Significado nombre valeria: SIGNIFICADO DE VALERIA

Significado nombre valeria: SIGNIFICADO DE VALERIA


El nombre de Valeria es sofisticado y puede hacernos pensar que es un nombre pijo, aunque realmente no tiene por qué y eso se debe más a su relación con todo lo relacionado con Roma. Veamos el origen y significado del nombre Valeria, cómo son las mujeres que tienen este precioso nombre y muchas cosas más.

Índice del nombre

  • 1 Que significa el nombre Valeria
  • 2 Personalidad de Valeria
  • 3 Personajes importantes con este nombre
  • 4 Algunas curiosidades sobre Valeria
    • 4.1 Onomástica o santoral
    • 4.2 Origen del nombre Valeria / etimología
    • 4.3 Diminutivos
    • 4.4 Numerología aplicada a Valeria
  • 5 Valeria en otros idiomas

Que significa el nombre Valeria

El significado de Valeria es «La mujer Sana y valerosa» es la forma masculina del nombre Valerio. Este nombre proviene del latín «Valere» que se entiende como «Ser fuerte, Valer, Valiente…».

Personalidad de Valeria

Valeria es una persona que nunca se está quieta, de hecho, la podríamos considerar como una persona hiperactiva. Siempre la verás haciendo de todo y, además, haciéndolo a la vez para intentar ahorrar tiempo y conseguir terminarlo en el menor tiempo posible.

También se adapta con facilidad, lo que la hace ser alguien que puede estar perfectamente ejerciendo cualquier tipo de profesión porque es capaz de adaptarse a lo que sea. No le importan las dificultades y será una persona con la capacidad de ir a cualquier parte del mundo e integrarse con diferentes culturas gracias a esto.

Es impaciente, y eso es algo muy relacionado con su hiperactividad. Le gustan las cosas «aquí y ahora» y no es de las personas que vaya a estar esperando que otros hagan las cosas por ella, ya que esperar no es su fuerte y preferirá hacerlo por ella misma. Además, si se plantea hacer algo, lo hace, porque es muy cabezota y sea cual sea la dificultad de sus objetivos los acaba cumpliendo.

En el plano de la amistad, Valeria le da a cada quien lo que se merece. Es decir, si alguien la trata mal ella la trata mal; por contra, si alguien la trata bien pues le trataron super bien, ella es así con sus amigos. Además, es una persona muy franca y se preocupa mucho, por los que considera sus amigos de verdad.

En el amor puede ser a veces algo desconfiada y tener demasiada prisa por hacer muchas cosas, algo que viene muy marcado en su personalidad. Sobre todo, no soporta la impuntualidad en una pareja, por lo que olvídate de hacerla esperar en su casa o tenerla haciendo cosas que no le gustan durante demasiado tiempo.

Por otro lado, ella necesita sentir que es el centro de atención, Lo que puede hacer que Valeria sea algo celosa con su pareja; pero no es de preocuparse es de esas celosas que enamoran más.

Aun así, cuando consigue abrirse es comprensiva y si decide que eres la persona elegida, no dudará en darlo todo por ti porque hacerte feliz será uno de sus objetivos, y ya sabemos que a Valeria le gusta cumplir sus objetivos sea como sea.

Personajes importantes con este nombre

La más famosa Valeria de la historia es Valeria de Milán, una santa de la Iglesia Católica que supuestamente vivió en torno en el siglo I o en el III, ya que todavía no se sabe exactamente. Su historia la convirtió en otra mártir de la Iglesia y, como suele ocurrir con todos los mártires, está rodeada de tristeza.

Valeria era la mujer de San Vital, un oficial del ejército romano que fue asesinado en Rávena (Italia). Cuando volvía hacia su ciudad natal (Milán) con el cadáver de su marido, su carro fue atacado por unos paganos que intentaron hacerla rechazar su fe en Dios y hacerla rezar a los dioses romanos, aunque sin éxito.

Eso provocó que fuera detenida y torturada por los soldados romanos y hasta se dice que murió en el Coliseo junto a otros creyentes de la fe cristiana, aunque la teoría más creíble dice que murió por un golpe de aquellos paganos que la capturaron por no venerar a los dioses paganos.

En cuanto a personajes actuales tenemos a:

Valeria Lukyanova

Es una modelo ucraniana, muy famosa por su gran parecido con la famosa muñeca barbie, de hecho, la llaman la «Barbie humana».

Pero contrario a lo que se cree, logra este aspecto utilizando lentes de contacto y maquillaje, en cuanto a su cuerpo alega que es producto de ejercicio y una dieta sana. Por otro lado, también tiene una carrera como DJ y ya ha lanzado dos álbumes.

