fecundar el óvulo es el que lleva la carga cromosómica X, para unirse con el óvulo que siempre es X, y dar como resultado la pareja cromosómica XX del sexo femenino.

Momento de la concepción

Ya dijimos el otro día que los espermatozoides con carga X son más pacientes, más lentos y sobreviven durante más días al ser más resistentes incluso en condiciones adversas.

Las relaciones sexuales deberían mantenerse hasta 48 horas antes de la ovulación, momento en que deberán interrumpirse. De esta manera los espermatozoides X quedarán “esperando” al óvulo mientras los Y, que mueren más rápidamente, irán desapareciendo.

Para conocer el momento de la ovulación se pueden usar diferentes métodos que ya hemos explicado en Bebés y más, por ello no me extenderé.

Se trata de los métodos sintotérmico, en que se controla la temperatura de la mujer de manera diaria hasta observar un pico de temperatura que equivale al día de ovulación (y hacerlo dos o tres meses antes de la búsqueda de la niña para conocer los ciclos y anticiparse a la ovulación), y Billings, en que se valora el moco cervical, que es variable según el momento del ciclo.

También se puede valorar mediante tests de ovulación. La recomendación es utilizar al menos dos métodos a la vez para asegurar lo máximo posible el día de la ovulación.


Comentamos también que el espermatozoide con carga X es más resistente en medios ácidos. Para favorecer que el medio en que se encuentren espermatozoide y óvulo sea ácido la mujer debe controlar su alimentación durante al menos tres meses antes de la concepción.

Hay mujeres que, por el tipo de alimentación que tienen (rica en Calcio y Magnesio), favorecen la fecundación de bebés niñas y otras en cambio favorecen que sus hijos sean niños (con una alimentación rica en Sodio y Potasio).

Otras mujeres tienen un tipo de dieta bastante neutro que no llega a favorecer a unos ni a otros y que tienen probabilidades similares de tener hijos o hijas.

Por lo tanto para favorecer que el sexo del futuro bebé sea niña la mujer tendrá que comer alimentos ricos en Calcio y Magnesio:

  • Leche o yogur y quesos blandos sin sal.
  • Avellanas o almendras.
  • Verdura de hoja (frecuentemente).
  • Repollo, coles, zanahoria, cebolla.
  • Huevos (dos o tres a la semana).
  • Tomate cocido.

Y evitar consumir (o comer muy poco) los ricos en Sodio y Potasio:

  • Fruta fresca (sólo cítricos y no a diario).
  • Tomate fresco, berenjenas, patatas, pimientos.
  • Legumbres.
  • Sal en las comidas.
  • Aceitunas.
  • Pan.
  • Carne y pescado (máximo 130 g al día de uno u otro).
  • Envasados, latas y sopas industriales.
  • Comidas no caseras.
  • Bebidas con gas o alcohol.
  • Café y té.

En el libro ¿Niño o niña? Ya puedes elegir de la autora podréis obtener más información al respecto que puede ayudar a llevar a cabo el Método Baretta con más probabilidades de éxito.

Si lo lleváis a cabo, tened en cuenta que sólo hay una oportunidad y que el método no es 100% fiable, es decir, cabe la posibilidad de que vuestro próximo hijo sea varón a pesar de seguir estas indicaciones (aunque la autora habla de una fiabilidad cercana al 98%, si todo se hace según las pautas comentadas).

En próximos días veremos los consejos sobre la alimentación y el momento de concepción para tener niños.

Más información | Instituto Abif, Mad, Preview del libro en Google Books
Foto | Flickr ((be·holder) Taking a small break)
En Bebés y más | Elegir el sexo del bebé con el método Baretta, Elegir el sexo del bebé con dieta previa al embarazo, La alimentación previa al embarazo puede influir en el sexo del bebé, Escoger el sexo del bebé


  • Embarazo
  • Concepción
  • Óvulos
  • fecundación
  • Método de billings
  • Sexo del bebé

Dieta para quedar embarazada de una niña

El Método Baretta es una técnica basada en la alimentación de la madre antes del embarazo. El método, que está desarrollado por la bioquímica argentina Adriana Baretta, defiende que se puede elegir el sexo del bebé en función de los cambios que una dieta produce en el moco cervical de la mujer, de una forma natural, durante sus días fértiles.

De acuerdo con el libro ¿Niño o Nina? Ya puedes elegir (2006) el consumo así como el equilibrio adecuado de algunos minerales, como es el caso del Sodio, Calcio, Magnesio y Potasio, puede favorecer a la concepción de un niño o de una niña.

