Nombre de aran: Nombre Aran | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

Nombre de aran: Nombre Aran | Instituto de Historia y Heráldica Familiar

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Idescat. Noms dels nadons. Noms més freqüents dels nadons

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Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya

  • Noms dels nadons


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Noms més freqüents dels nadons. 2021
Pos. Sexe Nom freqüència
0001 D JÚLIA/JULIA 8,25
0002 H MARC 443 7,68
0003 H NIL 436 7,56
0003 H POL 436 7,56
0005 H JAN 425 7,37
0006 H LEO 424 7,35
0007 D MARTINA 7,24
0008 D MIA 408 7,07
0009 D EMMA 403 6,98
0010 D LUCÍA 386 6,69
0011 H ÀLEX/ÁLEX 381 6,60
0011 H PAU 381 6,60
0013 D SOFÍA/SOFIA 6,26
0014 D ONA 353 6,12
0015 H MARTÍ 351 6,08
0016 H BIEL 341 5,91
0017 H HUGO 331 5,74
0018 H LIAM 328 5,68
0019 D MARIA/MARÍA 5,67
0020 H ERIC/ÈRIC/ÉRIC 321 5,56
0021 H BRUNO 304 5,27
0022 H MATEO 295 5,11
0023 H ARNAU 293 5,08
0024 D LAIA 292 5,06
0024 D PAULA 5,06
Font: Idescat, a partir de l’estadística de naixements.
Nota: el ‰ ha estat calculat sobre el total de nascuts vius a l’any i en el lloc de residència seleccionats.
Nota: Només es mostren els noms de freqüència igual o superior a 4.

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Lloc de residència

CatalunyaBarcelonaGironaLleidaTarragonaMetropolitàComarques GironinesCamp de TarragonaTerres de l’EbrePonentComarques CentralsAlt Pirineu i AranPenedèsAlt CampAlt EmpordàAlt PenedèsAlt UrgellAlta RibagorçaAnoiaAranBagesBaix CampBaix EbreBaix EmpordàBaix LlobregatBaix PenedèsBarcelonèsBerguedàCerdanyaConca de BarberàGarrafGarriguesGarrotxaGironèsMaresmeMoianèsMontsiàNogueraOsonaPallars JussàPallars SobiràPla d’UrgellPla de l’EstanyPrioratRibera d’EbreRipollèsSegarraSegriàSelvaSolsonèsTarragonèsTerra AltaUrgellVallès OccidentalVallès Oriental

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Nombre Aran

Has llegado a esta página web porque pretendes conocer más acerca del nombre Aran. Aran es un nombre de persona que posiblemente ha llamado tu atención por alguna causa. Los nombres de persona como Aran, son aquellos que identifican a un individuo del resto, proporcionándole una personalidad. Junto con el apellido o los apellidos, el nombre Aran contribuye a que una persona sea distinguida y única en el seno de su comunidad.

El nombre Aran en el mundo

El nombre Aran quizá te ha resultado interesante porque consiste en un nombre típico en el país en el cual resides. O quizás sea todo lo opuesto ¿Es Aran un nombre exótico en el lugar donde vives? Seguro que te has detenido a meditar sobre el hecho de a que número de personas el nombre de las cuales sea Aran conoces. En este sitio web es posible para ti descubrir en qué lugares del planeta Aran es el nombre de persona más popular. Y indudablemente, puedes indagar a qué país deberías viajar si te llamas Aran y aspiras a que te reconozcan por tu nombre único en ese sitio.

Países con más personas que se llaman Aran en el mundo

Si estás pensando en Aran como nombre para tu futuro bebé, pero sientes interés por averiguar si se trata de un nombre común en el planeta, has llegado al sitio indicado. Hoy en día, a causa de las nuevas tecnologías y la globalización, estamos más conectados que en cualquier otro momento de la historia. Por esa razón tienes que pensar bien el nombre de tu futuro bebé. Posiblemente que si llamas a tu bebé Aran, más adelante, cuando sea mayor, tenga que tener relaciones con gente de otros países del mundo ¿Será común Aran en esos otros países? En este sitio web te ofrecemos la posibilidad de averiguar en qué países es Aran el nombre de persona más típico.