Valeria Golino

Es una directora y actriz italiana nacida en el año 1986, a pesar de ser muy conocida en Italia, ganó mucha fama mundial por su participación en la película ganadora de Oscar «Rain Man».

Su debut como directora fue en dirigiendo la película «Miele». En cuanto a premios ha sido galardonada con un David Di Donatello, Copa Volpi y un Nastro D´argento.

Valeria Marini

Es una diseñadora y actriz italiana. Alcanzó mucho reconocimiento en la década de los 90. Su debut en el cine fue en la película «Bámbola» interpretación que la posiciono como una sex-symbol de esa década en Italia.

Su trabajo más reciente fue en 2008 cuando publicó su autobiografía en la que cuenta muchos detalles calientes de su vida privada y artística.

Valeria Mazza

Es una empresaria y modelo argentina, nacida en el año de 1972. Considerada una de las modelos más importantes de Latinoamérica y de la argentina.

Pero su éxito no va ligado solo al modelaje, también hay que destacar que ella es la embajadora de las olimpiadas especiales y madrina del hospital Universitario Austral. Como empresaria es dueña de la marca de perfumes VM Beauty. Se sabe que esta casada con Alejandro Gravier y tiene 4 hijos.

Valeria Lynch

Es una actriz y cantante argentina, nacida en el año de 1952. Considerada un de las 5 mejores voces de todo el mundo según el New York Times, incluso dicen que con su portentosa voz hace que las paredes tiemblan.

Ha tenido mucha participación en la televisión siendo la intérprete de las canciones principales de muchas novelas y presentando algunos programas.

Algunas curiosidades sobre Valeria

Valeria, además de ser un nombre de persona, es un nombre que se usa habitualmente para nombrar ciudades, habiendo hasta cuatro en el mundo con este nombre. Existe una Valeria en Cuenca (España), en Argentina, en Córdoba (Argentina) y en Iowa (Estados Unidos).

Onomástica o santoral

28 de abril: Santa Valeria de Milán.

Origen del nombre Valeria / etimología

Valeria es un nombre femenino cuyo origen proviene del nombre masculino Valerio, y que es de origen latino. El significado de este nombre es «sano», «valeroso» o «capacitado», siendo por ello un nombre muy usado durante la época romana.

Valerio, en España fue muy utilizado tanto como nombre y como apellido. De este nombre se tienen registros como apellido en la forma Valero en los años 1248. Además, en roma era usado como distinción para las familias importantes.


Su único diminutivo conocido es Val, aunque a algunas Valeria se les llama también Vali.

Numerología aplicada a Valeria

Su número de la suerte es el 1.

Valeria en otros idiomas

  • Valeria en inglés: Valerie
  • Valeria en portugués: Valéria
  • Valeria en ruso: Valeriya
  • Valeria en croata: Valerija
  • Valeria en checo: Valérie
  • Valeria en esloveno: Valerija
  • Valeria en polaco: Walerian
  • Valeria en árabe:  أراد
  • Valeria en chino: 瓦莱里娅
  • Valeria en coreano: 발레
  • Valeria en japonés: ヴァレリア
  • Valeria en griego: Βαλέρια
  • Valeria en hebreo: ולריה

Aprende sobre más significados de nombres…visita la categoría de nombres que empiezan con V y encuentra más información sobre nombres en este mismo sitio web.

Véase también cuales son los nombres de niños y niñas más populares en España.

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Significado del Nombre Valeria ▷ TODOS LOS DETALLES!!

A pesar de que el nombre de Valeria haya bajado su frecuencia estas décadas, no deja de ser un nombre eufónico y hermoso. Y ahora verás por qué: si estás pensando en ponérselo a tu bebé, a continuación te contamos el cuál es el significado de Valeria, así como todos los detalles sobre su origen.

Tabla de contenidos

  • 1 ¿Qué significa el nombre Valeria?
    • 1.1 ¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?
    • 1.2 ¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral de este nombre?
  • 2 ¿Qué mujeres famosas se llaman Valeria?
  • 3 ¿Sabes pronunciar Valeria en otros idiomas?
  • 4 ¿Cuál es la personalidad y el carácter de Valeria?

¿Qué significa el nombre Valeria?

Valeria significa «Valentía», por lo que evoca a una persona decidida, que se lanza a conseguir todo aquello que desea, y que por muchos temores que tenga, nada ni nadie podrá pararla. Es un nombre que comparte etimología con otro muy bonito, Valentina.

¿Conoces su etimología y su origen?

Las raíces de Valeria se remontan a la lengua latina, varios siglos atrás, concretamente al término valere.

¿Cuándo se celebra el santoral de este nombre?

El santo de este nombre femenino tiene una fecha muy marcada, el 28 de abril, aunque también puedes escoger otros días, como el 8 de octubre o el 14 de marzo.