Según el método Baretta, existen algunos alimentos que pueden influir en el metabolismo de la mujer y ayudarle a concebir una niña.  El consumo de determinados alimentos en abundancia y la reducción de otros puede ayudar a las madres a tener una niña. Estos cambios en la alimentación deben hacerse antes de la fecundación, para modificar el metabolismo de la mujer y hacerlo más receptivo a los espermatozoides X (femeninos).

El método se centra en la consistencia del moco cervical de la mujer, el medio conductor de los espermatozoides en su camino hacia el óvulo. Los espermatozoides macho (con carga Y) son más rápidos, más pequeños y numerosos, con lo cual llegan antes al óvulo aunque viven menos tiempo. Les favorece el medio alcalino y a los espermatozoides hembra, el salino.

Mediante la dieta se puede modificar ese medio, es decir, una proporción elevada de calcio y magnesio en la dieta, acompañada de una disminución del sodio y el potasio, favorece el medio ácido en el moco cervical, lo que beneficia a los espermatozoides X, es decir, la concepción de una niña.

Para concebir un niña, la bioquímica Alejandra Baretta, aconseja que la mujer siga la siguiente dieta:

– Alimentos ricos en Calcio y Magnesio. Evitar los alimentos ricos en Sodio y Potasio.

– El pescado, así como la carne de buey, cordero, ternera, conejo y cerdo (congelado o fresco, ahumado o salado), aportan mucho Calcio y Magnesio. Se sugiere unos 30 gramos mínimos de carne al día.

– Leche y derivados de la leche (quesos, yogures, batidos, etc. ) pueden ser consumidos diariamente. Unos 150 ml, aproximadamente, al día.

– Consumir frutas, por lo menos unas 3 piezas al día porque aportan Magnesio y Calcio. Cerezas, fresas, naranjas, mandarinas, piñas, pomelos… frescos o congelados.

– Consumir por lo menos dos porciones de verduras y legumbres al día. Aportan mucho Magnesio y poco Sodio. Los espárragos, la lechuga, los guisantes, zanahorias, pimientos, calabacines y otras, son muy recomendables, desde que sean frescas y no congeladas ni enlatadas.

– El Magnesio también se puede encontrar en los cereales. En el pan, en el arroz y en la pasta. Se recomienda consumirlos con la mínima cantidad de sal.

– Se debe evitar los embutidos, las pastillas de caldo, enlatados de pescado azul (por su alta cantidad de sal), como también la soja, el cacao, la cebolla y la miel (ricos en potasio).

IMPORTANTE: es necesario considerar que este tipo de dieta solo debe seguirse durante un par de meses antes de la concepción y bajo estricto control médico. Cualquier modificación de la dieta de este tipo debe realizarse bajo la supervisión de un médico.

Puedes leer más artículos similares a Dieta para quedar embarazada de una niña, en la categoría de Quedar embarazada en

Diet for children | Family Clinic A-Media

Diet for children should not be a forced measure, a solution to the existing problem of excess weight or obesity. By adhering to a balanced nutrition system from the moment the child switches to “adult” food , you can avoid not only the need for weight correction in the future, but also many other diseases.

It is known that in the first two years of a child’s life the foundations of his health, metabolism and even eating habits are laid. Thanks to a balanced diet in infancy, growing children and adolescents get sick less, including chronic diseases.

Breastfeeding plays a major role during this period of baby’s development. Breast milk, rich in vitamins and microelements, contributes to the harmonious growth and development of the baby during this period. Subsequently, children and adolescents who have been breastfed in the past are less likely to be overweight and obese.

WHO recommends:

  • First breastfeeding within the first hour after birth
  • Exclusive breastfeeding is very beneficial until at least 6 months of age and beyond
  • From 6 months to 2 years (and older), breastfeeding should be combined with the introduction of safe complementary foods
  • Encourage and initiate active movement for infants and young children.

School-age children and adolescents should:

  • limit calories by reducing fat and sugar
  • offer your child more fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains and nuts less than one hour per day).

If the child is slightly overweight, these recommendations are enough to bring the body weight back to normal.

But what to do? if from the very beginning it didn’t work out with proper nutrition and the weight of the child reached a critical point? A key aspect of children’s weight loss diet is safety . The diet must be introduced gradually, its initial task should be to “freeze” the existing weight and only then reduce it. You can also consult a specialist for the treatment of childhood obesity.

Features of diet for children for weight loss

The diet must be present : lean meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, cereals, bakery products. It is advisable to divide the entire daily diet into 4 meals.