El nombre de persona Aran en el mapa

  1. Tailandia (7302)
  2. India (5448)
  3. España (2287)
  4. Indonesia (1400)
  5. Estados Unidos (719)
  6. Inglaterra (615)
  7. Filipinas (484)
  8. Malasia (383)
  9. Arabia Saudí (233)
  10. Brasil (218)
  11. Pakistán (197)
  12. Australia (183)
  13. Tanzania (170)
  14. Canadá (146)
  15. Países Bajos (116)
  16. Irán (97)
  17. Taiwan (89)
  18. México (84)
  19. Rusia (79)
  20. Turquía (74)
  21. Zambia (72)
  22. Nueva Zelanda (51)
  23. Irlanda (46)
  24. Suecia (46)
  25. Azerbaiján (34)
  26. Uganda (31)
  27. Papúa-Nueva Guinea (29)
  28. Gales (27)
  29. Sudáfrica (27)
  30. Venezuela (24)
  31. Kenia (23)
  32. Zimbabue (22)
  33. Nigeria (21)
  34. República democrática del Congo (21)
  35. Ucrania (17)
  36. China (17)
  37. Alemania (16)
  38. Escocia (14)
  39. Irlanda del Norte (13)
  40. Nicaragua (13)
  41. Trinidad and Tobago (12)
  42. Bielorrusia (11)
  43. Benin (10)
  44. Finlandia (9)
  45. Corea del Sur (9)
  46. Noruega (7)
  47. Honduras (7)
  48. Singapur (7)
  49. Emiratos Árabes Unidos (6)
  50. Armenia (6)
  51. Kazajstán (5)
  52. Italia (5)
  53. Santa Lucía (4)
  54. Sri Lanka (4)
  55. Malawi (4)
  56. Yemen (4)
  57. Japón (4)
  58. Kirguizistán (4)
  59. Argentina (3)
  60. San Vicente y las Granadinas (3)
  61. Bosnia y Herzegovina (3)
  62. Bélgica (3)
  63. Camboya (3)
  64. Dinamarca (2)
  65. Liberia (2)
  66. Francia (2)
  67. Albania (2)
  68. Granada (2)
  69. Hong Kong (2)
  70. Perú (2)
  71. Paraguay (2)
  72. Suiza (2)
  73. Chile (2)
  74. Colombia (2)
  75. Eslovenia (1)
  76. Somalia (1)
  77. Estonia (1)
  78. Afganistán (1)
  79. Marruecos (1)
  80. Antigua y Barbuda (1)
  81. Montenegro (1)
  82. Mauricio (1)
  83. Angola (1)
  84. Austria (1)
  85. Uruguay (1)
  86. Níger (1)
  87. Ghana (1)
  88. Grecia (1)
  89. Guyana (1)
  90. Burkina Faso (1)
  91. Panamá (1)
  92. Croacia (1)
  93. Bulgaria (1)
  94. Bolivia (1)
  95. Israel (1)
  96. Polonia (1)
  97. Iraq (1)
  98. Qatar (1)
  99. Islandia (1)
  100. Congo (1)
  101. Rumania (1)
  102. Serbia (1)
  103. Jamaica (1)
  104. Camerún (1)
  105. Seychelles (1)
  106. Sudán (1)
  107. Costa Rica (1)
  108. Kiribati (1)
  109. Cuba (1)
  110. República Checa (1)
  111. Utiliza nuestro mapa para visualizar de forma rápida y visual los datos íntegros que requieres para saber en qué países Aran se usa comunmente, y en qué países se trata de un nombre exótico. Este mapamundi interactivo está conectado a una base de datos que se actualiza de maneraregular, con información actualizada sobre los nombres de persona de todos los países del mundo. Si tu nombre es Aran, alguien de tu familia tiene como nombre Aran, estás rumiando ponerle Aran a un personaje de tu guión televisivo, o es el nombre escogido para tu futuro bebé, cerciorate de cuánta gente más en el mundo puedes encontrar con ese nombre de persona, y cuál es el país en que se encuentran.

name meaning, Azeri male name

The meaning of the name Aran is: self-possessed, cold-blooded.

Origin of the name Aran: Azerbaijani names.

Aran: character, strengths and weaknesses

The name Aran symbolizes abundance, everything here points to material wealth and financial success. Thanks to natural magnetism, as well as ambition and determination, Aran can easily take a leading position. Aran applies thinking big to expand his abilities and capabilities, climbing to the top of any career ladder to reach heights unthinkable by others. However, with great power comes great responsibility, which, on the one hand, gives rise to workaholics, and on the other hand, is fraught with the danger of falling into excessive lust for power and mercantilism. However, these negative qualities can be negated if Aran tries to use his success to help others, since there is nothing more valuable than a contribution to the common good.