¿Qué mujeres famosas se llaman Valeria?

Existen algunas chicas que alcanzaron la cima de su carrera y sus padres les pusieron este nombre:

  • Valeria Ros es una famosa humorista nacida en España.
  • La reputada blogger e influencer Valeria Liopvetsky.

¿Sabes pronunciar Valeria en otros idiomas?

La mayoría de nombres tienen un montón de traducciones en otras lenguas, y éste no iba a ser una excepción:

  • Si viajas a Portugal, te encontrarás con Valéria.
  • Si paseas por alguna calle de Francia, probablemente te topes con Valérie.
  • Los japoneses le llaman バレリア, que en nuestro alfabeto se escribe Bare Ria.
  • Los ingleses y los americanos le llaman Valerie.

Y si vas a tener un niño, puedes llamarle Valerio.

¿Cuál es la personalidad y el carácter de Valeria?

Ahora vamos a centrarnos en la personalidad de Valeria, una persona que se caracteriza por su energía y dinamismo. Siempre necesita tener algo entre manos, estar ocupada para no venirse abajo. En parte es una virtud, ya que puede llevar a cabo muchos proyectos a la vez. Sin embargo, también puede ser un defecto, porque de vez en cuando esta tensión constante puede agobiarle.

Por lo tanto, Valeria es muy propensa a estar buscando nuevos objetivos que le mantengan activa, nuevos sueños que cumplir. No soporta la monotonía, no puede estar de brazos cruzados ni parar a respirar más de lo necesario porque empezarían los agobios. Y esto hay que entenderlo para congeniar con ella, ya que los más sosegados pueden entrar en conflicto con ella.

Su nombre le incita a no posponer nada siempre que lo pueda hacer hoy. Para sentirse feliz consigo misma, necesita terminar todo lo que pueda cuanto antes, evitar que se le acumulen tareas para el día siguiente. Pero tantas revoluciones al final pueden hacerle mella física y emocionalmente. Y por si fuera poco, cuando se encuentra entre problemas los intenta resolver ella sola, sin pedir apoyo a nadie, ya que si lo consigue esto acaba reforzando su autoestima y su orgullo. Eso sí, si alguien le pide ayuda, ella estará encantada de ofrecérsela.

En cuanto a sus relaciones sentimentales, Valeria no es de esas mujeres que les gustan los rollos de una noche, ya que lo carnal no le sirve para crecer como persona. Ella necesita a un hombre que le complete, con quien se sienta a gusto, a quien entregarse por completo. Y una vez lo encuentra, no desiste hasta haberle enamorado, porque sabe que su felicidad se encuentra junto a él.

En el trabajo, Valeria es una de las personas más productivas que conocerás. Sabe exprimir cada segundo al máximo para obtener el mejor rendimiento y por lo tanto, grandes resultados. Por eso, su equipo a veces se quedará perplejo de cómo puede ir tan rápida en todas sus tareas, y muchos de ellos le tendrán bastante envidia de cómo sus capacidades le hacen escalar más rápido que a ellos. Pero no hay que confundirse, no es que quiera ser mejor que nadie, simplemente no puede respirar ni un momento. Así es su personalidad.

Más nombres:

  • Diana
  • Guadalupe
  • Nicole

Y hasta aquí el significado del nombre Valeria. En caso de que te haya ayudado a decidirte, antes de marcharte te animo a que veas muchos más nombres con la letra V que pueden gustarte aquí.

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Vilma Medina

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The meaning of the name Valery (Lera), its origin, character and destiny of a person, forms of address, compatibility, etc.

Valeriya is a cheerful and energetic woman. She is responsible, takes all matters seriously, setting an example for others. Very organised. In emergency situations, the girl is able to sensibly assess the situation and make a decision in a matter of minutes. She does not tend to make hasty decisions, she carefully plans further actions, thinking through all the nuances. nine0003


  • Origin of the name

  • Forms named after Valery

    • Table: name in different languages ​​

    • Patronymics, which are combined with this name

    • Nickname options for social networks

  • Patron saints of Valeria, name day

  • Characteristics and influence of the name

    • How the name affects the character of the child

    • teen Lera

    • How the name affects the character and fate of the adult Valeria

      • Talents and Hobbies

      • Valeria in career and business

      • Health

      • Love and marriage of Valeria

      • Table: compatibility with male names

    • Significant years of life

    • Table: name matches

    • The meaning of each letter in the name

  • When Valeria was born

    • Table: horoscope name

  • Photo gallery: famous Valeria

    • Video: Valeria – “Love and Pain”

Origin of the name

The female name Valeria has Latin roots. It comes from the Latin word valeo, which means “strong”, “healthy”, “strong-willed”. Some researchers believe that the name is the female form of the male Valery. nine0003

In ancient Roman chronicles, where they talk about the reign of emperors, the male name Valerius is often found.