Breakfast should be 25-30% of the daily meal, snacks 10-15%, lunch 40-45%, and dinner 15-20%. Foods containing a large amount of protein are best consumed during breakfast and lunch. For dinner, it is recommended to include vegetables and cereals.

Also during this period it is extremely important to establish healthy eating habits in the child:

  • eat food at a certain time
  • eat fractionally, satisfyingly, but without overeating
  • eat foods that promote growth and development.


Healthy breakfast consists of whole grain porridge boiled in milk with fresh fruits or vegetables, dried fruits such as dried apricots and raisins or berries. Also, the first meal may consist of an omelet or scrambled eggs, pancakes and cottage cheese dishes.


It is best to offer your child fresh fruit or a sandwich, cottage cheese casserole, pancakes or pancakes. Milk and its derivatives are recommended as drinks: kefir, bifidok, fermented baked milk.


Light soup with lean meat or broth, and for the main course – boiled or stewed fish, meat or poultry dishes. A fresh vegetable salad. Dessert is juices recommended for baby food, fruit and berry purees, jelly, jelly.


Dinner includes vegetables and complex carbohydrates – oatmeal with raisins, vegetables (stewed) and boiled potatoes, vegetable salad.

Additional recommendations

Fast food, mayonnaise dressings and sauces should be excluded from the diet as much as possible (preference should be given to low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt), muffin. From sweets it is better to choose marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. This does not mean that if a child goes to a birthday party, he will be forced to sit on the sidelines from his peers and dejectedly chew a salad with steam cutlets. As in any nutrition system, errors are permissible, it is important that the “belly holiday” is a rare occurrence, otherwise all work will go down the drain.

Do not forget that all dietary recommendations for children are general. In order to choose an individual nutrition program to combat overweight or any of the degrees of obesity, you need to consult with an endocrinologist or nutritionist.

biography, roles and films, photos, personal life

Nina Grebeshkova lived with Leonid Gaidai for 40 years. Did she love her husband? She admits: she appreciated and respected, but she does not like the word “love”. 29November Nina Pavlovna turns 92 years old. We will tell you how she lived next to the genius, why she herself changed light bulbs and repaired the Zhiguli, and how the actress lives today.

Olga Moiseeva


The marriage of Nina Grebeshkova and Leonid Gaidai at first caused surprise, and then the people around realized that they had an ideal family. Nina gave in, protected and helped, arranged life, created conditions for creativity. Gaidai – created. What was on the mind of the director’s wife? How did she feel seeing her husband blossom at the sight of attractive women?

Contents of the article

Wanted to become a teacher

Nina Grebeshkova was born in 1930 in Moscow, her father worked as a painter, her mother was a dressmaker. The Great Patriotic War began, her father went to the front, and Nina, an already exemplary schoolgirl, began to study even better: she decided to become a primary school teacher. But innate artistry inexorably made its way through modesty and diligence. And once the poet Vladimir Lugovskoy, the father of her friend Masha, advised Nina to try to become an actress. Nina was surprised: such a thought had never even crossed her mind. I was even more surprised when she was admitted to VGIK, because there was a competition there – more than a thousand people per place! And literally immediately she began acting – she was invited to the film “Brave People”. The role was small, but all the neighbors instantly began to consider Ninochka a star.

Scout Gaidai

At the time when the girl Nina was studying at school, somewhere on the other side of the earth, in Mongolia, her future husband was serving. The Great Patriotic War was already underway, and he was sent to go round for the front of undersized Mongolian horses. He sat on such a horse, and his long legs dragged along the ground. Everyone laughed … Then Gadai filmed a similar episode in “Prisoner of the Caucasus” – Shurik rides a donkey. One day a military commissar came to the unit and took Leonid to intelligence. Once, heading for the “tongue”, a young scout stepped on a wire from a mine. He was lucky he survived. But, as the doctors told him, he would have to say goodbye to his leg: the wound was very serious. Five times he went to the operation. But the leg was still saved: after the surgeon found out that Leonid wanted to become an actor, he did everything possible to avoid amputation. And yet the wound worried Gaidai until the end of his life.

“Let’s get married!”