See also male and female compatible names with the name Aran.

Aran Name Number

The name number eight (8) helps to achieve success in the largest undertakings and enterprises, providing financial independence to its owner. Natural industriousness and efficiency do not give people with the name Aran peace – having barely completed one successful project, they start another. The number eight (8) for the name Aran is an indicator of high status and a stable financial position, which attracts fans and admirers to them, and by no means external attractiveness or sexuality . ..

Stones for the name Aran: amethyst, apatite, beryl, verdelite, heliodor, hematite (bloodstone), garnet, pearl, coral, labradorite, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian, onyx, rhodonite, sapphire, carnelian, tourmaline, uvarovite, chalcedony, chrysolite, zircon, spinel, jasper.

Planet: Saturn.

Signs of the Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Pisces.

More details: the number of the name Aran is 8

Lucky years for the name Aran: 1907, 1916, 1925, 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006, 2015, 20334. More details: names of the year.

The meaning of the letters in the name Aran

A – personifies loneliness and closeness, but at the same time Aran has self-sufficiency and earthiness, as well as energy to accept everything new and start new things.
R – indicates a developed spirituality, energy, independence and independence, the ability to discern the main thing. Aran seeks active actions, often adventurous and risky.
H – symbolizes confidence, developed intuition, the ability to withstand pressure from outside. Aran is the face of protest and a critical approach to reality.

Latin translation of the name Aran


See also: phonetic analysis of the name Aran.


The name Aran: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name Aran mean? What does the name Aran mean? What does the name Aran mean to a person? What is the meaning of the name Aran, the origin, fate and character of the bearer? What nationality is the name Aran? What is the translation of the name Aran? How to spell the name Aran? Compatibility with the name Aran – a suitable color, amulets, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a complete description of the name Aran and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Contents of the interpretation of the name

Analysis of the name Aran

The name Aran consists of 4 letters. Four-letter names speak of intelligence and practicality. Such people are distinguished by calmness and poise, which always makes the most favorable impression. The same applies to their appearance – nothing pretentious, screamingly tasteless. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Aran, one can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • R – resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • N – a sign of rejection of reality as it is; desire to achieve spiritual and physical health. The work shows diligence. Dislike for work, not causing interest. The presence of a critical mind and a categorical rejection of routine work. Inability to relax in society, constant tension and doubts.
  • The meaning of the name Aran in numerology

    Numerology of the name Aran can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Aran in numerology is 8. The motto of the name Aran and eights in life is: “I am the best!”

    • The patron planet for the name Aran is Saturn.
    • The sign of the zodiac for the name Aran is Leo, Scorpio and Pisces.
    • Stones-talismans for the name Aran – calcite, cinnabar, coral, dioptase, ivory, black lignite, marcasite, mika, opal, selenite, serpentine, smoky quartz.

    “Eight” as one of the numbers of the numerological core is an indicator of the dominant principle, practicality, materialism and indestructible self-confidence.
    “Eight” in the numbers of the name Aran – the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance – is, first of all, the ability to confidently handle money and secure a stable financial position.
    Leaders by nature, 8s are incredibly hardworking and hardy. Natural organizational skills, dedication and extraordinary mind allow them to achieve their goals.
    The Man of Eight resembles a safe, it is so difficult to understand and decipher it. The true motives and desires of the Eight with the name Aran are always hidden from others, it is difficult to find common ground and establish easy relationships. Eight is well versed in people, feels the character, recognizes the weaknesses and strengths of others. She likes to control and dominate in communication, she herself does not admit her mistakes. Very often he sacrifices his interests in the name of the family. Eight is reckless, loves non-standard solutions. In any profession, he achieves a high level of skill. This is a good strategist who is not afraid of responsibility, but it is difficult for the Eight to be in the background. Aran learns quickly, loves history, art. Able to keep other people’s secrets, by nature a born psychologist. You can please the Eight only with trust and open communication.

    • The influence of the name Aran on the profession and career. Optimal options for professional self-realization of the G8 – own business, managerial position or politics. The final choice often depends on the initial assumptions. For example, it depends on who the dad is – a senator or the owner of a fashion studio – what the number 8 means in choosing a particular occupation in life. Suitable professions: financier, manager, politician.
    • Influence of the name Aran on personal life. The number 8 in the numerology of relationships turns a life together or marriage into the same commercial enterprise as any other. And in this case, we are not talking about a “marriage of convenience” in the generally accepted sense of this expression. Eights have a strong-willed character, great energy and authority. Once disappointed in a person, they will make huge demands on the next partners. Therefore, they are important to those who simply come to their aid without further ado. They fit units, twos and eights.