Valeria’s family name is Valentina. This word also comes from the Latin valeo.

Forms of the name Valery

Name abbreviation:

  • Lera;
  • Lerka;
  • Valya;
  • Valera;
  • Waka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Lerochka; nine0010
  • Lerusya;
  • Lerouch;
  • Valyusya;
  • Lerunya;
  • Valesha.

When writing poems about a girl named Valeria, you can use the following rhymes: empire, superstition, mystery, artery, artillery.

Valeria – the full form of the name Lera

The church name is Valeria.

Passport transliteration – Valeriia.

Table: name in different languages ​​

nine0161 Valeria

Language Spelled Reading
English Valerie Valerie
Chinese 瓦列里娅 Valelia
Korean Ballelia
Japanese バレリア Bareria
Arabic Faliriya
Yiddish וואַלעריאַ Valeria
Greek Βαλέρια Valeria
Spanish, Italian, German Valeria Valeria
French Valérie Valerie
Polish Waleria Valeria
Hungarian Valeria Valeria
Serbian Valeria
Ukrainian Valeria Valeria
Belarusian Valery Valery

Patronymics, which are combined with this name

The following patronymics are most harmoniously combined with the name Valery:

  • Valerievna;
  • Gennadievna;
  • Leonidovna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Evgenievna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube, an account on Instagram and other social networks, Lera can use the following nicknames:

  • lera;
  • va_leriya;
  • valery;
  • lerik;
  • valera.

Patron saints of Valeria, name day

Saint patronesses of girls with this name:

  • Valeria African;
  • Valeria of Milan;
  • Valeria of Caesarea;
  • Valeria Limozhskaya. nine0010

One of the most famous saints with this name was Valeria of Caesarea. The Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea was canonized in ancient Christian times. With her like-minded people, she adopted the Christian faith and preached it to people. The girl was repeatedly subjected to severe torture, demanding that Valeria of Caesarea accept paganism. But this did not break her faith in Jesus Christ.

Holy Martyr Valeria is the patroness of girls with this name

Lera celebrate name day:

  • March 31;
  • April 28;
  • May 6;
  • July 6, 7 and 20;
  • December 9th.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities:

  • fidelity;
  • purposefulness;
  • honesty;
  • eloquence;
  • patience;
  • love of life;
  • frankness.

Negative qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • skepticism; nine0010
  • waywardness;
  • envy;
  • timidity.

How a name influences a child’s character

From birth, Lera gets used to the fact that parental attention belongs entirely to her. Mom spoils the baby very much, because of this she grows wayward and capricious. He does not get along well with his siblings, whims and complaints are trying to win back the love and attention of their parents from them.

The girl is very stubborn, she always knows how to get what she wants. Lera is rather lazy, cleaning the room is the last thing she will undertake of her own free will. The girl believes that there are activities that are much more interesting than the tedious shifting of things from place to place. But if she undertakes to restore order, she will do it perfectly. The baby loves bright fashionable things, can spin for a long time at the mirror, admiring her reflection. nine0003 Little Lerochka loves to dress up and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.

She is a very talented girl. Lerochka likes to take part in school creative competitions and attend all kinds of educational circles. Studying is hard for the girl, although she is diligent and diligent. Due to inattention, Lera herself complicates her path to success. In the team, she always tries to establish justice. In moments of failure, she becomes upset, offended and abandons unfinished business, which she started with enthusiasm. Lera is a sincere, friendly girl. A true friend, able to come to the rescue in difficult times. However, she has an unstable nervous system and often changes her mood. nine0003

Adolescent Lera

At a transitional age, Valeria becomes more sensitive, and her unpredictability sometimes puts others on guard. The girl often draws conclusions without understanding the situation properly, often gives in to feelings and gets into awkward situations. Lera’s character is difficult, but those who have the patience to cope with it will be able to find a sincere and faithful comrade.

Lera tries to overcome difficulties, studies diligently, carefully chooses a higher educational institution for herself. She quite intelligently makes plans for her future profession. nine0385 Having set a goal, the girl confidently goes to its realization. At this age, she has little interest in males. Valeria devotes most of her time to self-development and the learning process. Relationships in her life appear only if romantic dates do not interfere with preparing for a future career.

For teenage Valeria, it is not romantic relationships that are more important, but studies and plans for the future.