They met at the institute. Grebeshkova recalled that she was shy and afraid of him: she was only 17 years old, he was much older, a front-line soldier, a Stalinist scholar … She was afraid to say something wrong. They didn’t talk about any love. Just once, after a late rehearsal, Gaidai volunteered to take her home. The road was long, they were cold and tired, but Nina was very interested with him: he talked about Mongolia, about funny horses… And the next day he also went to see her off. And again, and again… So they “seeed off” all winter, and then Gaidai said: that you and I kept walking and walking, let’s get married! And Nina, appreciating the witty “joke”, agreed: come on! And then I forgot about it. But Gaidai was serious. He asked Nina to bring her passport. And they actually registered the marriage.

Hammered nails, cooked soups, changed light bulbs

Nina’s mother was not happy: her son-in-law got a lot of illnesses, she was worried, she told her daughter, – they say, you want a baby, what if the patient is also born sick? But over time, she fell in love with Leonid Iovich, cooked oatmeal jelly for him – he suffered from stomach ulcers, he needed dietary meals. And Nina quickly got used to cooking soups, traveling with her husband on expeditions to monitor his food there, take care of him, and wash shirts. He himself was completely unsuited to life. I couldn’t even change a light bulb, I couldn’t even drive in a nail. Nina Pavlovna learned to do all this. In order not to distract her husband from creativity. And repairs, and cottages, and the rest of life – everything always lay on her fragile shoulders.

“I let him do everything”

Sometimes she asked her husband if she put on a new dress. He replied timidly: good. And he added: Ninok, you yourself understand that you are ugly. And when the wife was offended, he explained: she has a lot of other virtues, she has no need to pretend to be a beauty. At the same time, he was very jealous, although he never said it out loud. But Nina Pavlovna was not jealous of him. In an interview with 7 Days, the actress said: “He was a very obliging person. Very decent. Did he cheat on me? It didn’t interest me. And he, I think, too. Although he was very enthusiastic. He loved all his heroines – he enjoyed the eccentricity of Selezneva, the charm of Varley … And I was not jealous, but as if I fit into his shoes. I allowed him everything. Whether he used it, I don’t know.”

Once, at some reception, Gaidai admired a beautiful, slender ballerina. And Nina suddenly felt: she sincerely wants him to feel good! Almost motherly. She approached the ballerina, showed him Gaidai and said: this man wants to invite you to the dance, but is shy, please invite him yourself. And then she admired, watching how her husband’s face glowed with admiration, how he looked at the girl.

Earned money for an apartment

Nina Grebeshkova acted a lot without refusing any roles. For a long time she was the main “earner” in the family. It didn’t bother her at all. When the opportunity arose to buy a cooperative apartment, she left to film at the Kazakh film studio – they paid more there, and earned money for the first installment. For Gaidai, all this was unimportant – conditions, furniture, repairs … Even when he had serious money, he did not appreciate it – he could, as Grebeshkova said, lose large sums in cards or a “one-armed bandit”, he was a very gambler.

She reproached him, but he did not understand: so what, let’s earn more! True, when scarce imported Rozenlev refrigerators came into fashion, Leonid Iovich bought such a refrigerator: “Here, Ninok, let you also have it so that you don’t need anything!” For himself, he never asked for anything: neither titles nor awards. According to Nina Grebeshkova: “He did not understand why an artist needs a title at all. How can you ask them? He raised me that way too, to some extent. If you deserve it, you will. And I won’t bother myself.”

He felt guilty before his wife

Friends were surprised: why does he take pictures of his wife so little in his films? But this did not offend Nina Pavlovna at all: she was already a very popular actress. Already before his death, Leonid Iovich suddenly said that he was very guilty before his wife. She was alarmed: would she really start talking about “male sins”? Why, she’s not interested at all… But Gaidai suddenly continued: I took pictures of you very little. Grebeshkova just laughed: Gaidai had 18 films, and by that time she had starred in 60! And after Gaidai passed away, they continued to shoot her a lot: after all, Nina Grebeshkova always knew how to embody any image on the screen, to make even a small role interesting and bright.

“Pangling tender feeling”

They lived together for forty years. Nina Pavlovna dreamed of a big family, but went to meet her husband: she gave birth to only one child, daughter Oksana. Gaidai believed that children would distract him from creativity. Nina didn’t argue. She raised her daughter, went with her and her husband to filming expeditions … Then the daughter grew up, got married, and became a mother herself. And Gaidai loved to mess with his little granddaughter Olya, fed her, played with her… Grebeshkova repeated more than once: she was happy, she had the best husband, she had the best daughter. But to the question of the journalists of the publication “7 days” – did she love Gaidai? – answered: “I understood that he was unique. One of a kind. And “love”… I don’t like that word. It doesn’t include everything. You can love borscht. Or coffee. Or falling snow. I had something else. Such a tender tender feeling.

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