    Planet patron of the name Aran

    The number 8 for the name Aran means the planet Saturn. People of this type are lonely, they often face misunderstanding from others. Outwardly, the owners of the name Aran are cold, but this is just a mask to hide their natural craving for warmth and well-being. Saturn people do not like anything superficial and do not make rash decisions. They are prone to stability, to a stable financial position. But even though they manage to achieve all this, but only with their sweat and blood, nothing comes easy to them. They are constant in everything: in relationships, in habits, in work. By old age, the bearers of the name Aran are most often financially secure. Among other things, they are stubborn, which contributes to the achievement of any goals. These people are punctual, prudent in the good sense of the word, careful, methodical, hardworking. As a rule, people of Saturn subjugate, and do not obey themselves. They are always faithful and constant, you can rely on them. Harmony is achieved with people of the second type.

    Zodiac signs of the name Aran

    The following zodiac signs are suitable for the name Aran:

  • Zodiac sign Leo for the name Aran. People born under the sign of Leo and with a name for the name Aran, creative, like to dominate in work and in life, go to success, not lingering on the sidelines. Name holders for the name Aran hate any restrictions. Lions Aran are demanding of themselves, picky about their appearance, so they pay a lot of attention to it. They try to make a favorable impression on people, they like to please. Sign of the zodiac Got in favor with Leo – consider yourself lucky. You will be praised, taken everywhere with you (to show off) and taught manners – the aristocrats are still the same. But swearing with Leo Aran is not recommended: they are sharp-tongued and will not climb into their pocket for a word. In five minutes, you will be standing with red cheeks from anger and indignant, why the hell does he dare to talk to you like that? Moreover, Leo will not lie – he will say little, clearly and to the point. With a nasty grin. So you yourself will remain to blame for depression on the topic “where my life is heading”. Creepy egocentric owners of the name Aran – love compliments, be the center of attention and gifts (although they prefer the word “offerings”).
  • Zodiac sign Scorpio for the name Aran. Scorpions named Aran love to live, as they say, to the fullest, extremely reckless, prone to addictions, categorical. People named Aran are more often distrusted and create a tragedy from scratch. The innate intuition of Scorpios made them excellent psychologists and natural manipulators. The owners of the name Aran cannot live without love and vivid emotions, so as soon as they part with one partner, they immediately find another and drag him on a roller coaster – restaurants and movies for wimps. At the same time, they simply adore themselves, they know how to count money and remember what every ruble of their salary was spent on. Hidden to the point of impossibility: they will start talking about themselves three years after the wedding, not earlier. They do not like to chat, they are more often silent than they attract attention. You can’t leave them near Aries for a long time – together they will come up with such adventures for their fifth points that everyone will have to rake.
  • Zodiac sign Pisces for the name Aran. Those with the name Aran are dreamers. In their fantasies, a Fish named Aran has long conquered the world, prevented global warming and eradicated hunger on the planet, but in real life they are not interested – everything is boring, insipid and generally unworthy of their royal attention. Fish named Aran are terrible liars, and it is almost impossible to catch them in a lie. People with the name Aran have no remorse, so they are not going to repent and confess. And you believe them, looking into their big and honest eyes. It is impossible to offend Pisces named Aran – they will suffer for a long time, dreary and with pleasure. If everything goes well in life, Pisces Aran begins to have manic thoughts about the coming nightmare, because it cannot be perfect. In everyday life, Pisces Aran are unpretentious, balanced, able to hide feelings and often manipulate other people. Vanity and commercialism are not inherent in the water sign, they know how to work, but do not strive for fame.
  • Color of the name Aran

    Pink color of the name Aran. Named people wearing pink are reserved and good listeners, they never argue. Although they always have their own opinion, which they strictly follow. It is impossible to hear criticism of others from the bearers of the name Aran. But people with the name Aran always evaluate themselves critically, which is why there are frequent emotional gains and depressive states. They are wonderful family men, because it is impossible not to love them. The positive character traits of the name Aran are philanthropy and sincerity. The negative character traits of the name Aran are depression and criticality.

    How to spell the name Aran

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is Aran. In English, the name Aran can have the following spelling – Aran.

    Video meaning of the name Aran

    Do you agree with the description and meaning of the name Aran? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Aran have? What famous and successful people with the name Aran do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the name Aran in more detail with the visitors of our site in the comments below.

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