This is a purposeful, attentive and prudent girl. It is sometimes difficult for Lera to establish friendly relations in the team, as she hostilely perceives criticism addressed to her. She is quite straightforward, succumbing to feelings, can offend a person. Valeria does not tend to work on her mistakes, so you should not expect an apology from her. nine0003

How the name affects the character and fate of the adult Valeria

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the emotional coloring of the name speaks of the wide worldview of its owner. Such a girl is distinguished by her love of life and the desire to achieve high goals. But Valeria’s waywardness is capable of destroying everything she has worked so hard for. She often acts, relying only on her own beliefs and principles. Lera likes to dream, she is not particularly interested in household chores. When the bearer of such a name is in a good mood, the work burns in her hands. She does not like to do the same thing twice, so she tries her best to do everything right the first time. nine0003

Boris Khigir claims that Valeria has a difficult character. She is capricious, unpredictable, prone to frequent mood swings. Literally any little thing can anger or upset a girl. A person who manages to make friends with Leroy is aware of her vulnerability and sensitivity, hidden under irritability and the desire to constantly defend her point of view. The owner of this name is distrustful of people.

Valeria is distrustful of people, but the person who still manages to make friends with Lera is aware of her vulnerability and sensitivity

According to Pavel Ruzha, Valeria is a strong-willed, reasonable and receptive woman. She is used to an active lifestyle. Even when choosing a profession, Lera considers those areas of activity that make it possible to travel, spend working time on the move. He likes to act as an organizer of social events or the founder of creative associations. This girl is ambitious. She often breaks down if things don’t go her way. Valeria is a friendly and hospitable hostess. In any company, she feels confident and comfortable. The owner of this name is very successful, and often not so much in her career as in her social status. nine0003

Talents and hobbies

Valeria is well-rounded, very talented. She always has a lot of ideas in stock, which she can implement not only in her professional activities, but also at home. Such a girl does not have an interest in the exact sciences, she is mostly interested in the humanities. Lera can perfectly prove herself in the study of foreign languages.

The bearer of this name likes to prepare various culinary masterpieces, especially when she is in a good mood. She has a lot of books in her library, from which the girl chooses the most delicious recipes, delighting her family and friends with delicious dishes. nine0003 Valeria doesn’t like doing household chores, but enjoys creating culinary delights

Valeria in her career and business

Valeria is characterized by responsibility, perseverance and patience. Whatever profession she chooses, the process itself, and not profit, will be most important for the girl in the first place. If the owner of such a name does not enjoy work, she will not be able to reveal her potential in business and in most cases she will prefer to change her place. Professions are perfect for Lera:

  • caregivers;
  • seller;
  • teachers;
  • journalists;
  • cooks, confectioners.

The bearer of this name can prove herself well in entrepreneurial activity. Valeria is an excellent conference conductor and knows how to successfully close important deals. She skillfully uses her knowledge of psychology and dialogue. In most cases, the contracts concluded by Leroy are successful and profitable.


Valeria is not particularly prone to any diseases. But she needs to watch her diet and move more, as such girls tend to gain extra pounds. Also, in the absence of proper rest, problems with the nervous system may arise.

To keep Lera in good shape, it is important to move more

Valeria’s love and marriage

Not every man is able to withstand Valeria’s character. To win her heart, you should be patient. Such a girl prefers strong, strong-willed and purposeful representatives of the stronger sex. And if he manages to win her love with long courtship, then Lera will answer her chosen one with devotion, care and tenderness. nine0003

Intimacy is important for Valeria. Her desires are almost impossible to predict. Either she acts as a passionate angry panther, or she shows indifference to her chosen one. Since the owner of this name prefers variety in sex, in her youth she often gives in to impulse and often changes partners.

Getting married, Lera listens to her inner voice. It is very important for her how the chosen one treats her and what feelings she has for him. Such a girl will definitely marry for love, as she is a great opponent of arranged marriages. nine0003 Not every man is able to withstand the character of Valeria: in order to win her heart, one should be patient.

Valeria can become a wonderful housewife, a caring and wise wife. She furnishes her home with taste. Lera also pays special attention to raising children, trying to instill in them the best qualities. From her husband, she wants to receive mutual understanding and devotion. True, such a girl is very domineering, often takes control of her husband. Because of this, conflicts and misunderstandings can arise in the family. nine0003

Table: compatibility with male names

nine0161 Both partners are independent, show their leadership qualities in the family. They have similar beliefs and characters, but this does not give stability. If the spouses learn to yield to each other, then their union can be strong and durable.

Sergey In this union, spirituality, not material values, comes first. They do not conflict over the well-being of the family, they prefer to enjoy spending time together. The couple has a lot in common, but there is no stability in the relationship, and they do not strive for this. Partners respect and love each other, what else is needed for family happiness?
Eugene In these relationships, the feelings and intimate preferences of the spouses play an important role. If the extravagant Valeria and the prudent Eugene fail to discern other qualities in each other, then their union will soon fall apart. The spouse will constantly express his dissatisfaction with the housekeeping. If Eugene can come to terms with the shortcomings of his wife, he will receive a caring, attentive and affectionate wife. nine0162
Dmitry Although a bright spark of passionate feelings may flare up between Dmitry and Valeria, most likely, it will quickly lose its brightness. Both spouses are purposeful and freedom-loving people. A man in this relationship takes the initiative and wants to build a family, but Valeria does not share his zeal. Because of this, conflicts often arise.
Andrew The relationship of the couple is bright and passionate. But just on an intimate connection, a strong family cannot be built. Valeria and Andrei in marriage try to show their leadership qualities, but the stubbornness of both often leads to quarrels. Usually such a union does not have a happy future. But if the spouses learn to understand each other and begin to solve all problems mutually, it is quite possible that their marriage will be very successful. nine0162
Alexey An idyll reigns in the family of Alexei and Valeria, they perfectly understand and support each other in any endeavors. They can become excellent business partners, as their relationship is built on mutual devotion, respect and trust. In the wife, the girl appreciates courtesy, restraint and pragmatism. Such a union can last a very long time, as the husband and wife complement each other.
Vladimir A wonderful couple with an excellent sense of humor. They are interested in spending time together. Valeria and Vladimir set high goals for themselves and through joint efforts, overcoming all obstacles, achieve what they want. They practically do not have conflicts, they discuss all contentious issues in a peaceful atmosphere at the family table. nine0162
Igor The couple is very harmonious. Spouses are connected not by sexual attraction, but by spirituality. They arrange surprises for each other, everyone knows well the preferences of their soul mate. Igor and Lera are very creative. There is never a dull moment in their family. Communication is also strengthened by a feeling of sincere and mutual love.
Oleg This family is not used to relying on luck. The couple decide their own destiny. They have no illusions about the future, all their aspirations are quite real. Valeria and Oleg are slowly but productively paving a difficult path to the goal, overcoming all obstacles. nine0162
Yuri Such a marriage cannot last. Both partners are freedom-loving and independent individuals. Each does not consider it necessary to tell the other about his affairs. This couple does not have joint plans, both separately try to create better conditions for themselves. Ultimately, due to the fact that it is pointless to live together in the future, such an alliance breaks up.
Roman Lera’s frivolity and uncertainty often annoy Roman. During the first meeting, her lightness and innocence fascinated the man, but in family life these qualities become more like shortcomings than virtues. Since Roma wants to see a faithful companion of life nearby, disagreements and scandals will be frequent in the family. nine0162

Significant years of life

Important years of Lera’s life:

  • 18;
  • 19;
  • 20;
  • 27;
  • 30;
  • 34;
  • 38;
  • 44;
  • 50;
  • 63;
  • 67.

Songs about girls with this name: Valeria by Valery Meladze, Valeria by the Aramis group.

Table: name matches

Feature Meaning Influence
Planet Mercury Such people tend to show cunning, agility, activity. There is an ability for foreign languages. Often they work as correspondents, politicians or marketers.
Zodiac sign Leo For these people, it is extremely important to be in the spotlight, to receive praise and approval in their address. It is extremely important for them what others think of them, so they always try to show themselves in the best possible light. Strive to be first in everything. nine0162
Element Water They always rely on their inner instinct, and it never fails them. These people carefully think through their actions and anticipate all possible winning and losing situations. There is no problem for them that they cannot solve.
Number 8 Extraordinary thinking, very quick-witted. They are characterized by purposefulness, they have a persistent, strong-willed character. In an emergency, they are able to think calmly and make informed and reasonable decisions. These people are very good-natured, with a sensitive heart. They are able to do good deeds not only for themselves and their loved ones, but also for outsiders who need help. nine0162
Color Violet Have a penchant for psychology and philosophy. Sensitive natures, able to feel the emotional state of people. Loving, in a relationship guided only by feelings. Negative character traits are waywardness and selfishness.
Spirit animal Horse Symbol of wisdom, clear mind, movement. A figurine with a horse is able to help out of any trouble, gives energy to life and brings prosperity. nine0162
Wood Chestnut The personification of wisdom, care and intuition.
Plant Peony Symbolizes eternal youth, prosperity and happiness. It is believed that the peony is able to heal. So, tincture from the roots of this plant relieves stress and helps to find a healthy sleep.
Stone Pomegranate Symbol of fidelity, love, friendliness. They believe that the pomegranate is able to reconcile the warring and strengthen family ties. nine0162
Metal Aluminum Represents peace and tranquility. Serves as a talisman for finding the right acquaintances and building relationships in society.
Auspicious day Tuesday
Unfavorable day Thursday
Season Spring

The meaning of each letter in the name

B — optimism, sociability, sincerity, attentiveness. Always surrounded by male attention, but, as a rule, she has strong feelings for only one person all her life.

A – purposefulness, energy. Such a girl is prone to continuous self-development. Shows initiative when interested. Always strives to be the first in everything.

The first letter of the alphabet adds purposefulness and energy to the girl’s character

L – creative and talented, has a delicate taste, understands art. Always in search of beauty. nine0003

E – often imposes his opinion on others. Often such a girl remains alone, not understood by society. But it doesn’t upset her. She is sociable, always finds topics for conversation. Seeks to be universally recognized. Dreamy, striving for goals that are understandable only to her alone.

R – quite prudent, able to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Needlewoman. In communication, she shows courtesy and patience, but only if she is not touched to the quick in a conversation. nine0003

I — spiritually enlightened. Has refined manners. It has its own unique style not only in clothes, but also in manners of expressing thoughts. Negative qualities – incredulity, straightforwardness, irascibility.

I know my worth. Such a girl needs constant sources of inspiration. Strives to gain universal respect.

Seven letters in the name means that Valeria is a girl who adheres to the established rules. She sincerely believes that only this will lead to happiness and success. Because of this desire to strictly comply with the laws of society or company, Lera often shows stubbornness and excessive intolerance. nine0003

When Valeria was born

Winter Valeria is very quick-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to a depressive state. Sometimes the perception of a girl is so dramatic that many people stop taking her anxieties seriously. Lera, born in winter, charming and temperamental, has a special charm. She has high self-esteem and will never allow herself to be offended.

Valeria, who was born in winter, is very quick-tempered, frequent experiences can lead her to a depressive state

Spring Valeria is a wayward, sometimes selfish woman. Intractable, always true to her convictions. She often imposes her opinion on others, because of this she has almost no friends. A girl born in the spring knows how to achieve what she desires most by cunning and manipulation.

Summer Valeria is mercenary, not devoid of cunning, always prudent and prudent. Achieves goals at any cost, especially if he sees in it personal gain or satisfaction. She almost never thinks about her actions, she is ready to stubbornly go over her heads in order to get what she wants. nine0003

Autumn Lera is well-mannered, patient, she has excellent manners. Calm, always finds a competent and coherent answer to any question. She does not show her emotions in public, she is calm and focused. Valeria, who was born in autumn, does not develop relations with men very well, her coldness repels the representatives of the stronger sex.

Autumn Lera can answer any question, does not show her emotions in public, calm and focused

Table: name horoscope

nine0161 Charming, with delicate taste and excellent manners. Always surrounded by men. Very homely, most of the time she devotes to family and friends. She values ​​constancy in work and family life. However, sometimes it can drop everything and go on a trip.

Sign of the Zodiac Characteristic
Aries Innocent and always positive-minded, responsibly approaches the execution of any business. Has the makings of a leader, always aware of important events. Very charming and graceful. She knows how to create unique images that so attract men to her. But just the feelings of Lera-Aries are not enough, she is characterized by commercialism.
Taurus Restrained and prudent. Values ​​constancy. Even if she feels discomfort, she will rather accept than decide to change something in her life. Patient and assiduous, she easily copes with monotonous work. Creativity and creativity in Lera-Taurus is completely absent. Slow but responsible. Whatever he undertakes, he will do everything conscientiously. For this, she is respected by colleagues and close people. nine0162
Gemini A playful, graceful, energetic woman with an excellent sense of humor and excellent manners. Everything is handled with extraordinary ease. Seeing Leroux-Gemini, you might think that everything is always wonderful with her, since she can find good moments even in the saddest situation. He is not shy about making fun of colleagues and making fun of himself. Negative qualities – windiness, fear of making difficult decisions.
Lion Secretive and silent, treats everything with suspicion. Doesn’t like to talk about himself. In her dreams, she is a heroine who conquers everyone and bathes in glory and applause. Sometimes he envies the success of his friends. Talking about any events from his life, he can slightly embellish. nine0162
Virgo Calm, delicate, well-mannered. Applies his creativity in work activities. Open and sociable, easily converges with people, establishes strong friendships. Her communication skills help to actively move up the career ladder. He knows how to persuade people to his opinion, does it easily and unobtrusively.
Scale Charming and sympathetic, positive. He takes on all matters with a twinkle, but quickly loses interest in work and most often does not bring it to the end. Elegant woman. Her eloquence and demeanor attracts the stronger sex. nine0162
Scorpion Temperamental woman. Often points out to people their shortcomings, but she herself is not at all perfect. He is extremely hostile to criticism in his direction. Very short-tempered. He tries to always be in the center of important events.
Sagittarius Emotional, explosive woman. Valeria-Sagittarius is able to wind up with a half turn, and her anger is difficult to pacify. She does not admit her own mistakes, her behavior is sometimes devoid of morality. In men, he appreciates courtesy, an analytical mindset and social status. nine0162
Capricorn Strict, distrustful. Constantly dissatisfied with her personal life and the society in which she is. He is very wary of communicating with people, being wary of betrayal. Because of this, difficulties arise even with people who sincerely want to help her. He takes any criticism with hostility.
Aquarius Freedom-loving, witty. He puts his whole self into his work, sparing neither time nor effort. For her diligence, Leroux is valued at work. Quite secretive, does not like to talk about her personal life. In men, he appreciates a sense of humor, perseverance and resourcefulness. nine0162
Fish Creative, charming and graceful. A workaholic, he always sets high goals for himself, which he stubbornly implements. Interesting and creative person. She can only be interested in a purposeful and as extraordinary a man as she herself.

Photo gallery: famous Valeria

Valeria Lanskaya – Russian actress


Lera Kudryavtseva – TV and radio presenter
Valeria – singer
Valeria Tsvetaeva – writer
Valeria Savinykh – Russian tennis player
Valeria Sokolova is a Russian model

Video: Valeria – “Love and Pain”

The meaning of the female name Valeria promises many important qualities to the bearers. Among them are a large number of authority, self-sufficiency, the ability to adapt, self-confidence, the ability to defend a point of view, creativity and fantasy, greed, inability to control one’s own emotions, capriciousness and resentment, eloquence and talkativeness. From the bearers of this name, as a rule, excellent humanists are obtained: philologists, lawyers, lawyers, and not only. Also, Valery usually has a hidden creative potential, which is confirmed by the presence in today’s stage of a huge number of famous personalities with this name. nine0003

In general, it is quite difficult to say what this or that Valeria should be, because, firstly, this name has a very unstable energy, according to experts, and secondly, astrological symbols influence it too much: the sign of the Zodiac , year according to the eastern calendar and not only.

Virtues and positive traits : sociability and sociability, justice and honesty, eloquence, imagination and creativity, initiative, diligence, the ability to notice what others do not notice, the desire to develop and improve. nine0003

Valeria has a bad attitude towards people with bad imagination, tedious, boring and sad. And Valeria also avoids communicating with people with a reputation once tarnished. If a person has already been seen once in a lie or self-interest, then she will definitely not communicate with such a person.

Character named after Valery

The nature of the name Valery is such that throughout life the bearer of this name bestows unpredictability in actions, restlessness, committing many rash acts and a bunch of mistakes in assessing people. The character of the lady named so is complex in all respects without exception – it may seem that behind her kindness and decency lies a vulnerable and good-natured nature, but in fact this is not so. She is capricious, does not like when something does not work out, likes to impose her opinion on others, and does not tolerate when they argue with her, such is her character. nine0003

And the nature of this name also promises many other qualities, among which are the inability to adapt to what is happening around, unwillingness to listen to other people’s desires and ideas, excessive activity and the inability to convince her of anything. Although, again, this is just a theory, and it can change, depending, for example, on the season of birth of the girl named Valery’s name form.

nine0106 The fate of the name Valery

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Valery in relationships with men, in love, in marriage, and in personal relationships, everything is complicated here. Not only is fate in this case unpredictable, as well as the nature of the bearer of this name form, plus Lera does not tolerate when they try to manipulate her, which most men actually love to do.

Another big minus that promises fate – Valeria does not know how to trust men, she does not obey them, even being married to her beloved, secretive, too distrustful, and this can irritate the opposite sex. Although, on the other hand, if someone can instill confidence in her, then she will open herself completely and completely, devote herself to that person, and moreover, she will do everything to ensure that her soulmate is happy. nine0003

And the last moment – the fate is such in this case, which implies an ambivalent attitude towards family life. For example, Valeria can become a wonderful, responsible, serious, reliable mother and faithful wife, but she will never allow her husband to put all family and household chores on her. Four walls and everyday life, this is not for her – she needs adventures, new experiences, otherwise she will begin to fade and eventually think about betrayal. Such is the fate…

nine0106 Valery’s compatibility with male names

The question of the compatibility of the name Valery with male name forms is very complex and conceals many interesting factors, some of which have long been unraveled by researchers in this field …

It turned out that the best connection in feelings is formed in a pair with such as Akim, Ostap, Taras, Fedor, Andrey, Kazimir, Yermolai, Pankrat, Panteley. nine0003

But in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, problems can be observed, even despite all the advantages of the named nominal form of Valery of the girl. She is a romantic person, she has many fans, but her main mistake is idealizing potential partners, which usually leads to unexpected disappointments, suffering, and betrayal.

nine0106 Astrological symbols named after Valery

  • Talisman stone – Emerald and Garnet.

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